I have to laugh when I re-read that last entry about not having much to do. Summer was a blur.....lots of fun, but lots of work.
Kids at school. Cid's at work. Survey in a magazine. yay...holy s**t, how long is it?!?
1. Do you like your name? uh, sure
2. Have you ever wished to be your opposite sex? no thanks
3. If you were to have children, what would you name them? Gee...how about Glaki and Rangi?
4. Do you even like kids? mine are good.
5. What time do you usually go to sleep on a weekday? On a weekend? 11/12ish
6. What's your favorite word? damn
7. Have you ever tYpED lYk dIs at some point in your life? type? no. I'm no idiot
8. What's your dream career? lazy a**
9. If you could be any other race, what would you be? oh please
10. What are you listening to right now? nothing
11. Grab any book by you, turn to page 69 and type out the last full sentence here: all I have near is coloring books. wanna picture of a tree?
12. Do you like country music? Rap? no
13. How would you like to die? not painfully
14. Do you like taking pictures (not necessarily of yourself)? no really
15. Do you use ":]" a lot? no
16. Are your neighbors annoying? they are about 10 miles away.
17. Ice cream or popsicles? ice cream!
18. What was the last thing you drank? waterrrr
19. The last time you left your house? Where did you go? grocery shopping = hell
20. Are you loving life? oh, it's good &3
21. Do you like the way you write? I can't see what I just wrote...
22. What's your favorite animal? an invisible one...
23. How many times have you used the restroom today? wtf. I don't keep count.
24. Are you hungry right now? no
25. Turn on your TV (unless it's already on). What's playing? news
26. Do you like video games? err
27. What's your favorite Pokemon? what?!
28. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? huh??
29. Are you cool with bugs? ......I'll zap them
30. Do you like Halloween? hey, free candy
31. What do you want for your birthday/Christmas? just my family...
32. Have you ever fasted? oh heck no
33. What's going on tomorrow? life
34. Are you doing well in school? er...I'm too old for that
35. Do you have online friends? er
36. Do you think you're popular? of course.
37. How much money's in your wallet? afew
38. When was the last time you laughed really hard? day before yesterday.
39. What's on the cover of your science binder? I didnt go to school, ok!?
40. Do you believe there's such thing as an non-racist person? haha, no
41. Do you pass on chain letters? i burn em
42. What do you do for fun at home? lots of things
43. Can you wiggle your ears? of course
44. Why did the chicken cross the road? to get eaten
45. Do you like your voice? err
46. Are you good at receiving/giving compliments? yup!
47. Have you ever won a contest? I can beat auron any day
48. What are you using for your messenger avatar/icon? whatever
49. Can you imitate something/someone well? I can pull a neo
50. What's your favorite amusement park? non water slides?
51. Do you have any REAL autographs (not the cheap ones on posters!) of famous people? who's famous?
52. Do you cry easily? no
53. What's something you do at home that you don't do in public? uuh..bathe?
54. What do you think about boyfriends/girlfriends? I've got the best &33
55. What's something you regret doing as a child? nothing
56. Have you ever met a gay person? HAHAHAA...yeah..I have
57. Where do you think wind comes from? your a**
58. Do you like sour cream? yes
59. What color are your fingernails? clear, duh
60. Do you like animal crackers? yes, there good
61. Can you do a split? ouch...
62. What do you smell like? landary and cid's shampoo
63. Have you ever done anything stupid at a drive-thru? no
64. Do you like to use song lyrics that relate to you? no
65. Do you have a problem with odd numbers? uhh...no........weird.
66. What's something you're proud of? family
67. Do you think you'd be a cool teacher? pfffft
68. What are your pet peeves? my lovely family leaving their @#)$@( cups out
69. Do you know what the number 69 represents? &=D
70. How do you pronounce "caramel"? car-mel. not care-mel
71. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you like to be? a big, strong one
72. Are you the jealous type? hahahhaha......you might...say that..
73. Do you keep a journal/diary? oh geez...waht am I writing on?!?!
74. Have you ever used Xanga? 's that s**t?
75. Do you have a made-up language/alphabet? no
76. What fingers do you use to type? i don't typppe
77. Is there something you need to have/to do to be able to sleep? Cid &3
78. What day is it tomorrow? thursday
79. What time is it now? 1
80. Do you believe humans evolved from monkeys? pfft, no
81. What's your favorite board game? i dunno
Do you have any pets? chocobos...damn dog...
