So was pretty boring. It was just..."One of thoses day' You know. Nothing happens, but you want it to. The only fun party was getting able to cut the sad, aye? Later on I started to think about Speedy cat. (Speedy cat is one of my kittens I have. You prob are thinking "Well shouldn't it be named Speedy Kitten" Ah-hah. I was thinking later on when it grows up, it will fit that name. ^^; )) She had gone missing the day before yesterday. I am just starting to think she climbed up into one of my parent's cars and when they turned their car on, something happened and it killed them. I only think that because that had happened to some of my cats before. Really I don't know what happens. My mom and dad just say that is what happens. I don't think different from them because if they hit the cats you would hear them cry or something. But yeah...So I dicied to go look for her. I took my four-willer to the back of my yard tosee if it was there. I really didn't get to get a good look because it was all flooded, and I didn't want to get stuck in the mud. I would of went bare footed, but my dad had told he had saw a poinoness snake back there. After I got done with the back tard I went to strwwt and looked. *Sigh* I do hope Speedy cat is okay. She was one of the only tame cat I have. Yeah. My cat had kittens, they couldn't come insdie because my dad likes to clam the cats stop up his nose. I dout that because he was fine with the catsuntill the messed in his room. >.< Psh. So yeah where was I..YEAH, so I think they are got wild because they were boren outside. Eh. I just finaly got the chance to get Speedy Cat and pet her untill she was tamed...So yeah that was it.