I'm Back And It's Terrible Here
Forget the whole I'm doing Halo journal entries, that time has long gone... many years ago. Now I'm doing standard entries. I left Gaia about 4-6 months ago, don't remember exactly when, my intent was to never return. At the time, I gave away my hard earned gold to others, because I though I would never need it. Now I'm back and wouldn't have mattered if I kept the gold either way. I use to have 1.5 million gold, I felt rich, I felt accomplished because it was something I had earned for many years of slowly buying and selling items. I learned a lot about how the market system works because of this game! I could just go on and on about this, but I'll keep it short. I know the purpose of a company is to make money, I know they need to earn a living, but I know it's wrong for a company to exploit it's customers and drive the market into the ground, on purpose! They know exactly what they're doing and that's what pisses me off the most. They won't even listen to customer feedback, I haven't seen a single reply to any user post on the subject. I'm done ranting to myself for the day.