What color shirt are you wearing? red
Name three things that are physically close to you: couch, pillow, table
What is the last book you read? none
Are you or were you a good student? id idn't go to school!!
What's your favorite sport? err...
Do you enjoy sleeping late? yes please
What's the weather like right now? there
Who tells the best jokes? everyone I know is a laugh and a half
What was the last thing you dreamed about? dunno
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? no...no
Do you believe in karma? i believe in god. pwned
Do you believe in luck? ya ya nope.
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up? err. scambled..
Do you collect anything? If so, what? no
Are you proud of yourself? who wouldn't be?
Are you reliable? yeah
Have you ever given money to a bum? what?
What's your favorite food? meaat
Have you ever had a secret admirer? ha
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Cid smells like that sometimes
Do like to draw? no. kids make me though
What's your favorite invention? uuhhh. landry machine. yeah.
Is your room messy? nope! it can't get any @#$(@) cleaner. =D
What do you like better: oranges or apples? oranges
Do you give in easily? depends on who it is and what they want
Are you a good guesser? sometimes
Can you read other people's expressions? sometimes
Are you a bully? yup
Do you have a job? nope
What time did you wake up this morning? 5:30
What did you eat for breakfast this morning? waterr
When was the last time you showered? today
What do you plan on doing tomorrow? same thing as today
What's your favorite day of the week and why? saturday! family time
Do you have any nicknames? yea
Have you ever been scuba diving? no
What's your least favorite color? pink
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who? family
Would you ever go skydiving? yes. WITHOUT THE ROPE, HAHA.
What toothpaste do you use? whatever
Do you enjoy challenges? if I can do them
What's the worst injury you have had? geez. broken bones or lots of blood?
What's the last movie you saw? nope
What do you want to know about the future? I know it all
What does your last text message say? err
Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to? glaki's friend called
What's your favorite school subject? FOR THE LOVE OF......
What's your least favorite school subject? AHHH
Would you rather have money or love? LOVE.
Do you need to do laundry? did it
What do you do when vending machines steal your money? I kick that @#)%_^ thing in )(*#@!
Have you ever caught a butterfly? they dont taste good
Do you have any obsessions right now? family, yea.
Do you like things that glow in the dark? er...stars?
What's your favorite fruity scent? Cid? haha.
Do you watch cartoons? no
Have you ever sat on a roof? yup
Name three things in the world you dislike: idiots. uh. closed minded idiots. and...this survey.
Has a rumor even been spread about you? oh, I'm sure
Do you like sushi? YES
Do you believe in magic? Gee. let me thiink...........................yes
Do you hold grudges? yes
Coke or Pepsi? neither. water, please
Regular pool or heated pool? heated
Hot tea or ice tea? hot
Sunflower or daisy? pfffft
Red rose or pink rose? red
Salt or pepper? pepper
Red or Green Apple? dunno
Red or Blue? both
Christmas or Thanksgiving? christmas
Pink or Green? neither...
Hamburger or Hotdogs? both
Music or Movies? uh...movie?
Heaven or hell? Let me think...........
Comedy or horror? oh please. comedy. horror doesnt scare me
Purse or backpack? backpack, duh
Milky Way or Sneakers? sneakers
Vanilla or Chocoloate? chocolate
Steak or Shrimp? steak
School or Work? considering I don't have a job and don't go to school...
Had a one night stand? ......yeah
Made someone cry? yeah....
Opened your Christmas presents early? nope
Eaten food that fell on the floor? that's disgusting
Been caught cheating? no
Been caught naked? err
Flashed someone? haha. yea
Gone out without underwear on? yea
Got into a fist fight? too many times
Swallowed bath water? a couple of times
Peed in the pool? no, that's digusting
Thrown up in public? yeaa
Been so drunk you can't walk? yea...
