Henjinx's Journal |
What Its Like To Be A Freak |
Community Member
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 @ 01:38am
Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 @ 08:11pm
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 @ 06:01pm
Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 06:11pm
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Merf :3
Jinx- Most likely not comeing back till tommorrow give me a hug says:
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
internet wasnt working
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
xD its okay
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
remember yesterday, what you told me to ask some random person at the doctors office?
Jinx says:
Yesh XDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
its quite a funny story...
Jinx says:
Hmm tell me
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I asked this 17 year old [ he didnt look 17 DD:] and then I asked him, he says "Hell yeah!" so I walk away and he slaps my a**, im like wtf? so I slaped his as and left
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
The thing that happened yesterday night happened again lastnight!!
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
This person is sleeping right now
Jinx says:
Im scared as hell
Jinx says:
I dont know what im doing >.>
Jinx says:
Im too scared to wake them up
Jinx says:
they could like strangle me
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
if they do wake up, RUN!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
i'll wait for you =D
Jinx says:
No this person seems pretty short
Jinx says:
the only thing they could really do is bite my ankles I bet
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
xDD lmao!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
and oyu dont remember?
Jinx says:
no Inever remember
Jinx says:
And Im usually really good with remembering too
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
thats weird DD:
Jinx says:
i know
Jinx says:
And I couldnt have been drinking
Jinx says:
b.c I dont go to bars at all
Jinx says:
unless its like applebees
Jinx says:
Ill get apple cyder or however you spell it and pretend to get drunk
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
but that would really get you drunk DD:
Jinx says:
no it wouldnt
Jinx says:
applebees sucks
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
hmm, maybe, they knocked you out!
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
maybe someone put something in your drink -shrugs- I dunno
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Maybe I shouldnt hang out with my other friends anymore
Jinx says:
this only seems to happen when Im with them
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao! yeah, just dont
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
or just dont drink anything or eat anything XD
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Then they probably would knock me out
Jinx says:
Oh brb there wakeing up >.> good lord
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
-holds his hand- im right here
Jinx says:
Ok there kinda dazed
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
thats weird
Jinx says:
oh great now there going down the hall
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
Wth are they doing there like walking outside....
Jinx says:
I think there going to walk home xDD
Jinx says:
Well that was weird
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
he didnt say anything?
Jinx says:
Aka She
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Sorta grunted
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
ah w/e
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
same difference
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
except the fact of p***s and boobs
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
but that wasnt really a women
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
ER... yeah it was
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
thats why its so weird
Jinx says:
There like in there underwear
Jinx says:
walking down the street
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I dunno! I wasnt there XD
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
THough youd might know
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
I remember everything we did yesterday
Jinx says:
Like theconversation about being born
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im in my smart a** shirt XD
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
-sighs- fine
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
when I heard smart a**
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
I thought of my democrat shirt
Jinx says:
and I was like
Jinx says:
Hey didnt I go to that one democrat place last night
Jinx says:
There was alot of smokeing
Jinx says:
and the guy was annoying
Jinx says:
this speaker guy
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! is inviting you to start viewing webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
You have accepted the invitation to start viewing webcam.
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jinx says:
augh commercials
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
your remembering XD
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
i just got up so yeah shut up xD
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
So did I !
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
those are supost to be asses XD
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
I See now
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
n/p XD
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
you look like that girl from scream
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
=.= theres more then one girl in that movie
Jinx says:
Jinx says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
nu I dont!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
change your name XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
to like juliaa or something XD
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I hear ppl waking up xD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
Lmao go smack a bottle on there heads theyll go back to sleep
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
and plus, i'll get in s**t but, it works XD
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
Lmao Im watching mad tv
Jenn says:
THis is funny
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I dont have a tv to watch
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
that is a problem
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
sure hw ynot!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
xD watchin quality youtube with my pal
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
with your pal?
Jenn says:
Fine My Best Buddy ol' Pal
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
thats weird
Jenn says:
ITs like super fast
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
as she gets older
Jenn says:
she turns into a fat a**
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
Your sleeping
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
well I did go to bed like 3 hours ago
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
When Did I go to bed? I STILL DONT KNOW
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
I think I partially woke up then
Jenn says:
I was inbetween
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
xD lol
Jenn says:
xD you laughed so hard yesterday
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao I couldnt breathe
Jenn says:
Yeah Im that hot
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao of course you are
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
omg he still has that poster
Jenn says:
Even after my insults
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
with his fetus foot
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
that thing cant come out XD
Jenn says:
Cut it
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
its apart of the bed D:
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
why did you buy it then!?
Jenn says:
its a demon
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I dunno my mom bought it xD
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
She was being controlled by the devil
Jenn says:
she was under the arm of satan
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
xDDD lmao!
Jenn says:
shes his right han
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao xD
Jenn says:
ahh I Froze owellz
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
eww I look like a terd when I sleep xD
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! has stopped viewing webcam with you.
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! is inviting you to start viewing webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
Jenn says:
You have accepted the invitation to start viewing webcam.
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
Did you have breakfest
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
I demand you have it now
Jenn says:
A growing girl needs her vitiman
Jenn says:
or w.e..=.=
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Im to lazy thouhg
Jenn says:
I would make you breakfest but IM NOT THERE
Jenn says:
possibly waffles
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I dont have waffles
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Jenn says:
Ill buy them xD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
maybe I do
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I dunno
Jenn says:
Or borrow them
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im not goin to make something! XD
Jenn says:
Jenn says:
Ill just watch the room
Jenn says:
Do stuff
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
-thinks dirty thoughts-
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
what "stuff"?
Jenn says:
I Swear to god that poster is masturbateing to your brother xDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
omg XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
i'll go get something to eat
Jenn says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! has stopped viewing webcam with you.
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
xDD hang on
Jenn says:
*holds onto edge of bridge*
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Simon says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! is inviting you to start viewing webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
You have accepted the invitation to start viewing webcam.
Simon says:
my name rules
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I dunno anyone named simon xDD
Simon says:
xDD lmao
Simon says:
ok wait a sec
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Alotsuv F. Gina says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Alotsuv F. Gina says:
Alotsuv F. Gina says:
I bet you know someone like that
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
not now not ever! XD
Alotsuv F. Gina says:
Alotsuv F. Gina says:
You will sooner or later
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
You Closet says:
You Closet says:
Lmao mad tv rocks
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
You Closet says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
I think Ill stick with this one
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao! XD
Dad says:
Dont talk to perverts!!
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
I meen!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
that means no computer DD:
Dad says:
Dad says:
THen dont do..... w.e...
Dad says:
dont do drugs
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Just dont do the ones that kil lyou
Dad says:
anything else
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I wasnt planing to!
