hello guys it's been a long time since i last posted, well anyway i have got way pro, i even got alot of rare items and cool stuff and alot of plat yay. i am trying to do achivevement's now but some are broken or buggy idk how to fix also here is the photo to what i am talking about 1st is about tresurer one idk how to get it so many tabs to confusing and it doesnt show my home i want to switch back to old layout so i can do this achievement

?, i also try click on them but they close and are weird also idk what the do not use one is?

i also posted alot and change my outfits and made no real friends just online ones i also don,t know why there is some many afk people on towns 2 and 1 and anywhere they should add 20 mintue then kick or refresh that would be wayyyyy cooler