Three years ago in febuary I lost my Great grandmother, My nana, to non-hodgkin's lymphoma. Everyday I watched my nana get better and then, get worse. She was dying slowly in front of my eyes. I wasn't ready to lose her, I wanted her to be there for my children, like she was there for me. The last night I was with her, I said I love you, kissed her goodbye and goodnight, and went to sleep. If I had known, that in the morning she wouldn't be there, I would have spent a little more time the night before with her. she lived so many long years, but, she was suffering from it and no one knew, not even her.. she never liked doctors, so this was hard to get her to go. If only we had gone sooner.
I am glad I got to be related to and know this amazing and wonderful person for 14 long years.
Rest in peice, Nana.
I am glad I got to be related to and know this amazing and wonderful person for 14 long years.
Rest in peice, Nana.