Dad says:
is ok with me
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
I love my fruit loops
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
me too!
Dad says:
for some reason that didnt sound that right
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I didnt even know we had any XD
Dad says:
Im not even sure if that would make sence
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
XD lmao!
Dad says:
Maybe you got the cheerioloops
Dad says:
those new things
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao! XD
Dad says:
Dad says:
Lmao if you click on this one part of bodies
Dad says:
at 9 seconds
Dad says:
and you keep clicking it
Dad says:
his mouth goes up and down
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao! XD
Dad says:
its weird
Dad says:
now it looks like there humping eachother
Dad says:
Butt rapists
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
you made me chhoke XDD
Dad says:
im sorry
Dad says:
I wont do it again..
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
its okya XD
Dad says:
well I wont try
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
I luffs it
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
me too ^-^
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I got it from the dollar store XDD
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
my picture
Dad says:
there rapeing
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
yeah I can seee that
Dad says:
Dad says:
your a gopher
Dad says:
You keep hideing
Dad says:
and then peeking up
Dad says:
no wait thats a chimpmunk
Dad says:
Dad says:
your a small mammal..
Dad says:
that hides and burrows holes
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
XDD Lmao!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im typing XD
Dad says:
Dad says:
I type
Dad says:
typeity type type
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
xDD lol
Dad says:
Lmao if you say that
Dad says:
It sounds like tape
Dad says:
Just say type type type
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
it does XD
Dad says:
Dad says:
Like a hill billy
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
All ******** week T.T
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
I wont be able to talk to youuus...
Dad says:
b.c my dads a ******** computer rapist
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
and hes still pissed at me for beating his a** and shoveing it into the frying pan
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
it will be the most boring week of my life T-T
Dad says:
yer... I know its going to be horrible for you and darky
Dad says:
I guess youll just have to rape eachother
Dad says:
to keep warm
Dad says:
in the frosty wildnerness
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao! XD
Dad says:
Dad says:
but I dont think he'll be much help
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
he'll probably just sit there
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Probably ..... aka MOST LIKELY
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
You really do like that girl from scream
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
the only reasong really I go on the computer is because your liek the only person that talks to me DD:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
and nu I dont! xD
Dad says:
Yersh you do... and shes hot
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
my brush is on the ground...
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
to lazy to pick it up D:
Dad says:
Pick it up with your toes
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
thats what im doing XD
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
with my sexy toes xDD
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
very shmexi
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im gonna take a shower kay, then i'll be right back on ^-^
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! has stopped viewing webcam with you.
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
yesh showers
Dad says:
aww thatmeens I cant watch xDD?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
yes that means you cant watch!
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
and plus the webcam does reach that far XD
Dad says:
but you can come back
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
i'll tty after my shower kay
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
buh bai
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I dunno what to wear x_X
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I hate doing this in the morning XD
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
=.= I have a towel on
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
zomg ZD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I need clothes brb
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
zomg why?!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
b.c I liek to those color
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I think I have something
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
brb thouhg
Dad says:
xDD otay
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
my hair!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
its....HORRID! x_X
Dad says:
*huggles hair*
Dad says:
I like you hair T.T
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
oh shizz
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
brb again
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I have to empty
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
litter box! x_X
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I know
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
its my turn thouhg
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Just vacuum it
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
no no I tried that
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
it didnt work out to well
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Mine got clogged
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
they were huge
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
weby cam?
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! is inviting you to start viewing webcam. Do you want to Accept (Alt+C) or Decline (Alt+D) the invitation?
You have accepted the invitation to start viewing webcam.
Dad says:
You hair isnt bad
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
thanks ^-^
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
all my like black and red ish in the wash DD:
Dad says:
xDD ish otay
Dad says:
I can livewith it
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im still tired
Dad says:
Dad says:
well it is like >.>
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
yepp xD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im just weird that way
Dad says:
yeah Im that good at addition
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lmao! XD
Dad says:
I ahve to add an hour
Dad says:
It was tough
Dad says:
but I did it
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im so proud ^-^
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
ifeel so appreciated
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
you have to see my awsome bag XD
Dad says:
Awsome bag
Dad says:
where !?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
brb XDD
Dad says:
Dad says:
I dont think I havea bag yet T.T
Dad says:
I havea breifcase
Dad says:
thats it
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
aww! xDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
its okay
Dad says:
Dad says:
where ish your family o.o?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
work, work, downstairs, downstairs, downstairs
Dad says:
Dad says:
I can kinda tell whos working
Dad says:
and whos not
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
darky is a retard
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
playing guild wars
Dad says:
like WTF
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
That thing sucks a**
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
it does
Dad says:
I dunno xDD I thin kit does lmao
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
xDD I dont like it either XD
Dad says:
Dad says:
it also sounds reall dumb
Dad says:
Guild wars
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
lol yeah XD
Dad says:
lalala >.>
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I look like a terd singing XD
Dad says:
Lmao....you lie!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
I think my chair is slowly devouring me
Dad says:
for the past 30 minutes Ive been slowly sinking
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
XDD lmao!
Dad says:
*hides like a ninja*
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
-hides with him-
Dad says:
Dad says:
ahh your ontop of meh
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
I know ;3
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
*listens to bodies*
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
XD lmao!
Dad says:
nu wait!
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
im listenin to Hips Dont Lie!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Im listening to =.= wait
Dad says:
I dont know
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
-changes song to boys in the hood-
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
zomg x
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Is that a gundam
Dad says:
or w.e
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
ITs a damngun!!
Dad says:
its ultralord the 3rd
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
nuu xD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
ots a sword XD
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
Dad says:
that sword sucks!!
Dad says:
nu actually it doesnt
Dad says:
you could kill me with that
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* <4 iSh ThE nEw ThInG bIsHeS! says:
its digimon XD
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Seirosuly tell him to get rid of that poster
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Then her father stood up and he started to shout so I threw a right cross and knocked his old a** out
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I broke it DD:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Tape it he wont notice
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
nvm i fixed it!
Dad says:
Dad says:
I had a good plan
Dad says:
You could chew onit
Dad says:
and then
Dad says:
put it in the litter box
Dad says:
theyd blame the caT!!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
lmao! xD
Dad says:
its a perfect plan
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
its a phone!
Dad says:
Dad says:
whos on it
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
my friend!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Tell Him or her I said hi
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
possibly it
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
lmao no she
Dad says:
Dad says:
did she say hi too T.T
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
oh yesh she did XD
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! winks:
Play "Silly Face"
Dad says:
Dad says:
itsa virus xDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Use the defenses!!
