Madame Balrog
Community Member
Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 @ 09:33pm
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 @ 07:57am
Meh, it doesn't pertain to me
Well, things have been going on that don't really matter to me.
I really wish I could go off to art school now. I also wish I could at least not take any sciences. SCIENCES! I do not want to take physics, ugh, I hate math. I detest is with most of my being. In that, I hate algebra.
Art art art, art is my life. I love art, even the areas I'm not good at, I still love to look at it in wonderment and appreciation. Twisted thing, dark things, I love it all, but I don't like wannabe art. I don't like it when people copy, unless it's for the sake of animation. And if it's a crappy copy with a ton of shading I want to devour it, take a laxative and s**t it out in diarrhea form. I don't appreciate the effort it took to copy it. I like drawing pictures of one taken with a camera.
I guess I don't put anything important here. All the cool stuff goes on my LJ, too bad you'll never find it, bitches.
smilies are obnoxious. like this one: rofl
Madame Balrog
Community Member
Madame Balrog
Community Member
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 @ 01:28am
Hah. I updated
So yeah, I have like a live journal. It's awesome, but only a few people read it and you know what, I'm actually cool with that stare . I'm not really sure what's going on sometimes. It's more of a "he said she said" thing. I don't know of it's true. I don't know what the ******** I did. Overbearing? Yes, I'd say so. How bitter. Bitter bitter bitter. Bitchy. WHAT THE HELL DID I DO!?I mean, Christ on a bike!
Where are my friends? I need to find my friends, everyone is not around because of the holidays. Tomorrow is Christmas EVE. OH MY FARKING GOAD.
I want to have a gothic lolita tea party! GIRLS! Fetch your finest set of frills and lace! Satin and Silk! Ribbon and Stockings! Corsets and Ruffles! GUYS! Put on your most strapping suits! Victorian gentlemen! Medieval princes! Tophats! Gloves! Boots! Lovely. SOMEONE make the corset cookies, the ribbon candy, the rose tea, the delicate cakes! I'm so excited. I love elegant gothic lolita... aah....beautiful.
Back on Earth: The seniors at NHS are rubbing off on me. Talk to me, bitches.
Oh yes, I want to make a comic. I hope onii-sama is willing to help with the writing. LOVE MY BRO.
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 @ 09:36pm
Bugs the s**t Out of Me, You Know?
I'm not sure what people are up to sometimes, sometimes I care and sometimes I don't. Mostly I don't care or I don't want to know. When I say "tell me" and they say "No" and I say "Ok" they think I'm using reverse psychology and tell me. Listen, if you don't want to tell me something I'm not going to pry, and if I do it won't be farther than a single "please tell me." If there's one thing I can't stand, it's prying, especially on petty or worthless subjects. "Who do you like?" "Not Telling." "PLEASE?" "no." "AW C'MON!" "No." "WHY!EDhjehjghj"
That s**t is annoying. Don't ever do that. 35p3ci411y in 1337.
A little while ago Jeremy was talking to me about boys. Like... "Robin, u need a boyfriend"
No. No thank you, Jeremy. I don't need one right now, I'm a freshman and though it might be nice, no.
Then he starts acting like "OH! I know girls! LALALA! Look at me! I know everything about girls! I also know everything about having a relationship!" That was pissing me off.
He doesn't know what it's like to be a girl because he's NOT a girl. I know a decent amount of things about guys, but I'm not going to say I'm an expert and am like...some honorable woman because I KNOW MEN! Because I'm not.
He doesn't even know me. He doesn't even know how to spell my name correctly. "Robin" , come on...
I miss my Sprialtheater and I miss my Silverwing19 and I also miss my Ninja Angel and my Mi-chan. It's ok. We'll see us again.
In the mean time, I need a scanner.
Madame Balrog
Community Member
Madame Balrog
Community Member
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 04:22pm
Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 @ 06:32am
Madame Balrog
Community Member