Peed in public? no
Done something mean you regretted? yeah, taking this survey
Ever played pull my finger? er...no...
What's in your wallet? a bit of money
What's under your bed? boxes
What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet? nothing
What's in your underware drawer? gee....underwear.
Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what's in it? the journal in the drawer. haha, not so secret now. &3
Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes what? taking the last cookie...
What is the most embarassing thing in your room right now? my room? there is nothing embarassing in there...
Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about? I'm sure there's something
What is your last thought before you fall asleep? Cid's so cute &3
How long have those leftovers been in the fridge? we usually don't have leftovers..come on...two guys and two growing kids. what do you think?
Do you sleep with anything? Cid
What is your midnight snack weakness? I don't tend to eat when I'm asleep...
Have you ever you shop lifted? not in a shop
Have you ever vandalized anything? no
Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? haha. no
Have you...
Drank alcohol? yea
Got kissed? mmhmm
Got your heart broken? no
Got arrested? no
Smoked a cigarette? yea
Lost someone close to you? almost...
Broken a bone? yea
Got cheated on? nope
Dyed your hair? interesting....
Had sex? mmmhmm
Had a boy/girl friend? uh...the order on that's is stupid
Snuck out of the house? no
Got Drunk? yea..
How is old your mother? dunno
Perfect partner...
How tall should they be? taller than me.
What should they weigh? more than me. &.&
What hair color should they have? blonde. mmhmm
What kind of personality should they have? awesome. haha
Older or younger? it doesn't matter
Serious or carefree? both, of course
Spontainous or hesitant? both. depends on situation
Brutally honest or tight-lipped? haha, brutally honest
Beautiful or intelligent? he's both. yar.
Movie or a restuarnt? fooood.
Should they make all the money?....they do....I feel bad...
Do they need to cook? nope
What is their best body part? hmm..I'll have to find that out..
What body part do you not care about? haha, this is weird..gosh..umm..feet.
What car should they drive? they should fly a plane. yeeess.
What one thing completely turns you off? cowardliness
What one thing completely turns you on? playfulnness...play-fighting/agression. mmhmm
Would you eat a bug? No.
Would you bungee jump? without the rope
Would you hang glide? kinda do that...
Would you kill someone? yes, if they tried to hurt my family
Would you kiss someone of the same sex? heck, I do it every day
Would you parachute from a plane? yea
Would you walk on hot coals? yea
Would you be a vegitarian? ********, no
Would you sing karaoke? pffft. only if I was drunk
Would you shoplift? no
Would you dye your hair blue? sure...
Would you wear make-up in public? pfft, no
Would you not wear make-up in public? yea
Would you make someone cry? not on purpose
Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you? mmhmm
1. If you were a bird, what kind would you be? crow
2. How many days until your birthday? dunno
3. If you were a Lucha Libre, what would your wrestling name be? what the....
4. Invisibility or Time Travel? I can do time travel. so invisibility, though I wouldnt need it
5. When you read a book, do you read the ending first? no
6. Who are the first three people on your party invite list? err...after Cid...Auron, Pader, Kurt. Food and someone to balance the cheerfulness
7. How many siblings do you have? probably none
8. Who's your favorite T.V./ Movie character? none
9. Vampires or Werewolves? GAH. werewolves
10. What's your favorite book? I don't read
11. Is your back against the wall or are you on the dancefloor? dance floooor
12. How many pets do you have? a barn and a half
13. Techno or Screamo? .....weirdo? what?
14. Who's your best friend? Cid
15. Do you tell secrets or keep them? tell if they're mine. and tell...if they aren't mine...unless its Cid's
16. How many friends do you have? a few....yeah...
17. Who's your eldest friend? that would be...AURON. haha. or Zan...
18. Books or movies? movie
19. How often do you go to school? bleargh
20. What kind of movies do you enjoy? ones that don't bore me
21. Do you dream in color or black and white? dunno...
22. How many books have you read in your life? like......one?
23. Do you believe in monogamy? one mate? of course.
24. Are you a generally happy person? yea, but that doesn't mean I'm nice. ha.
25. Television or the radio? tv
26. Do you burn CD's or buy them? what? why would you burn music? um
27. Are you currently subscribed to any magazines? If so, which ones? this stupid survey came in one. I think its one of those free trials.