Dad says:
Dad says:
later T.T
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
lateR? DD:
Dad says:
Nuuu you said
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
so I was like otay
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Lmao you should stab it with a pencil
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
it will only take a second cause this phone doesnt have like a callers list
Dad says:
Dad says:
that sucks as bad as my tv
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I know
Dad says:
It takes like three clicks to turn it on
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
one makes it warm up
Dad says:
two makes it think
Dad says:
and three it works
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
xDD lol
Dad says:
ooo Are we calling someone now ?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
maybeh maybeh not eh?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
are you eating something
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
yesh xD
Dad says:
what ish it?
Dad says:
whoa on tv there talking aboutgetting raped
Dad says:
this rules
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
lmao XD
Dad says:
they were like
Dad says:
He put something in my mouth
Dad says:
so I couldnt scream
Dad says:
I think it was scarf
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
and then al l Iremember is my clothes getting torn off
Dad says:
and then I got knocked out
Dad says:
andwhen I woke up my a** hurt blabalblabla
Dad says:
no that last part didnt happen
Dad says:
but w.e...
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
xD lmao thats what she was thinking
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
a little confused there
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
God I hate this girl
Dad says:
Dad says:
What she saying?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
shes just anoying
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
shes like
Dad says:
makeing one sound only
Dad says:
for alooooong time
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
hang on
Dad says:
*holds self*
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
hey looky looky
Dad says:
Whos that
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XD
Dad says:
Dont make him or her or it goaway
Dad says:
Oh wait
Dad says:
I see no boobies
Dad says:
its a guy
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Im just being normal
Dad says:
as normal as I can bee
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
not you
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
wtf is he hold
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Mini game
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Does it have halo??
Dad says:
cuz if it does I take that back
Dad says:
but if it doenst
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
yes it has halo
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
I bet it sucks though
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
im just kidding, theres no halo
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
well that sucks a**
Dad says:
I meen
Dad says:
Not a**
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
who cares XD
Dad says:
Dad says:
I dont
Dad says:
Dad says:
so he is gone?
Dad says:
Okay I was censoring myself
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
I saw them again xDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XD
Dad says:
yersh Im obsessed
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
I was looking
Dad says:
I meen
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
my key board XD
Dad says:
mines all white :C
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
one of my computers are like that
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I have 3 >:BB
Dad says:
I have....
Dad says:
*counts with fingers*
Dad says:
7 if you count everyone of them in the house
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Im just counting up stairs xD
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
xD I have like 475893407534890573498573490 downstairs XD
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
maybe not that many
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
-ish thinking-
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
how many rooms are downstairs-
Dad says:
whoa t.v...
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
*nose bleed*
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I gots water in my ear x_X
Dad says:
xDD that sucks
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
hey you
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Comeover here
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
he ran away :c
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
>.> I think it was your brother
Dad says:
I saw his shadow
Dad says:
and I was like COMERE
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
This game sucks!
Dad says:
Dad says:
What is it
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I dunno xD
Dad says:
What does it look like
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I dunno xD
Dad says:
Dad says:
tell your brother come back I have something funneh to show em
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
its that thing again
Dad says:
ITs looks so nasty >.<
Dad says:
Dad says:
=.= thingy
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
youve never had a fruit roll up b4?!?
Dad says:
Dad says:
but I dont eat em that way
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
well I have to type!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
No no no
Dad says:
when you hold it
Dad says:
it looks weird
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
thats only cause your perverted XD
Dad says:
lmao nuh uh
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
ya huh XD
Dad says:
lmao xDD NUH UH
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
ya uh!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I look like a terd eating this xD
Dad says:
You say that about everything
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
well I do D
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Look at my picture
Dad says:
it looks like weeny!!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
your sucha terd I swear to god!
Dad says:
Yah But ya gotta love me for my devilish charm
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
of course I do XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
why can you take a good picture!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
thats as much as a smile your gonna get xDD
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
You walked!!
Dad says:
Comere my little ickle babeh
Dad says:
Dad says:
oh no shes gonig to fall
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
MY p***s
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
just take the picture!
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
and you were back at the hospital
Dad says:
Shes kinda stuck
Dad says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Thats nasty
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
just take a picure!
Dad says:
your trying to drown me out
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
okalay dokaly
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
just take the picutre...
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
did you take it?!
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
it cut it in half T.T
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
it okay X
Dad says:
I have better ones
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I look like a tred anyways
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
Like that one from yeshterday
Dad says:
I like that one T.T
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
send me that one I like it too
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Dad says:
I have an even better onee
Dad says:
Thats mine
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
yeah and I think theres one more
Dad says:
lemme check
Dad says:
Yer >.>
Dad says:
Dad says:
My favorite
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
might I say?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
no showing anyone?
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
just send me that other one XD
Dad says:
I hope my grandpas computer is faster
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
take that picture off for now XD
Dad sends:
CDad says:
Im gonna keep that
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
that ones awsome
* Transfer of "xDDD.bmp" is complete.
Dad says:
whoa that was fast
Dad says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
Im gonna keep this one foreveh
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Dad says:
I should print it and put it in my wallet
Dad says:
and when ppl ask who it is
Dad says:
Ill be like " My smart a**"
Dad says:
yer thats my plan :
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I just dont want my brother walkin in and saying, IS THAT YOU ?!??! =o
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
just be like
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
XD lmao!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
this ones for your brother
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
xDD Wait how old is he o.o??
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
does it matter?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
=.=... so?
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
*rides a motorcycle*
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I dont know why you think you need to lose weight YOUR PERFECTTT
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
What Ish true T.T
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
its just my tummy XD
Lemme see
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
no this isnt the pervert
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I wasnt thinking pervertedly untill now
and Im trying not too
its working
I just keep looking at my picture
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
look at that
you see
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I see fat XD
I see sexyness
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
lmao XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
thank you xD
no problem and I dont lie ever
Im an honest Jack
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I need to straighten my bangs...brb
xD otay
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
better XD
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I almost burned my face x_X
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
my name rules
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
Ish true
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
I made it up
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
but the percent is right
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I kinda guessed you did XD
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
I read it off my shampoo bottle
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
And I Was like hmmmm
60% of women lie about there bra size. If your a guy and you wanted what you asked put this in your sig. says:
I want what I asked for
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Tsk Tsk... I still can see your underwear. says:
Tsk Tsk... I still can see your underwear. says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Tsk Tsk... I still can see your underwear. says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
u find this information on a shampooo bottle!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I find that funny!
This is an annoyingly long screen name.Thank you.>.> says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
jenny XDD
Jenniboob says:
Jenniboob says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
Jenniboob says:
that actually look s kinda like the person who was sleeping in my room.
