--STARTERS I'M CRAVING-- Childhood Friends Girl/Guy Best Friend Guy/ Taken Best Friend Girl Brother's Friend/Sister Model/Photographer Fan/Musician Popular Guy/Shy Girl Teacher/Student Princess/Guard Arranged Marriage Prince/Princess
--No one intelligent ever stays on the forums anymore, I ask anyone who is literate to PM me and continue a story. Semi Lit to Literate is a must, if you are not, I will delete your message and not respond. Do not get offended, just improve on your skills, and try another time. Thanks.--
I'm a submissive character, so please don't ask me to be dominate. I do not play male characters, stop asking. I do RP with females.
My usual RP characters:
Rosalie Wolf Demon 20 Starter: Rosalie shivered, the cold wind chilling her to the bone. Her entire body ached from the abuse, and her cold grey eyes stared out with a vengeance. With a family that died in a raid when she was but a baby, she had run away, only to be attacked and transformed by a fellow demon at age seven. Her ultimate power was her beauty, but it was a cold attraction. There was no warmth behind her once radiant smile. Since then, she had been on the run, refusing to be evil, but also unable to become good. She didn't want to be a demon. The emotions drove her insane and she began to believe she needed to die. One night, she was sleeping up in a tree in the forest she lived, when a demon hunter shot her down in the leg. She tried running away only to be captured by a machine.
She was now being transported in a metal cage of some kind, and its power disengaged her own powers, leaving her helpless and in the hands of the prison guard she was coming to meet. She felt the car stop and a voice yelling out. "Should we kill her now?" Another voice replied, "No, we'll just take her inside. Then he can look her over and decide if he wants her." She felt movement and then groaned as the cage fell onto the ground with a large jolt. It got dragged across a long distance, and with a startled change, she realized they were now inside a building. The cage got dragged into a room, where the men left. The door slammed, the sound echoing. But instead of feeling lonely or scared, she merely sat defiantly, curious as to what could happen.
A voice sounded out. "Ahhh, so you are beautiful. The rumors are correct." The lock on her cage released. For a second she waited, hesitant of some sort of trick. The man's voice laughed. "No trick sweetheart, just step out. I want a good look at you." She stepped out of the cage, and almost toppled over, but managed to keep standing, gritting her teeth with the energy loss. She felt the man's eyes on her, but refused to turn and look at him. She could almost hear the demand in his voice. "Look at me." She refused, sitting where she stood. But instead of getting hit like she was sure would occur, he instead laughed. "You have spirit, I like it." She grimaced, and remained silent. He stepped around, and finally she tilted her head up to get a good look at him. The look turned into a stare, no words would come. He was the most attractive, gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. Her eyes widened as she stared, wondering what he wanted from her.

Jadene Human 18 Starter: Jadene was like any reckless 18 year old girl, always getting into trouble and just wanting to have fun. Her friends either smoked, drank, or had sex and she had no problem joining them. In fact, she was better then all of them. She had more experience in sex, the highest alcohol tolerance, and she laughed while they reverberated in smoke. One day, her parents called her into their room. "We are tired of your constant partying, Jadene. We're sending you to a boarding school," they informed her. After screaming protests and shouting out curse words for the good part of the hour, Jadene realized there was no argument to be made and reluctantly packed her bags, making no secret of her disgust. She drove up a couple weeks later to the school, walking in and throwing her ticket at the front desk.
"Hello, Jadene?" the receptionist asked. Jade lifted her head in acknowledgement. "Your room number is 108, and I'm sorry to inform you, we ran out of rooms, so you will be rooming with one of our young men at our sister school. I know you requested a solitary confinement, but we had no choice. It's only temporary for a year until the boys school gets rebuilt from the fire that destroyed it." Jadene stared at the lady, her mouth open, and she just shook her head in wordless anger. The receptionist shrugged her shoulders and gave Jade a tight lipped smile as she slid over the schedule. "What in hell, I am not rooming with someone else, much less a MALE!" Jade screamed at the lady. The lady merely looked at her, pushed her glasses up her nose, and smiled. "Enjoy your stay here miss Jadene." Jade stalked out of the office and dragged her heavy suitcase up the stairs, cursing the administrators for making her room this far up. Slamming open the door to HER room, she stomped in, completely ignoring the silent figure on the opposite bed.
She wouldn't talk to him, she wouldn't look at him, she wouldn't even acknowledge him. If he accepted this, they would get along just fine, she decided. Then he committed the ultimate crime. "Damn, they said you had attitude, but they didn't tell me you were hot," the charming voice teased. She whirled around at her adversary, cheeks flaming, copper eyes on fire. "You little--" her words died out as she looked him over. "Surprised?" he grinned.
[[you can be anyone. for example: a guy she used to be best friends with when they were younger, an old ex boyfriend that rekindles their flame, or something else creative of your choice.]]

[[[ under editing ]]]
__Shisuko__11 · Sun Nov 16, 2008 @ 01:29am · 0 Comments |