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Name: Haven Telfaire.
Astrological Sign & Information: Pisces; Piscean people are creative, sensitive and deeper than they appear on the surface, although they can be emotionally vulnerable, clinging and rather melancholic.
Blindly optimistic and careless, Irresponsible and superficial, Tactless and restless
Age: Just turned 15
Ethnicy: Japanese / American
Hair Color:

Hair Style: Long; Shoulder length hair. A bit shaggy but still looking neat.
Eye Color: A light brown shade. They become dark when his mood changes.
Skin Tone: Pale when bored, a bit more vibrant when more optimistic.
Build or Body Type: Appears rather slim but he's still got a strong build.
Height: 5’8”
Weight: Average
Personality: Rather cocky but carefree. Never too boastful but is still rather arrogant. He's clumsy occasionally but covers it up with his down-to-earth personality. He's aggressive when it comes to love and doesn't like taking things slow, which causes a problem with Tomoko.
Bad Habits: MPD moments + he gets aggressive occasionally + he loathes combing his hair.
Weakness: Tomoko [his girlfriend] + cats.
Fears: Tomoko when she's high... ;-; && when Tomoko daydreams. ;-; and... yaoi. ;-;
Hates it When: Tomoko gets in trouble, is in trouble, is the cause of trouble. = . ='' He hates it also when he's forced to call Tomoko 'Ai' or 'Tomo'
Pet Peeves: None much but is usually distracted when people make fun of him when he wears his glasses.
Abilities: Can play the guitar and can sing. Pretty much of a rocker.
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Name: Tomoko "Ai" Chiuharu
Age: 14 and a half.
Ethnicy: Japanese / American
Hair Color:

Hair Style: Just below her shoulders. She loathes tying her hair up though. It's only curly at the end.
Eye Color: Aquamarine with a touch of teal.
Skin Tone: Vibrant, sometimes peachy but usually just a normal shade of apricot.
Build or Body Type: Slender yet she also has a strong build despite her slim appearance.
Height: 5"6
Weight: Average.
Personality: Very giddy and bubbly, but not girly. Pretty much of a tomboy. Overall, she's kind but is usually like the dominant one in their relationship. She is overwhelmed though when Haven is being aggressive. She loves it but hates it in a way. Despite her bubbly and cheery appearance, Tomoko can be quite seductive at times, but when she's not, she's quite vulnerable.
Bad Habits: She drinks WAY too much milk and occasionally bites her nails. When alone, she's found usually sucking on her thumb while thinking.
Weakness: Haven when he's aggressive... && Yaoi. :'DDD
Fears: Haven when he's aggressive. ;-;
Hates it When: Haven is aggressive. ;-; [also hates it when Haven takes away her AkuRoku doujinshis...]
Pet Peeves: Haven's aggression... ;-; && when Haven doesn't call her Ai.
Abilities: She is good at drawing, and wants to become a doujinka. She can also play the drums and helps out in Haven's band. She's kind of a rocker as well.