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
lmao! xDD
Jenniboob says:
Secrete Agent: Private d**k says:
Secrete Agent: Private d**k says:
my pwnz
Secrete Agent: Private d**k says:
name pwnz**
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
XDD Lmao
Secrete Agent: Private d**k says:
I Cry Purple! says:
im tired
I Cry Purple! says:
and buuured
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
hang on
I Cry Purple! says:
*looks fora can opener* brb... I need to open this stupid plastic baggy
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
XDD lmao!!
I Cry Purple! says:
oh wait nv,
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
its fell and it opened
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
lmao! XDD
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I dont like that band DD:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
they have scary music videos
I Cry Purple! says:
Nuh uh
I Cry Purple! says:
there funneh
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I haff pringleys
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
*Sings along to fftl* ^-^
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
but I am the chosen one
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
you suck
I Cry Purple! says:
Boobehs O.o?
I Cry Purple! says:
its true
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
wtf jen?XD
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
that was just random? XD
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I hate life
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
Im turning into a potato
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
A couch potato
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
oh XD
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I feel like tacos
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
you feel like a taco, or do you feel like eating a taco? XD
I Cry Purple! says:
no no no xDD Thats from the emo song
I Cry Purple! says:
he says it at the end
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
xD Lmao!
I Cry Purple! says:
" I feel like tacos, The end"
I Cry Purple! says:
xDD Like that
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
xD lmao!
I Cry Purple! says:
Dear Diary, mood: apathetic.... xDD emo songrules!!
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
stab me in the heart stabby mcstab stab
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
but I dont wanna! D:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I steal my sisters mascara and im grounded for a week
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
Now go play with your erection set
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I love that saying
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg Xd
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
stop with the pictures xD
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
im dieing
I Cry Purple! says:
ITsa black hole
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
Oh I see
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
stop my breatheing and slit my throat. I must be emo
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
anyone that has a p***y doesnt needanother one
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
just shh for a sex
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
I Cry Purple! says:
Ill go let you
I Cry Purple! says:
Get into soemthing more comftarable xDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
zomg XDD
I don't know diary. Sometimes I think your the only one that understands me.. Your my best friend. says:
>.> can I talk nowww
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
noo >.>
I don't know diary. Sometimes I think your the only one that understands me.. Your my best friend. says:
I don't know diary. Sometimes I think your the only one that understands me.. Your my best friend. says:
You got bunny ears
I don't know diary. Sometimes I think your the only one that understands me.. Your my best friend. says:
WEll had
I don't know diary. Sometimes I think your the only one that understands me.. Your my best friend. says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
xDD Lmao!
I don't know diary. Sometimes I think your the only one that understands me.. Your my best friend. says:
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
nvm XDD
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕнєѕ! says:
han gon
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* «4 ιѕн тнє иєω тнιиg вιѕн
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 @ 10:30pm
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 @ 09:00pm
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 @ 02:42pm
Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 @ 11:16pm
IF you read this tell me a im a perv xDDD
Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ur avi is sinking Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: brb Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hello everyone is dead Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: thats great Henjinx: o.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ah] Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: zombbies Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *gets gun out* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: back or ill... Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hmmm i never thought of what to do Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hmmm Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: PIE!!! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: AH Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: what now? Rainbow_sushi: phew.... Reservoir Dogs C 08: huh? DeckardDude: ................................... DeckardDude: .................................. Atamsk13: lol yeah DeckardDude: ................ ~ Hawaiian_Hottness ~: i gotta go get my car oil changed FireOfSatan: p***s xD3m0n_Angelx: o.o ~sasuke-lover10~: he's not here right now but he will be soon ~vic~boy~: OK..PEACE xD3m0n_Angelx: BOOBs ~Emo---Gurl~: emo boys and hardcore music is my life ~Emo---Gurl~: and p***s ~Emo---Gurl~: lol ~ Hawaiian_Hottness ~: i'd pick u up , but i don't wanna xD3m0n_Angelx: lol FireOfSatan: ME! TOO! ~vic~boy~: HAHAHA ~vic~boy~: LOSER... FireOfSatan: im emo Quibuz: back ~ Hawaiian_Hottness ~: haha cherry blossem 44: you suck ~Emo---Gurl~: my p***s stay away FireOfSatan: and naked Quibuz: I wat? xD3m0n_Angelx: Punk>dII(-_-)llb<Rock ~ Hawaiian_Hottness ~: peace out homie ~vic~boy~: I LOVE EMO BOBS FireOfSatan: gimme c**k ~sasuke-lover10~: um, she said you suck ~Emo---Gurl~: what SakuraOkayama: whens it ga`na be morn`n ~Emo---Gurl~: where ~Emo---Gurl~: i want emo boy FireOfSatan: me too ~sasuke-lover10~: me? ~Emo---Gurl~: huggs you ~sasuke-lover10~: or her Quibuz: i wonder why?!?! how did she know I was drinking through a straw ~vic~boy~: THOSE BOOBS ARE FAKE.... Henjinx: Make sure =.