Age: unknown
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Appearance (description or pic):

ignore the name
Race: "pure" blood vampire
Weapons: she carries a shot gun an assortment of hand gun at all times but her most notable handgun is a 13mm Anti-Freak Combat Pistol Jackal. She has a personal arsenal back at the Hellsing Organization for her use only.
Abilities: walk in day light, turn into mist or multiple bats, sees with a vampiric third eye, manipulate bats, regenerative powers, and the ability to erase minds.
Interests: blowing things up, killing things, and oddly enough cooking which explains why she is the cook at Yami's bar and grill.
Dislikes: a lot of things
Quote: "Reality bites with a variety of sizes of teeth"-(Tony Follari)
Bio: Hellsing was born into an aristacratic vampire family. Where she like so many others before her lived in total bliss. Due to the fact that both her parents were very powerful pure blooded vampires she and her parents were able to walk in the sunlight without burning. Unfortunately at the age of three a group of vampire hunters had banded together to take out her parents. In an attempt to pretect Hellsing both her mother and her father were killed while she escaped. She wondered for about five days before someone brought her to an orphanage. There she was given the name Enola which is just "alone" backwards, which she thought was kinda cruel. While in the orphanage she often drank the blood of the weak, shy, or even sick orphans then would erase there memories of the whole event. Though truth be told she was the true cause of many of the deaths at the orphanage no one suspected her. At the age of 18 she was kicked out of the orphanage and was sent to scavenge the town for a living. To satisfy her thirst she would drink the blood of hobos and bums to keep from getting caught. Eventually she was caught by the Hellsing Organization and with that she began her training. Day by day, night by night she trained till she could no longer stand. By the time she turned 25 she had shed the name "Enola" and earned rank closest to the great Alucard who taught her to control her powers. She had become a master of weapons and stealth. But since she had gained such status she was not called of many missions and she had become immensely bored. After 200 years of service to the Organization she had finally decided to quit, but the quiet life of a vampire in hiding did not suit her. In stead of waisting away she became a world renowned bounty hunter. Soon after making a name for herself she again joined forces with the Hellsing Organization, this time they would supply her with all the weapons, ammo, and information as she needed and they in return would give the entire inner workings of the vampire underground and they can call her at any time for a job. Now she roams the streets for any sort of hunt whether they be human, vampire, or any other mythical creature out there. The only thing that's for curtain is that if you are being hunted you should had better hope that your not being hunted by HELLSING.