is it too late to join if its not heres my profile:
*name lilith *age 13 *house griffendor *gaianame ghostkitty141 *personality she is sly and sneaky, and quite bold, she admires *looks like. *extra
ghostkitty141 · Thu Sep 29, 2005 @ 03:19am · 0 Comments |
ok another dream very very wierd makes NO sence i repeat NO N-O sence...
it was me rachel, sandra, and were walking its night time and we're is a small suberbin town. so we're walkin...... and we meet up with zach, curt, shannon, and mikey... and so we are all standing by a phone booth but theres no glass ya kno its jus the phone. well me and zach some how magicaly break of the phone part, so we're doin wat we always do distroy it even more, so on one side of the street is shanon and zach, and mikey, and on my side is curt, rachel and sandra, and we're tossing the phone around stopping on it, the usal, corse theres only one street light in this abandoned town so its hard to see anything, everybody moves out of the street to let a car pass., te only car in the entire city,weird. well any way when the car passes i throw the phone down the street and sandra and rachel run down the steet like idiots as usaul, sandra falls and rachel falls over laughing, shannon starts walking toward rachel and sandra and so do i. then sandra points behind me and says theres sumthing behind me, to scare me, i turn around and fall over. Sandra, rachel, shannon, and mikey keep on walking down the road. I think to myself that catching up with them was to far so i turn around to walk toward zach and curt but thet was even farther. So i ran to catch up with rachel and all of them. when i catch up with them i stumble and fall dragging rachel and sandra with me. We roll off the side of the road its like really early n the morning when we stop rolling, whiched seemed like a couple of feet, and shannon and mikey caught up. The leaves where red and orange, like it was fall. Rachel sandra and i get up, and then sandra pushes me again and i fell over on to a statue. It was and acutal person that was douzed in cement, he had blood shot eyes. and then his lips started moving and i screemed. rachel and sandra stand by me and the statue person said "leave while u still can." i turn to sandra and rachel "i think we'd better leave." so we start walking back to the road, and then a troll was heading in our direction. i pulled sandra and rachel down with me behind a fallen tree into a ditch. the troll stops in front of where we were hiden and said"you better get out of town befor midnight, or else you will die." i siad "ok", the troll replied "i'll let you live if you can tell me why shakespere was important." i was confused "cuz he was a good writer." i hesitated "it doesnt matter i have to get out of town, tho it was a nice little chat we had"((this is soo weird and innconsistance)) so rachel, sandra, and i start walking down the road((i dont know wat happened to shannon and mikey)). then were walking, down the only road, and i looked at my watch o my god we only have 6 hours left((if you add up the time it doesnt make sence sooo dont even bother, just go with it)). so i start jogging and leave sandra and rachel. im running and running,thne i pass teo building. for some reson it was like my old dorm or apartment, that i shared with other people, so i walk in it. all of a sunden it trigers all these old memories, of when i was living at this place with people that went to my school((i dont remember who)), but now it was old, dusty, and unused, i walk up the stairs to the other room, i remeber i wasnt allowed thier because it was for te older people,((i think it was like a camp or something.)) i walked up the stairs an i see its all dusty and old. Its like no one has been here for years. I had a cold shinver run up my spine so i left. as i was walking out i saw rachels little sister come out of the dorm next to mine. I walk over and ask for a tour, and i also meet back up with rachel. so i look around the main room, it was dusty to, yet people still used it, i asked lora if they every use the sectret path, but she said that they never use it any more because someone killed themselves in it. Rachel and i leave and continue to walk trying to get out of the city before we die.
ghostkitty141 · Wed Mar 30, 2005 @ 01:35am · 0 Comments |

<br>Your a Magical Angel!Out of all the angels, you are<br>the one most afflicted with magic. You can do<br>many enchantments as well as sorcery. You cant<br>do black magic, because even though your not so <br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/Iceangel143/quizzes/What%20Kind%20of%20ANGEL%20are%20you%3F%20(For%20Girls%20only)%20This%20Quiz%20has%20amazingly%20Beautiful%20Pictures!/"> <font size="-1">What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>
ghostkitty141 · Mon Mar 28, 2005 @ 08:16pm · 0 Comments |
<br>You have a malicious soul! Malice, when defined<br>means, The urge to see the sufferings of others<br>But you dont really mean any harm to anyone,<br>you just like to watch it. Mischievous, cruel,<br>and seducing, you can hurt others with cruel<br>words or just be plain mean. Prank calls,<br>tripping people, and breaking the laws are your<br>favorite past times. You can lie just as easily<br>as laugh, even to a close one. People are<br>intimidated by you because you never let people<br>get close to you. Youre cold, ruthless, and<br>pessimistic behavior drives people away, which<br>show the pain you feel inside. <br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/Iceangel143/quizzes/What%20Kind%20of%20SOUL%20do%20you%20posses%3F%20(For%20Girls%20only)%20Incredible%20Anime%20Pictures!/"> <font size="-1">What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>
ghostkitty141 · Mon Mar 28, 2005 @ 08:15pm · 0 Comments |
<br clear="all"> <img src="http://www.toxin.org/cgi-bin/count_hugs.cgi?hug=ghostkitty141" height="40" width="240" title="HUGS"> <br clear="all"> *HUGS* TOTAL! <a href="http://www.toxin.org/cgi-bin/hugs.cgi?&HUGS=yes&hug=ghostkitty141">give ghostkitty141 more *HUGS*</a> <br><small><a href="http://www.toxin.org/cgi-bin/gethugs.cgi">Get hugs of your own</a></small><br clear="all">
ghostkitty141 · Sat Jan 29, 2005 @ 06:09pm · 0 Comments |
this is jus 4 my referance bait:
bait= 25*8 100*2
tire*5=30 boots*9=40g old cans*5=50g fish=1731g
-- total=1851g ------------- bait= 25*12 100*3
3 can=10g 4 boots=25g 2 tire=12g fish=1551g -- total=1598 -------------- bait= 25*12 100*3
fish =1543g 8boots=60g 9 tires=75g 19gupys=57g 17cans= 75g -- 1750g made --------------
2133g made
ghostkitty141 · Sat Jan 29, 2005 @ 06:06pm · 0 Comments |