human. by nature, are horible creatures. We don a mask, only to protect ourself from us. we dont want to see what we've become. We are useless. we serve only one purpose in life, and that is to ruin it for others. we are defenseless, we cannot fight, we have no teeth, no claws, no hightened hearing or smell, nothing. Humans are... nothing really. Weak. We are hunted. by many thing. But some we choose ot ignore. human nature, its just an excuse we give ourselves for what we do. the horrible unspeakable deeds we perform, behind our masks. what good would it do to hid, we are hunted, we are prey. we cannot fight. we are weak.
but what if the human, i could change? change for something better. maybe something that wasnt so frail, one that could run, smell and hear, and see better. fight. then i could protect the ones i love. oh how i thought of these facts so much before.
protection. its a strong word, used only little enough. protection is what i want to give. i want to protect. how can i protect when i cant even protect him? i...i...want him. i want to protect him....from me...from himself. he's my enemy, but i want him so much. how can this work? i to so bad. i need this to work i need it to work
this be me in the rp