Digimon :Error:
Hello again! Or Hello for the first time, this is The Blundering Writer here, for all those who don't know me. This will be my second story, and it is in Digimon! Now, this story won't have any of the old characters. I will be starting with a new slate here. I hope that I can do this while balancing another story at the same time...
Me: And to help me introduce this new fic, here's Issiac Refre DaArk!
Izzy: Ano...Please call me Izzy...And don't shout so loud...
Me: Just say the Disclaimer!
Izzy: Hai...The Blundering Writer does not own any of these OC characters, Digimon, or any other anime that may be involved with this. For more detailed information on the characters, please make a Gaia Online account and go to this page: Thank You.
"Ahhh...Just another day..." mumbles a teen to himself. He was short, 5'4". He wiped a few strands of his short, blond hair out of his brown eyes and starts to pull himself out of bed. As he was doing this, he was praying for a flood, so they would cancel school. But all that praying would be in vain. He puts on his robe and starts towards the kitchen. That is when a bell sounded.
"I've got it dad!" he shouts towards the man that is trying to get up from his chair.
"What now...It's too early for any visitors..." he wonders to himself. He opens the door to find a mailman. He was garbed in blue under that bright yellow rain slicker. The mailman bows before stating the reason for his visit.
"Is there a...Jakkaru Seishou in the house? " he spoke. The mailman seemed to want to get moving and finish his job quickly, before the rain gets any worse.
Jak bows back and answers the mailman's question.
"Yes, I am Jakkaru..." as he was saying this, he was wondering what was sent to him.
"Yes...There is a package for you. Please...I need your signature or stamp..." answers back the mailman. He takes out a clipboard for Jak to sign.
As Jak returns to the inside of his two-bedroom apartment, he takes a god look at the package. It was uninteresting. It was normal-sized, not very heavy. When he looks at the address, all that was on it was his own. There was no return address. All there was a symbol shaped like a dinosaur.
"JAAAKKK!!! AREN'T YOU COMING TO BREAKFAST??!!" shouts his father. Jak, now noticing that he was hungry, rushes back to the kitchen.
"Mom..." whines a dark-blue, spiky haired teenager. He had some feminine features, thanks to his mother, but anyone short of blindness can tell that he was a male. His mother was currently fiddling with his collar, not accepting that it was fine that way it was, and she was tuning out his son's protests.
"Aw well..." thought Sai Daisuke Ayanami to himself, "Moms..." He then proceeds to shove spoonfuls of Cocoa Puffs down his throat. His father was just sitting there, laughing at his mother’s behavior.
"Jeez, thanks Dad, thanks for trying to get Mom to stop..." Sai thinks sarcastically to himself. Finally, for the tenth time, Sai's mother stops fiddling with the collar. He then proceeds to gulp down the remaining milk in his bowl, and places it in the dishwasher. He then bumps into the light when he tries to get up.
"We need to get higher ceilings here..." comments Sai, his father nodding in agreement. Sai was getting ready to move into the mail hall when the doorbell rang.
"No worries Ma, I'll get it!" he shouts back to the kitchen as he puts on his black school jacket.
"Man, these jackets are a bit too tight..." he thinks to himself. As he exits he sees no one there. All he saw was a package on the small, Japanese-style front porch. He grabs his briefcase-like bag, and picks up the package. He sees his address, and his name, but no return address. Just a small, dinosaur-like stamp.
"It's addressed to me! I'll just be going now!!" he shouts back to his parents.
"Take off your goggles!!" shouts back his mother. She always sweats the small stuff ever since she got pregnant for the second time. He ignores the instruction to take off his lucky goggles, which were the only things besides hair gel that were keeping his hair upright.
He ripped open the package only to see a small bundle and a note.
"Hah...First day of a new school...In a new house...New city...New life...New everything..." thinks a pale-skinned, long, red-haired girl to herself. She was wearing her school uniform, a white dress shirt, a gray jacket, and a gray skirt. She was reminiscing the time when her father turned from to citizen, to robber. She knew, that it was to get enough money to help find a cure to her disease.
"I miss him...But I've got to stay strong! If only for him!" she re-assures herself that everything would become alright, and decides to get out of the rain before she gets soaked.
"Zoey!! Breakfast!" calls out her mother from the kitchen. She Bounds down the stairs, almost breaking her neck. Her mother's cooking was worth it though. She couldn't find any other substitute for that taste.
"Your uniform looks great on you! Very colorful and vibrant!" comments her mother with a straight face. Then she burst into fits of laughter.
Interrupting their breakfast, the doorbell rang.
"Honey, it's time for school. And please see who it is before going..." Zoe's mother asked, in between fits of laughter. She hugged her daughter, not knowing that her daughter wouldn't see her for a while.
Zoe opens the door, only to see nothing but a parcel. It had her address, and a symbol that looked like a dinosaur in place of the return address.
"Hmm...Curious..." she thinks to herself as she walks to school. As it was only a few blocks away, she took advantage of the time that she has to open the package. Inside was a strange device that reminded her of a cell phone that she saw one time. She sees a note along with it, and begins to read the instructions.
Scrambled Eggs and Bacon seemed to disappear from Jak's plate. He then quickly put on his uniform and bolts out the door.
"Thanks Dad, breakfast was great, gonna be late, Bye!!" he quickly shouted back. His father just stood there, remembering when he was that energetic. Jak suddenly rushes back, gives his father a hug, and then picks up the package from earlier.
"Forgot my package..." he explained, and bolted back out, leaving his dad to scratch his head in confusion.