28. What's your favorite drink? water, tea...yeah...I got hooked...
29. What's your favorite type of music? non loud kind
30. What's your biggest fear? losin' the family
31. Music or drawing? music
32. Do you have a favorite movie? If so, which one? no
33. Do you share a room with anyone currently? yess, always will. &3
34. What kind of pet do you prefer? one that doesnt s**t on the floor
35. How often do you dream? rarely
36. Pen or pencil? pen
37. Who's your favorite teacher out of all of your school years? SHUT UP
38. Are you in love? forever so.
39. How many times have you flunked a class? ..................!
40. Which animal best fits your personality? a weird one.
41. Paper or computer? paper
42. What comes to mind when someone says "school"? YOU SUCK
43. Have you ever been in a relationship? I'm in a permanent one right now
44. Do you enjoy life? yea, heck, why not
45. What word best describes you? complicated
46. Frozen Yogurt or Ice Cream? ice creaaam
47. What's your favorite T.V. show? none
48. How many times have you fallen down when all eyes were on you? I'm not sure when "all eyes were on me"...I don't usually fall.
49. Pirates or Ninjas? uhhh...I don't know any? so I cant judge.
50. What is one thing you will never do, no matter the circumstance? hurt my family
Do you snore? yea...poor Cid.
Do you chew on your straw? if I'm bored
Were you a cute baby? pffffft
Do you sing in the shower? no
Any secret talents? I can kick your a**
What is your ideal vacation spot? someplace warm. or cold, so I can cuddle. heck, anywhere with Cid...or the family....yea
What are you wearing? clothes. wow. how about that?!
Do you give a darn about the ozone? nope
Can you sing the alphabet backwards? no
Are spedo's hot? not really, no
Whats your standing on hunting? go meat.
Do you like your handwriting? its horrid
What are you allergic to? idiots
When was the last time you said I love you? this morning
Do you cry at weddings? considering I've been to exactly........none....
How do you like your eggs? what's with eggs?
Are blondes dumb? no, they're adorable and can kick your a**
Do you prefer showers or baths? shower
Is santa real? no
Are you afraid of the dark? no
Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? creamy
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? no
Is drug free the way to be? yea
Are you wearing socks? no..
Have you ever hitch hiked? no
Whens the last time you cried? day before yesterday-laughing
Do you like your life? it's pretty damn wonderful. <3
Whose life is better? errr....no one?
Do you play any instruments? no
Do you like camping? .....I'd try it
Do you snort when you laugh? no
Is a dog man's best friend? no. Cid's not a dog.
Do you believe in divorce? for some yea. I wont need it though.
Do you wear nailpolish? no
Name? *fancy scribble* Koryu Highwind
Age? old enough, thanks
Eye color? red
Hair Color? purple
Height? .....not enough, thanks
Skin Color? a shade between white and brown.
Siblings? no
Pets? yea
Friends: I've got some
Best Girl Friend? none
Best Guy Friend? Cid
Funniest? Cid, Pader (stupid), Auron (witty....damn him...)
Nicest? Kurt and Pader, Rav
Prettiest? pfft. Cid. but he's handsome, not pretty
Most peaceful? Auron if you don't bug him.
Smartest? they're all pretty smart.
Craziest? ...they're all pretty crazy too
Most Athletic? Pader I guess....I dunno.
How many friends do you have? about..er..eight...I guess....unless I'm forgetting someone
Most in tune with the outdoors? Pader. stupid elf
Most Fun? Cid
Who was the last you talked with? Aside from Cid.....I don't remember....its been a while
Are you your own friend? yay, self
Who's the last...:
person you called? no one
person that called you? no one
person you kissed? cid
person you hugged? cid, kids
person you laughed with? cid, kids
person you argued with? cid
person you cried to? cid..
This or That:
Single or group dates? single.
Spring or fall? spring
Summer or winter? summer.
Rock Climbing or Fencing? er...fencing!
Glass half empty or glass half full? half empty. of s**t.
romantic comedy or thriller? neither...
The city, the beach, OR the country? beach
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