Homosexuality is un-natural because:1. Unlike condoms and computers, gay people do not grow on trees.
![User Image](https://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b173/a_little_deeper/CondomTree.jpg)
2. Gay people can't donate as many children to the local adoption centre as straight people can.
3. Unlike vaginas, anuses are dirty places to put things.
![User Image](https://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b173/a_little_deeper/Tampon.jpg)
4. Unlike Africa, gay people are not safe from HIV.
![User Image](https://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b173/a_little_deeper/Africa.jpg)
5. Unlike Adam & Eve, Adam & Theodore did not produce inbred grand-children.
6. If everybody was gay, then we wouldn't be able to over-populate the earth and die of starvation.
7. Unlike straight people, gay people do not use every part of their anatomy.
8. Unlike straight people, gay people can't commit to one person.
9. Unlike gay people, straight people do not cross-dress.
10. A fictional character said so.
![User Image](https://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b173/a_little_deeper/HarryPotter.jpg)
11. It does not occur in nature.
![User Image](https://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b173/a_little_deeper/Penguin.jpg)
12. Unlike straight people, gay people expect everyone else to be just like them.
13. Unlike the Pope and George W. Bush, gay people can't have children.
14. Gay-Marriage will ruin the sanctity of Brittany's two-day wedding.
15. Unlike Catholic-Priests, gay men are notorious for being ******.
16. Unlike straight people, gay people flaunt their sexuality.
17. Unlike raping and murdering gay people, homosexuality is a sin.
18. Gay men are less likely to rape women. This is generally considered a bad thing.
19. The majority says so. And the Earth is flat too.
20. The only man that another man should love is Jesus.