I smoke? confused
Ok, so i went to the cinemas last night saw Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. Good movie, see it if you haven't already. (i SERIOUSLY love robots/Transformers since I was born >.<, pathetic really rolleyes )
But when the movie finished I had to wait around outside with my friend in the freezing, second hand smoke air for about 20 minutes waiting for my ride. Not only was i getting smoked on but i had to put up with odd noises coming from behind me, I eventually turn around and... it's a pack of males stare . Odd noises consisting of whistles etc etc I think you get the picture, when i turn around out if curiosity I quickly whip back around again thinking "oh god i think i've engaged them now" as they clap, cheer, hoot and whistle some more, to be honest i felt threatened. And then, on the horizon... a sign of hope! My four wheel drive's headlights peering above all the other cars, I step to the gutter knowing that my big bruty 4wd and my mother's six foot plus boyfriend would scare them as i felt them inching towards me. I stick my hand out and it lands on the handle, almost a hollywood scene how well the car was lined up and i ascended into my saviour's passenger seat. Thank god for big scary looking 4wd's and big scary drivers blaugh
I cuddle into the chair thinking that if it had been another 10 minues I'd probably be in a police station now, filing for rape after bawling my eyes out for hours and hours. I wasn't scantily clad, not at all, I had jeans, boots and a jacket on, I'd done nothing to get that reaction either, innocently standing there looking in the distance for my car.
But what really bothered me last night, was that i walked into my house all cheery after seeing my chilhood heroes on the big screen and see my mum on MY laptop. Maybe this is childish, but i go crazy whenever someone goes on one of my computers(I have a school laptop as well), it's my life and not to share, my father made that clear to me when he updated and gave it to me. I lean over not quite as happy as before and kiss her hello. Inside i'm already boiling over at the fact she is on my laptop, then she says "lean back here again", so i do and she smells my hair. "Have you been smoking?" I try to explain the absolute cloud we walked into when we departed the cinemas, but shes not taking it. "Do you smoke?" she pushes on further as i remind her about my disgust towards smoke, which is true. I'm not lying to her this time, I left that behind with the new year, although sometimes i wish i hadn't. She then accuses me of hanging around my formerly secret ex-boyfriend who she didn't approve of, he smoked occasionally, never around me. I deny it, truthfully, but she says "If that's what you say..." This sent me right off. But rather then flip out i recede into my shell of silence, the silence is safer, words locked away cannot be brought up and turned against you. I don't think she realizes the pain she brings when she accuses me of seeing him, I yearn to be by his side with almost every fibre of my body and haven't thought of anyone the same way since.
Oh well, one week of my holidays down and one to go.
Enjoy your ridiculously long summer holidays America!
![]() xiaomeipaipai Community Member ![]() |