= ~Emo---Gurl~: jay you there Henjinx: *poke* ~sasuke-lover10~: wat ~vic~boy~: **POKE***poke** ~Emo---Gurl~: lol ~vic~boy~: YUP...FAKE Henjinx: I dunner ~Emo---Gurl~: jay ~Emo---Gurl~: hello ~sasuke-lover10~: brb better than you.: ! ~vic~boy~: ***SLAPS BUTT*** <<<<<<slap>>>>>>> FireOfSatan: no more touching ~vic~boy~: LOL Quibuz: well what else can one expect from a 14yo girl confused ~Emo---Gurl~: jay Henjinx: xDDD better than you.: This reminds me of a hentai movie ~Emo---Gurl~: hello ~vic~boy~: HAHAHA better than you.: A lot ~Emo---Gurl~: helloooo FireOfSatan: same here ~sasuke-lover10~: are you talking about me or her? better than you.: Screencap time Quibuz: her heck_yes_cheerios: hey ~sasuke-lover10~: oh ok nydarious: hello ~vic~boy~: HI...IM VICTOR FireOfSatan: NO! heck_yes_cheerios: over here nydarious: u wanted me here ~Emo---Gurl~: waits ~sasuke-lover10~: CORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It.Is.I: o.O Kairi2123: hello heck_yes_cheerios: i was bored xD3m0n_Angelx: .:<[Hardcore]<Punk>dII(-_-)llb<Rock>[Hardcore]>:. ~ Hawaiian_Hottness ~: brb nydarious: ok ~Emo---Gurl~: ok ~sasuke-lover10~: where did he go? ~Emo---Gurl~: lol xD3m0n_Angelx: .:<[Hardcore]<Punk>dII(-_-)llb<Rock>[Hardcore]>:.lol ~vic~boy~: HI..WHATS UR AGE? xD3m0n_Angelx: lol FireOfSatan: LINKIN PARK! Vampire Lover 24747: ... Quibuz: you didn t say I suck ~Emo---Gurl~: what are you doing Kairi2123: 15 heck_yes_cheerios: wait just a sec i'll brb my comps glitching nydarious: ok ~sasuke-lover10~: I know ~vic~boy~: COOL....... heck_yes_cheerios: wait not any more ~sasuke-lover10~: I wasn't sure ~Emo---Gurl~: nuu xD3m0n_Angelx: just makin some symbols ~vic~boy~: WAT SQUID heck_yes_cheerios: is FireOfSatan: bye bye ~vic~boy~: .. ~Emo---Gurl~: ok ~Emo---Gurl~: ';;' bite you ~vic~boy~: WHERE U FROM? nydarious: ok heck_yes_cheerios: beyondsaving online? Quibuz: anyways.. this part of gaia is way too slow.... gonna move 1 up... bye nydarious: i duno nydarious: shes hidden ~sasuke-lover10~: bye xD3m0n_Angelx: .::Helloo::. heck_yes_cheerios: that sucks nydarious: ya ~Emo---Gurl~: HELLO heck_yes_cheerios: how do you become hidden Kairi2123: so.. nydarious: brb xD3m0n_Angelx: .::^^::. heck_yes_cheerios: ????? ~sasuke-lover10~: CORN HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lovely essence: MONICA heck_yes_cheerios: i thought only admins could do that heck_yes_cheerios: hey Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: D: u left heck_yes_cheerios: kitty kittycatz6: hi! ~Emo---Gurl~: hello"" Airiana_H_Echidna: Hi ~sasuke-lover10~: *eats corn head* ~Emo---Gurl~: hello"" Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ... nydarious: ok xD3m0n_Angelx: <(^^< wink nydarious: so what u do heck_yes_cheerios: my friend nydarious is here Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- xD3m0n_Angelx: hey sorry ~Emo---Gurl~: lol heck_yes_cheerios: i invited kitty nydarious: is u go to acount wait hold on kittycatz6: hi nydarious! xD3m0n_Angelx: so what do you wanna talk about? nydarious: hello heck_yes_cheerios: hi ~Emo---Gurl~: umm kittycatz6: nice to meet you Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: D:< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no games ~Emo---Gurl~: what do u wanna talk about *blushes* heck_yes_cheerios: who's the other girl kittycatz6: huh? nydarious: ok heck_yes_cheerios: that hags out with nydarious: go to account Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: >.> heck_yes_cheerios: k nydarious: online status xD3m0n_Angelx: k u first heck_yes_cheerios: k heck_yes_cheerios: kk ~Emo---Gurl~: umm kittycatz6: me confuzled..... heck_yes_cheerios: wait Xx~Kit Cat~xX: AMBER Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: What am i ur leader? nydarious: u ahve a choice ~Emo---Gurl~: do you like [AdultSwim] Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Xx~Kit Cat~xX: you're supposed to be at the bar nydarious: of no and only friends better than you.: @___@ Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *slaps* nydarious: there your other choices lovely essence: Wha? Xx~Kit Cat~xX: amber heck_yes_cheerios: k Henjinx: Mrawr biggrin xD3m0n_Angelx: .::[]yah[]::. heck_yes_cheerios: cool ~Emo---Gurl~: yay kittycatz6: what's going on??? lovely essence: Ok Xx~Kit Cat~xX: you were supposed to go to lysergs >.< heck_yes_cheerios: thanks nydarious: ^_^ lovely essence: >.< heck_yes_cheerios: oh nothing nydarious: welcome lovely essence: Sorry xD3m0n_Angelx: what tv show? ~Emo---Gurl~: robot chicken is dahh bomb Xx~Kit Cat~xX: its ok Xx~Kit Cat~xX: lets go xD3m0n_Angelx: yah i know kittycatz6: ..... ~Emo---Gurl~: lol xD3m0n_Angelx: and aquateen hungerforce Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: holy shits nydarious: lol smily heck_yes_cheerios: i got it right! xD3m0n_Angelx: they r retarded ~Emo---Gurl~: do you know S-CRY_ED xD3m0n_Angelx: lol ~Emo---Gurl~: i love that show Henjinx: what? nydarious: brb heck_yes_cheerios: k ~Emo---Gurl~: yes its anime xD3m0n_Angelx: yah that alter and stuff ~Emo---Gurl~: lol heck_yes_cheerios: whats up kitty? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: u dress peeker ~Emo---Gurl~: i like it Henjinx: xDD ~Emo---Gurl~: Kazaku xD3m0n_Angelx: yah ~Emo---Gurl~: n kittycatz6: just hangin out. anerastery: dude ~Emo---Gurl~: lol heck_yes_cheerios: play along ok Henjinx: you know you liked it xD3m0n_Angelx: kazakun Outgoing_hottie: can u donate 200 gold,for shoes? ~Emo---Gurl~: i love you Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no kittycatz6: okay...... heck_yes_cheerios: follow nydarious: back xD3m0n_Angelx: yah that tiger arm guy kittycatz6: okay. Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *slaps* heck_yes_cheerios: ny xD3m0n_Angelx: ....What!! nydarious: hmmmmm ~Emo---Gurl~: yay heck_yes_cheerios: play along ok kittycatz6: ny? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: shooo ~Emo---Gurl~: lol kittycatz6: okay Outgoing_hottie: can u donate 200 gold,for shoes? nydarious: umm ok heck_yes_cheerios: follow kittycatz6: k's heck_yes_cheerios: ~Emo---Gurl~: hold hand ~Emo---Gurl~: stay therre Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: quit heck_yes_cheerios: WHY?!?!?! Outgoing_hottie: can u donate 200 gold,for shoes? Henjinx: T.T otay ~Emo---Gurl~: damn heck_yes_cheerios: why do you have to be this way?!?!? heck_yes_cheerios: you PUNK!! xD3m0n_Angelx: i cant im holdin a book lol ~Emo---Gurl~: my tail Outgoing_hottie: can u donate 200 gold,for shoes? ~Emo---Gurl~: is in the way Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: u cant look up my dress nydarious: man that guys egotistical ~Emo---Gurl~: brb xD3m0n_Angelx: my book and scarf ~Emo---Gurl~: i going to chage kittycatz6: why???!!!!!! Henjinx: xDD xD3m0n_Angelx: me 2 heck_yes_cheerios: are youflipping me off or is that a cig? ~Emo---Gurl~: stay here xD3m0n_Angelx: k ~Emo---Gurl~: kk ~Emo---Gurl~: meet here heck_yes_cheerios: hmmmm Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: then no boobies ~Emo---Gurl~: kk kittycatz6: me thinks it's a cig. ~Emo---Gurl~: brb nydarious: dont flip my friend off Outgoing_hottie: can u donate 200 gold,for shoes? punk_d2: o hi heck_yes_cheerios: PUNK!! heck_yes_cheerios: will you marry me? xD3m0n_Angelx: sure punk_d2: yup xD3m0n_Angelx: hold on Outgoing_hottie: really? xD3m0n_Angelx: im changin heck_yes_cheerios: i''m serious xD3m0n_Angelx: yah really punk_d2: REALLY xD3m0n_Angelx: hold on Outgoing_hottie: ok heck_yes_cheerios: really ~Emo---Gurl~: ok Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: henjinx? ~Emo---Gurl~: brb punk_d2: lol heck_yes_cheerios: i love you kittycatz6: omg kittycatz6: nydarious: lol kittycatz6: lol ~Emo---Gurl~: hello nydarious: (gets popcor out) Bon midow: told u i saw u Eat more Skettios: I'm moshing razz ~Emo---Gurl~: jay sora912: ill give u my g bot and a sword 4 that g blade Bon midow: lolz i win Outgoing_hottie: he'll be back nydarious: no sora912: plz ~Emo---Gurl~: who are you Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 kittycatz6: i g2g, bye xXdragon alchemistXx: lolz, wana try again nydarious: sell ur g bot and a swoord for a gblade Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: wtf Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: lol@u Henjinx: >.> Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i got u Henjinx: v.v Henjinx: >.> Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: u keep tryin to get away Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: XD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i keep finding u Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: XD Henjinx: On the other hand I got you right where I want you > biggrin * bites booberts* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: owies Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: brb Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: back Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *are wereing Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- Henjinx: >.