My little pet black cat Shadow is very sick & not eating. She is very skelital. We took her to the
vet yesterday. She's negative for feline aids & lukeimia.
The big blood tests won't be back until today in the late afternoon & then we'll
know what's wrong. (It's been soooo hard waiting... *sobs*)
Were hoping it's only an infection. They gave her anti-biotics & a vitamin b-12 shot. if it's not that though it's kidney or liver faliure. And we'll have to say goodbye. *cries* *sobbing* She's acting a little better after the shots but still not eating. Were praying & hoping that
she'll be okay. She's back to drinking on her own & going to the bathroom again.
I've had her since 2nd grade.... she's always been there for me no matter how sick or in pain I was she's help me by making mischief as always and that would distract me from my pain. And she'd spend time with me all those years alone sick in bed & unable to sleep she was always up at night too & we'd play & I'd pet her.
I was like 7yrs old when I got her & she was only a outdoor cat for a month and now she might be dying... *sobbing* It's not fair!!! The vet said that it doesn't matter what caused it but that just being outside at all damaged her inmune system... *crying*
I don't understand...
She's never been sick before in her entire life!! But she's a real fighter & very brave with a strong will to live. When she was just a few yrs old she crawled up into one of our roomates car & when she turned the car on it skined Shadow alive... she almost died. She had to live in a cage for a very long time. I was little & didn't understand why everyone thought she would die. I would come home from elementry school each day & sit next to her cage & pet her through the bars talking to her & even trying to 'spring her from her jail' only to have the adults chase me away. I was young & didn't understand why I couldn't take her out & pet her.
But my mom nursed her back to health even after everyone else besides me had given up on her & told us to put her to sleep. Mom saved her life. Shadow pulled through stronger then ever she grew her skin & fur back & went back to normal completely! Her will to live, strength & braviry was incredible and still brings tears to my eyes! All are hopes, prayers & hard work paid off & she was better then ever! It was inspiring! She's always been a fighter even taking on bullys (cats, stray dogs & even people who would bully me or the other cats) to protect her familly, I've seen her attack others after they would hurt me or the other cats. She's very loyal. And very protecive of her familly. If someone hurt us & she was there or heard cries she'd run in imidiently and hurt them right back untill they backed off & left. Then she'd come back & mew at us or give licks to Buddha or Sasha. (The 2 others cats. Buddha may he rest in peace. *sob*)
She's so amazinly brave & if she could do all of that then she can pull through right? She's never been your run of the mill fat house cat she's always been very skinny & musular because she worked off all her food running around like a maniac at all hours of the day & night & hunting for food even when indoors. (I once saw her hunt a loaf of bread on a friends plate!) Playing non-stop even when no one else wanted to play anymore. Even though she was a runt of the litter & very small all her life she's done all of that & more! She's never let anything hold her back! So even though she's so bony now it's not like she went from super fat (Like Sasha) to how she is now. She was always skinny, told the vet that. I just want her to be okay! I've been praying all the time for her! And both me & my Mom have been spending as much time with her as we can talking to her & petting her! *crying* I just want her to be ok.
Update: This morning she's eating a tiny bit on her own without us force-feeding her!
These are pictures of my beloved Shadow. Please pray for her!