KillerDreaming's Den |
KillerDreamin's Den (Journal) |
Community Member
Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 @ 04:19am
I got the girl enough Gold for her to get some pants she wanted badly, and a shirt; now she is just having fun in other RPs, pretty much abandoning, which is how it usually goes here on Gaia.
In other news I have pretty much settled down in an orpahanage RP, so far it has been a nice experience, but on Gaia nice experiences can go terribly wrong just as fast as they turned good, but hopefully it will be a good 2000 pages before that begins to happen, this thread is nearly always updated; so it should not die for a while..
We get 3 new members for every 1 we lose, I think and hope it will last atleast a few months, the people that join it seem to be mostly female, or guys comming to meet females, freaking horny teenager boys.