> Henjinx: biggrin Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *tail whips u* Henjinx: mrawr *rubs your tummy* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: rofl Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: it tickles Henjinx: *moves hand a little higher* :3 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 3: Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *puts scarf over booberts* Henjinx: *slides hand under your scarf and raps his own around you* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: cant move arms Henjinx: *licks your neck* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *tail un wraps body* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Henjinx: <.< Henjinx: >.> Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *scarf covers booberts again* Henjinx: *moves head under scarf and sucks one* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *gets bag out* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ah Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *opens bag*( Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *gets out chain* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *then closes bag* Henjinx: o.o mrawr kinky Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hehe Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *chains jinx to the ground* Henjinx: mrawr *moves hand up your dress* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *puts bra on lock down* Henjinx: *rubs your v****a* razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *slaps* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: thats no right Henjinx: >.> Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i chained u Henjinx: you know you liked it Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no Henjinx: you were practically begging for more Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: lies Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: :X Henjinx: biggrin Henjinx: *takes off shoe and slips chain off of leg and puts shoe back on* Henjinx: :3 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Henjinx: >.> Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *gets out a bag of chips* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: :d Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *eats* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *lies down* Henjinx: >.> Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hmmm Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -thinks- Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: brb Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: back Henjinx: >.> Henjinx: *lays on top of* Mrawr :3 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: what do u what to do? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Henjinx: *licks your cheek* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *kisses cheek* Henjinx: :3 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hmmm Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *lies down again* Henjinx: ^^ *snuggles closer to you* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *kisses* Henjinx: :3 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: :3 Henjinx: >:3! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.o Henjinx: *feels your boobs again* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.o Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *trys to get up but cant* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 u chained me down Henjinx: ^^ Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: >.< Henjinx: *reaches down with one hand and continues rubbing your v****a* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ep Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: XP Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -tail is chained to Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: o.o Henjinx: *stops feeling your boob and strokes your tail* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *.* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: brb Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: back Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no mail v.v Henjinx: *sticks finger inside of your v****a* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: >.< Henjinx: razz you like that? xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: not that Henjinx: bleh stop lieing toyourself Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i got to use the restroom Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: >.< Henjinx: xD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: get of or get peed on* Henjinx: I dont care razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: damn it' Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: it didnt work Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *arm gets free* Henjinx: >:3 Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *then gets un cghained* Henjinx: :O Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *chained Henjinx: -.-... Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: > biggrin Henjinx: stay away from here that person over there is a perv xDD Yumi Kishimoto: ? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no u are Henjinx: No your the perv xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no u are Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: u chained me down Henjinx: Your the one who reached down my pants razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no u did Henjinx: O.o!? That wouldt make since but ok Henjinx: You triedto rape meh >.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: u put hand on my boob Henjinx: No you put my hand on your boob when I was chained and unconsious Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no ur lieing Yumi Kishimoto: um.... your both pervy....? Henjinx: liar Henjinx: hmm Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: im not a prev Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: he is Henjinx: YOU TOTALLY ARE Henjinx: =.= pervert Yumi Kishimoto: non of you are pervy then..? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: lair Henjinx: =.= Henjinx: pervert...... Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: my foxes saw it Henjinx: you have no foxes razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: yes i do Yumi Kishimoto: your all pervy damnit! Henjinx: xDD Henjinx: if were all pervy Henjinx: wouldnt that include anyone in this room? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: yeah Henjinx: <.< Henjinx: YOUR BOTH PERVERTS Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: that means ur prevert to Yumi Kishimoto: fine i'll be pervy too, just as long as you all stop fighting!!! Henjinx: xDDD Henjinx: =.=....perverts xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: im going to 3006 1st barton Yumi Kishimoto: ....pervert Henjinx: pervert o.o Yumi Kishimoto: you are Henjinx: xDDd Actually I was the pervert so your stuck in here with me xDD but you can always leave razz Henjinx: <.< Yumi Kishimoto: pervert Henjinx: Perv Henjinx: razz Yumi Kishimoto: your the perv! Henjinx: Sweetcheeks if im the perv just leave Yumi Kishimoto: hmph! fine then, i will Henjinx: Aww Henjinx: But then ill be lonely t.T Henjinx: I take bac keverything I said xDD Yumi Kishimoto: ok i'll stay Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i got bored Henjinx: xDD Henjinx: back for more abuse razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- Henjinx: <.< Henjinx: whats wrong? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: my home is boreing Yumi Kishimoto: nothing Henjinx: Yay its about time sage came back ! Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- Henjinx: The women overpopulate Yumi Kishimoto: thats true.. Henjinx: yall gotta settle down and stop havein babehs Yumi Kishimoto: woman can have male babies too Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hey us women have trouble with u men Henjinx: Trouble? Henjinx: theres no trouble Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: yeah there is Henjinx: >.> Yumi Kishimoto: another woman! Henjinx: I see no trouble Yumi Kishimoto: but she left Henjinx: Im perfectly fine biggrin Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: when we get married we do Henjinx: thats called wife beaters Henjinx: and there is none here biggrin so your all safe with me Henjinx: Sorta ^^; Henjinx: Yay Sage Yumi Kishimoto: ....woman Henjinx: biggrin come here my polar bear Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: XD Yumi Kishimoto: don't ((-Mrs.Sage-)): =D Henjinx: xDD Yumi Kishimoto: hes a pervert.... Henjinx: <.< yeah Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i know Henjinx: so? ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I know...hes my best friend XD Henjinx: xDDD Henjinx: yup were buds ^^ Yumi Kishimoto: just be careful Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: he chained me down sage Henjinx: razz She asked for it Yumi Kishimoto: watch his hands ((-Mrs.Sage-)): tsk tsk Jinx! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): XDDDD Yumi Kishimoto: ....and feet Henjinx: Well she did ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xD Henjinx: She said " GIVE IT TO MEH " ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xzDDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): **XDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no u did it when i was lieing down Henjinx: Rofl Henjinx: OHyeah Henjinx: I forgot ((-Mrs.Sage-)): MerfxDD Henjinx: You said " GIVE IT TO MEH " when you were lying down ((-Mrs.Sage-)): mer mer merf mer Henjinx: Merf :3 Henjinx: merfy merf Yumi Kishimoto: BRB!!!!!!!!! =D ((-Mrs.Sage-)): mer ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -nods- mer Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: he did this:Henjinx: *reaches down with one hand and continues rubbing your v****a* Henjinx: xDD LIES Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no lies Henjinx: yersh Henjinx: lotsh of lies xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: nope ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -.- im so sure XD Henjinx: xP ((-Mrs.Sage-)): Jebus Jinx! XDD Henjinx: Well god Can you blame a horny 16 yr old ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -nibbles on yur ear- you dont do that to other ppl! xD Henjinx: razz But they want it... they beg ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i dont Henjinx: <.< lies! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): yur mine! >:BB Henjinx: YOULL UNDERSTAND WHEN YOUR OLDER Henjinx: brb <.< ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): same here Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: stuf jinx ((-Mrs.Sage-)): brb xD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *stfu Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: dont leave here Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i hatte u henjinx Henjinx: Rofl Henjinx: LIAR Henjinx: YOU LUFF MEH ((-Mrs.Sage-)): >:BB Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: im not lieing Henjinx: AND YOU WANT SOME MORE OF MEH XDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no i dont Henjinx: YERSH YOU DO Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: nope Henjinx: xDD you complain that everyone doesnt want to talk to you Henjinx: b.c your younger then them Henjinx: I understood for a while Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *gets out bag of things* Henjinx: but my animal instincs kicked in Henjinx: And WAM Henjinx: YOU WERE LAID Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *pulls out a bag of chips* Henjinx: xDDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *eats chips* Henjinx: stupid television ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -the word bag reminds her of her bag- MINE! -grabs her bag- Henjinx: I ought kick it in teh nutsh Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hey thats mine Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: T~T Henjinx: HEY YOUR BACK Henjinx: .... ((-Mrs.Sage-)): oh sorry, I grabed the wrong bag DD: Yumi Kishimoto: yup Henjinx: OR are you O.o ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -grabs the bag behind jinx- Henjinx: razz noone likes meh here Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: give me my bag back Henjinx: they think Im a pervert Henjinx: but they dont see the cuddly wuddly fox cub inside of meh Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *grabs bag back* ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -tosses her her bag- I think your a pervert but I dont hate you xD Henjinx: well thats a relief :X ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *opens bag and gets out a pic* ((-Mrs.Sage-)): its otay ^-^ Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: hmm Henjinx: *sniffle* noone will ever like meh Henjinx: sept for you and darky Henjinx: of course razz ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD lmao! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *gets out a cam* ((-Mrs.Sage-)): of course ;D Henjinx: I guess Im stuck with you kiddos for a while Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *and takes pic* Yumi Kishimoto: >_>;; ((-Mrs.Sage-)): kiddos DD: Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: biggrin ((-Mrs.Sage-)): im older then you! >:BB Henjinx: Oh fine my little luff birds or w.e... Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i like pics Yumi Kishimoto: >:BB Henjinx: my baby melons Yumi Kishimoto: =D ((-Mrs.Sage-)): XDDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): LMAO! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: XD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): XDD Yumi Kishimoto: >=BB Henjinx: =.=.... I will cherish you all forever ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: lol Yumi Kishimoto: D= Henjinx: : ((-Mrs.Sage-)): im yur pimp now XD Henjinx: xDDDDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): im yours and darkys pimp! Henjinx: xDDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): no if ands or buts! Yumi Kishimoto: =B Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: XD Henjinx: oolala Henjinx: xDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xD Henjinx: DONT DENY IT CAT Henjinx: ITS THE ONLY THING YOUR GETTTIN FOR A WHILE Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: wtf Henjinx: xDDD Yumi Kishimoto: >_> ((-Mrs.Sage-)): omg xD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ?.? Yumi Kishimoto: =BB Henjinx: I point and laugh at your humiliation Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ???????? ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -bites ear- shush xD Henjinx: xDDD Mrawr ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Yumi Kishimoto: no touching!!! Henjinx: <.< Yumi Kishimoto: that leads to sex ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -touches him- opss o_O;;; Henjinx: wha? You have a problem with all of those things? ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xD Yumi Kishimoto: -____________________-;; yes Yumi Kishimoto: ur a pervert Henjinx: *touch touch* Henjinx: UHOH ((-Mrs.Sage-)): hes my littles pervert! =D Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -.- Henjinx: GANG BANG Yumi Kishimoto: PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *slaps jinx* Henjinx: XDDDDDDDD ITS GONNA BE A GANG BANG CUZ I TOUCHED YOU ALL ((-Mrs.Sage-)): OWw! THAT WAS ME! T-T Henjinx: :O Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: opps Henjinx: *kisses your pains* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i meant to slap jinx ((-Mrs.Sage-)): ^-^ Henjinx: biggrin Yumi Kishimoto: I feel so violated ((-Mrs.Sage-)): its otay ^-^ Henjinx: mrawr Henjinx: *Huggles* Yumi Kishimoto: PERVERT! