Hi, my name is Lime and I am allergic to bandaid glue. Everyone tells me it's common ("Oh Lime, don't worry EVERYONE has it", "Yes, Lime I hear it's quite a fashionable allergy", "Lime, I heard that Stephen Harper has that same reaction to bandaids!" wink . Yeah, so I looked it up... it's not. Being allergic to bandaid glue is not as funny as it sounds. When you fall and your knees start bleeding everywhere and your friend/teacher/whoever try to put a bandaid on it but you tell them you are allergic is is always the same reaction.
1) You think I am joking.
2) You get angry at me for wasting your time joking about being allegic to bandaids.
3) You start to think I am not joking and begin laughing at me.
4) You begin telling nearby people and completely forget about me bleeding.
5) You really have no idea what to do with me now, you have no Plan B. So if I ever got lost in a place with very pointy objects with you I'd be ******** because bandaids are the only thing you know.
I am also allergic to something I like to call [something I am not aware of]. I really have no idea what this [something I am not aware of] is but everytime around this year I get mad allergic reactions to this [something I am not aware of]. It is brutal and has a choke like hold over my life. Which also explains my deep hatred for this time of year. Yes, I hate this time of year because I know deep down I love it, I just can't enjoy it because this [something I am not aware of] makes my eyes water and throat get clogged up with more phlegm then a camel.
So anyways, I'm Canadian, in case you did not get my reference to Stephen Harper or worse you don't know who he is. I am [yours to determine] years old and live in a little (growing) town near my provinces capital, etc.etc. I am a little against giving out too much info. Just for the sake of me not being tracked down and raped, beaten up, or harrassed and of course the pure mystery of it. (: I will probably accidentally let out some information some times but hopefully it is not just the creepers, the freaks, and the stalkers that read this. I don't even know yet what I will post on this, I guess it all depends on the public critisism I am willing to take. We'll see how things go.
I have the motivation of a slug and there is a good chance I will never write on this again... Hopefully I do, I had such an intense need to write even this little one, I have no idea why though. Anything I write is my own twisted beliefs about life, feel free to contradict but don't expect to change anything. I am weird, random and do some morally questionable things. I cannot spell or use proper grammer most of the time, so work with me. Most of all I hope to not offend anyone with anything I write, it is the silliest thing to fight online but anyones opinions are invited just have the grace and dignity to be courteous towards others. (:
ps. I am not a conserative.
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