Sooooooooooooo for life updates, I'm going on vaca starting tomorrow so I won't be on for a week after tomorrow night. I'm starting school again in September. BTW I'm 13 years old and am going into 8th grade this year. I'm also getting braces the second day of school, so I'm missing school on the 2nd day lol. I also play soccer for my school and soccer season is coming up so I start soccer the first day of school.
Random sticker emote thingy thing time!!!! biggrin smile xd 3nodding blaugh xp whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool confused cool lol razz mrgreen 4laugh rofl dramallama cat_biggrin cat_smile cat_xd cat_3nodding cat_blaugh cat_sweatdrop cat_xp cat_whee cat_wink cat_surprised cat_surprised cat_cool cat_lol cat_razz cat_mrgreen cat_ninja cat_4laugh cat_rofl cat_pirate yum_puddi yum_pumpkinpie yum_icecreampie emotion_awesome emotion_dealwithit gaia_angelleft gaia_angelright gaia_crown gaia_nitemareleft gaia_nitemareright gaia_star gaia_diamond
Soooo, what's going on in your life??? Comment down below!
gaia_angelleft Da-Oreo-Cookeh gaia_angelright
"Smile! It confuses people!"
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"Smile! It confuses people!"
My DeviantArt
My Wattpad
My Guild-WingClan Guild