Copied and pasted from Nobody Famous's post.
1. Twilight is NOT a saga.
2. The writing was comparable to style I find in fanfiction written by THIRTEEN YEAR OLDS.
3. Bella Swan is a Mary Sue. Everyone loves her. Everyone coddles her. She makes stupid mistakes that no one calls her on, and the few who DO are portrayed in a negative light, nevermind what good point they may have had. She has no real flaws. Her ONE flaw in the whole of the series is that she's a klutz. Klutziness is a "cutie" flaw and one that Mary Sues share. It's not a real flaw, it's an excuse for her to need saving from the hero love interest.
4. Bella whines. Practically ALL the time. Kids in school like her--she whines. Her dad gets her her own vehicle--she whines. Edward saves her from the van--she whines. In fact, a good number of things she whines about are things she SHOULD be appreciating.
5. Bella obsesses over Edward. Yes. We get it. He's hot. How many times do we have to hear about his eyes? About a good third of each book details aspects of Edward. His eyes, his skin, and there was even a bit in there about his breath, which shouldn't even be possible since it was stated that the vampires don't breathe, but that's not the point here. This third also makes up 90% of what could be considered Edward's character development.
6. Abuse and anti-feminism: Sam and Emily. He rips her face off because she rejects him after he broke her cousin's heart. And much like many a victim of domestic violence, she stays with him anyway. And any excuses anyone can come up with sound disturbingly familiar to those given in REAL abusive situations. And everyone CONDONES this, like it's a special secret that they're all lucky to be in on. What the hell?
7. Child-Grooming and *****: Quil and Claire. A conversation with Quil in the book has him stating he has no intention of dating anyone else and plans to wait till Claire is of age so he can date her. She is all of two years old. He is helping to raise her with intent to bed her in the future. That is child-grooming.
8. More *****: Jacob and Renesmee. When most of us speak of *****, we are referring to these two. It doesn't matter that she's immortal, she's still not even all of a year old.
9. Stalking: Edward. I don't know what you'd do in your warped little fantasy, but when most normal people wake up to find some guy they barely know in their room watching them sleep, the guy's sexiness is the LAST thing on their minds.
10. Mental health problems: Bella. She put herself in danger to experience auditory hallucinations.
11. More mental health problems: Bella. Co-dependency issues. Rather than get up and do something about it, she whines throughout all of New Moon, goes into a catatonic state for five months, tries to commit suicide, so on and so forth.
12. Meyer compared to and portrayed her characters as better than various classics, including but not limited to: Romeo and Juliet, Anne of Green Gables, and Pride and Prejudice. She also dissed the Princess Bride (calling Buttercup an idiot--not like BELLA), which was a really foolish move because the Princess Bride is SATIRE.
13. Sacrifice. THERE WAS NONE. Bella never so much as gave a thought to any of her human friends or family in her decision to become a vampire. She didn't even get through the first book before getting at Edward to turn her. She did NOTHING to earn the happy ending she got. It was handed to her on a silver platter.
14. The needless bashing on the humans. Bella never liked any of her human friends. Nevermind that they were the ones to reach out to her first and try to help her. She considered Mike a dog and the girls as shallow Barbies before she even bothered getting to know them. And she turned down Eric's offer of help because he wasn't attractive. Then there was the attempt of Midnight Sun to make them all look bad so Bella can be a martyr. Sure, we could accept what he says their thoughts are, but it doesn't fit with their actions. Because I highly doubt that a shallow jealous b***h would try to stop you from doing something stupid, like say: confronting the guys who may or may not have been the ones to try and jump you in the previous book so you can hear your boyfriend's voice in your head. Yeah, how dare Jessica? rolleyes
15. No plot: In a 500 page book, it should not be 400 pages in before we get to some actual semblance of a plot. And I mean a real plot. Not Edward and Bella's constant mood-swings.
16. No character flaws: None of the main characters (that Meyer portrayed as important) had any notable character flaws that existed within the context of the story. Any that we could point out (Bella's manipulative, Edward's a stalker, Jacob's a *****) were noted by the readers and NOT by anyone within the story itself.
17. Research: MEYER DIDN'T.
18. Meyer fails science. Even ignoring the "vampires don't sparkle" complaint, they sparkle because their cell walls are crystalline. If something is like crystal, it should sparkle in ANY kind of light--not just the sun.
19. Meyer fails biology FOREVER. Lets review: 23-chromosome pairs + 25-chromosome pairs DO NOT EQUAL 24 chromosome pairs. This isn't math, it's science, and in science, an extra chromosome or two from one parent do not bond themselves. They causes genetic disorders, NOT all perfect, spine-breaking, inner organ-eating death babies.
20. The all perfect, spine-breaking, inner organ-eating death baby. I liked them when I first saw them back in ALIENS.
21. The only relationships that matter are those between lovers and those involving Bella. Friendships don't matter. Family doesn't matter--look at Leah and Emily. They were cousins, seeing each other as sisters. For being so close, it was rather easy for Emily to "give in" and take Leah's ex. Then to turn around and ask Leah to be a bridesmaid at her wedding when she only showed up in the first place to be a bridesmaid at Leah's? That's just adding insult to injury.
22. Thesaurus-rape. We use that term because of the overuse of flowery words used in the WRONG context.
23. First person POV is supposed to be a teenager? What teenager used the word "chagrin" to such a degree before this series came out? Bella does not talk like a teenager. She doesn't think like a teenager, either. Nor does anybody else, apparently.
24. No character development: None of the main characters grow or develop. And I mean as individuals in term of their personality, mentality, etc. And no, we do NOT mean "Bella became a vampire"! She may have become an all-perfect sparklpire at the end, but she was still the same annoying twit we met at the beginning. She just went from being "perfect among humans" to being "perfect among vampires".
25. Bella is a "strong" character. How? She jumps off a friggin cliff because Edward leaves her. For all the strength and intelligence she is claimed to have, she doesn't USE any of it to come up with a better idea than "lets walk into a trap" or "lets try to get myself killed".
26. Edward. He's a creepy stalker. A creepy OBSESSIVE stalker! He even admits this! And yet Bella thinks him watching her while she sleeps is hot? WHAT THE HELL?
27. Twu Wuv: Nearly all the "true love" in this story was the "love at first sight" kind. Meyer referred to it as the all-encompassing, world-changing, overwhelming kind. And in this story, that was the only kind that ever worked out, which is interesting given the supposed "many types of love" speech Meyer gave. Because obviously relationships that require actual time and effort just can't compare.
28. "He's hot" + "She smells good" DOES NOT EQUAL TRUE LOVE.
29. When there is drama and hype and everyone preparing for an epic end-all, be-all final battle to the death, I EXPECT there to be an epic end-all, be-all final battle to the death. Failing to do so and claiming it was a "mental battle" when there WAS no "mental battle" to speak of is a cop-out.
30. Claiming "It's fantasy" or "It's my story, I'll do what I want" when people point out problems with the logic in the series, is ALSO a cop-out, and a cheesy one at that. Because fantasy or not, it takes place in a town based on a real town in current day. As such, current logic and reasoning DOES APPLY.
![]() Candies Sakura Community Member ![]() |