"Man...I hate waiting for the bus..." Jak complains to himself, "No one really talks on it..." Jak gets on the bus, pays the fare, and sits down as quickly as he could.
"Today...Is different...This time, I've got entertainment." he thinks to himself as he pulls out the package, "I wonder what it is..." He quickly opens it, making sure that he was not making a mess.
He sees a note, explaining that the device would be used to transport him to the digital world. All he has to do was to push the button. He picked up the device, which looked like an MP3 player, and stared at it. It was in his favorite color, gold, and it had a clip for hands free usage.
"Strange...How'd they know I liked the color gold...?"
The front of the object had some buttons, but was uninteresting. Curious, he turned the device around to see instructions.
To activate, please push button.
"So...I just push the button to play?" Sai asked himself. It was raining harder than ever, and it showed no sign of stopping.
The device he held was strange looking, but he was used to strange looking things.
"It must be one of those...new games?" he asked himself. He walked slowly for a while, deep in thought. His hand caressed the crest-like device.
"Maybe...If..." he thinks to himself, as his hand moved closer to the button.
"Nah!...I've gotta go to school, I don't have time to be playing a game. But maybe after school..." He thinks to himself. He then hurries off to what he had hoped to be a dry haven from the rain. He was then proven wrong by the gray, rectangular shape of his new school.
"Man...It even looks like a prison. He tugs on the collar of his uniform, made to look surprisingly similar to a prison uniform.
The instructions called for her to press the middle button, and then she could be sent into the digital world. Zoey wanted to press it, but if it was true, she could miss school. While being late for school wasn't the worst thing she did, Zoey sat up and began walking again.
"It's not like this thing would work.'" She laughed to herself. Nevertheless, her finger couldn't help itself, and it pushed the button. A flash of white light surrounded the girl. Zoe shielded her eyes, and felt herself falling.
Not yet noticing her forest surrounding, Zoey stood up, rubbing her back from where she fell on it. Then she noticed that the ground was less...sidewalk-like than she was used to. Then she noticed that she was now in the middle of a forest.
"Oh my... I must've hit my head when I fell. Or maybe I stumbled into the park! Riiiight. "Zoey told herself. A bit stressed, the red-head ran her fingers through her hair. She sat on the ground, trying to think of a way to get out, and trying to think about where she was. One thing was obvious. This wasn't the park. Her thoughts go back to the digivice, which was still clutched in her hands.
Zoey suddenly jumped up, surprised by the sound, and turned around to see something struggling through the bushes. Ready for a fight, she braced herself against her would be attacker.
A puffball like creature with legs popped out.
"Well. It looks friendly." She thought to herself as she crouched down to get a closer look at the "creature". "Hi there! I'm Cupimon. A digimon!" The puffball stated. Now it was a little weird. "Wha? Digi...Mon?" Zoey asked, confused. The Cupimon took this chance to explain their situation. About Gaiomon, and their world being destroyed, and the real world being next on the list. "I'll believe you for now Cupimon, but this seems...a bit strange. Almost like a..." Zoey said, but Cupimon started to pull her towards a clearing, there, Cupimon claimed, was where all of the others would be coming.
"Now it was kinda cool," Zoey thought to herself, "A little virtual piece of data as a pet. Sure it wasn't real, but it was a heck of a lot cooler than a dog or cat."
Meanwhile, earlier that day, in another apartment, a violet haired girl was trying to fight the forces of nature, tangling with forces that have been around since near the beginning of time.
"I have to get to school soon..." Chikurin Ki Hayashi mutters to herself, sinking deeper into her couch. While it hasn't started yet, Chiku was dreading going to school, with all of the gossip, especially the people that have been muttering rumors behind her back. She had initially planned on skipping her first day, and was reaching for the remote to the television, when she had remembered to check her mail. It was unusual for her to forget, so she quickly puts on her black slippers, key tightly in hand, and rushes to the mailboxes.
She slides the key in, it was just the perfect fit, and opens it. She sees a package, and opens it. It was a strange device, with a dinosaur-shaped pattern on it.
"What's this? A weird-looking Gameboy?" she wondered. Chiku figured that it might have been a dropped toy, and that the mailman had put it in her box, just in case it was hers. She did not notice that the package was addressed to her, or that it had no return address. As she goes back upstairs to her apartment, she examines it, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. But as she reached her apartment, the screen flashed out a single phrase.
"Please press the button to enter the digital world..."
Well hello there! It's me, the blundering writer from the Negima Side of the website. This is my...2nd non-self-deleted work, my 7th actually created. I had this idea for a while, but I did not actually have a concept. Then I went on Gaia, and discovered this RP called Digimon :Error:. It was a huge blast of inspiration, and that I did not even have to make up my own characters. I hope that I get a lot of Mileage on this fic.
To all those on Gaia, and to those from the RP, I hope that you will be reading this, and please, feel free to flame or comment, I need the criticism. None of the OCs used yet are of my own design. I reserve the right to make minor changes to the story as deemed fit. I do not know if I have the permission to use Pocky Stick of Doom's RP as a story. Thank you, and now a word from my OC, not yet appearing in this chapter, but in the next.
Issiac: Ehh...Hello? My name is Issiac Refre DaArk. I am the...7th person of the digidestined. Now, while the author said that I had words to say, I really do not...I hope to see you soon. If The Blundering Writer, g4mz0rb0y, and ArkTony all get along long enough to...
G4mz0rb0y: Hey! I resent that!
ArkTony: Yes, I agree!
Blundering Writer: Whaaaatever...
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