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): it was only yur arm -.- Henjinx: biggrin Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: sorry sage Henjinx: fighsty little here! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD its otay! =D Henjinx: HEY ITS CORN Henjinx: biggrin ((-Mrs.Sage-)): JINXY! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): WHERES MY HUGGLE! T-T Yumi Kishimoto: I am going to cut your head off!!!! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *throws a bag of chips to sage* Henjinx: *Huggles* Henjinx: <.< Henjinx: =.= ((-Mrs.Sage-)): =D -huggles, grabs bag of chips- Henjinx: NINJA TIME Yumi Kishimoto: *TOUCH TOUCH* ((-Mrs.Sage-)): thank you =D Yumi Kishimoto: I feel so violated!!!!!!!!! damn pervert! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): ...it was only yur arm -.-;;; Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: there Cornadious: hello again henjinx Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: dang Henjinx: hola Henjinx: these ppl wont stop trying to rape me ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Yumi Kishimoto: crying Henjinx: damn perverts Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: brb ((-Mrs.Sage-)): otay ((-Mrs.Sage-)): JINX! Henjinx: cmere Henjinx: biggrin ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -huggles- ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I wants a hody T-T Henjinx: ish ok Henjinx: youll getone Yumi Kishimoto: *TOUCH TOUCH* ((-Mrs.Sage-)): ^-^ eventually =P Henjinx: OMG SHE WANTS SEX THATS WHAT SHE SAID BEFORE Henjinx: GOOD LORD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD LMAO! Henjinx: she said touching leads to sex ((-Mrs.Sage-)): x Yumi Kishimoto: IT DOES! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Henjinx: pervert..... Yumi Kishimoto: *TOUCH* Henjinx: only if you touch the right spots ((-Mrs.Sage-)): DD: ((-Mrs.Sage-)): EWWW! Yumi Kishimoto: *TOUCH* Henjinx: xDDDDDDD the magical spots ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD LMAO! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): she touched your magival spot jinx ;D Henjinx: Brb Henjinx: Changeing ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD kayy Yumi Kishimoto: yes I did Henjinx: ROFLMAO Yumi Kishimoto: *touches magical spot* ((-Mrs.Sage-)): SEE! Yumi Kishimoto: you like that? ((-Mrs.Sage-)): NUU1 Yumi Kishimoto: bet it feels good Yumi Kishimoto: want me to rub? ((-Mrs.Sage-)): THATS MY MAGICAL SPOT XDD Yumi Kishimoto: PERVERTS! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): YUR A PERVERT! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: im bored Yumi Kishimoto: no ((-Mrs.Sage-)): YOU JUST TOUCHED JINX'S MAGICAL SPOT! Yumi Kishimoto: the magical spot is the head =D Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: poor jinx ((-Mrs.Sage-)): Nu it isnt DD: ((-Mrs.Sage-)): JINX! Cornadious: brb Henjinx: No its the part where you pee out of Yumi Kishimoto: no Henjinx: GOD EVERYONE KNOWS THAT ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -touches magical spot?= Henjinx: mrawr ((-Mrs.Sage-)): XDD Henjinx: ROFL SHE TOUCH MY MAGICAL PEE SPOT Yumi Kishimoto: NO thats ur p***s or v****a! not your magical spot! Henjinx: pervert..... Henjinx: =.=..... ((-Mrs.Sage-)): <.< ((-Mrs.Sage-)): >.> Yumi Kishimoto: your magical spot is the spot on your head that makes u feel good Henjinx: >.> ((-Mrs.Sage-)): MINE! <3 Henjinx: Mrawr Yumi Kishimoto: pervert! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): =D Henjinx: shes just jelous ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Yumi Kishimoto: want me to rub your private? Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: nooooo ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I CAN MAKE PPL JELOUS! XD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): LMAO! REMEMBER! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: lez ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -whispers- now shes a lezz Yumi Kishimoto: what about your bum? Henjinx: I like lezzies ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -hides- Henjinx: mrawr Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: help meh Yumi Kishimoto: don't worry auntie will take care of u ((-Mrs.Sage-)): HDIE! Henjinx: take care of me auntie T.T ((-Mrs.Sage-)): DD: Yumi Kishimoto: ...pervert Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: helpppppppppppppp Henjinx: biggrin ((-Mrs.Sage-)): what about me! T-T im yur pimp! Henjinx: im running away Henjinx: T.T Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: did it work Yumi Kishimoto: how bout group sex? Yumi Kishimoto: =D Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no way Henjinx: whoa shes horny Henjinx: TOTALLY ((-Mrs.Sage-)): and you say WE'RE PERVERTS! Yumi Kishimoto: i am so not horny Henjinx: I AGREE WITH THE GROUP THING Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: im not a lezz ((-Mrs.Sage-)): jeubs -.-....what a hipocrit Yumi Kishimoto: it's called experimenting Henjinx: rofl ((-Mrs.Sage-)): dont worry, im not a lezz either XD Henjinx: I like the way that sounds ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xD Yumi Kishimoto: you don't have to be a lez to have sex with a girl Henjinx: expermimentation Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i hate that sound Yumi Kishimoto: and a guy Yumi Kishimoto: at the same time Henjinx: xDD Henjinx: thats just called a threesome ((-Mrs.Sage-)): how old are you exactly? Yumi Kishimoto: not when it's three girls and one guy Yumi Kishimoto: or two guys Henjinx: who cares Yumi Kishimoto: ?! ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I want to know thouhg T-T Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: im not doing it' Henjinx: xDD Henjinx: we'll force you Yumi Kishimoto: it will be fun Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: nope Yumi Kishimoto: I have a sword Henjinx: >.>rofl Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: so ((-Mrs.Sage-)): i'll just watch XD Yumi Kishimoto: we can do some ... interesting things with this Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i dont care Henjinx: LMAO HOW OLD ARE YOU Yumi Kishimoto: 17 =D Henjinx: and may I ask your bra size? Yumi Kishimoto: no ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Henjinx: damn Henjinx: THougt thatd work ((-Mrs.Sage-)): jebus XDD Henjinx: god.... Yumi Kishimoto: let me just inser this sword into you Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: bno Henjinx: just ******** me over already =.= I hate waiteing...... ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDDDD Yumi Kishimoto: come on, kitty wants it. Henjinx: she used to be a cat Yumi Kishimoto: meow Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: never Henjinx: but then she had to copy me ((-Mrs.Sage-)): CPR? XD Henjinx: YAY CPR Yumi Kishimoto: MEEEEEEOOOOOWW Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: never Henjinx: ITS NOT MEOW Henjinx: ITS MRAWR Yumi Kishimoto: whatever Henjinx: xDD Yumi Kishimoto: RAWR Henjinx: =.=.... Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i had a bad thing with swords Henjinx: I thin kshes way to into cat Yumi Kishimoto: RAAWWWRRRR Henjinx: <.< shes freakin her out Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: T.T ((-Mrs.Sage-)): :: Jebus, Darkys gonna hear about alot of things from Jinx xDD= Yumi Kishimoto: stand still and this will be easier ((-Mrs.Sage-)): **:: Henjinx: COME ONE ******** MEH Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: no Henjinx: xDDDDDDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Henjinx: im so bored now Yumi Kishimoto: you can end up slicing something if you move around to much Henjinx: and my boner is like... gone Yumi Kishimoto: and then get internal bleeding Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *hides* Henjinx: =.= mrawr Yumi Kishimoto: RAWR Henjinx: <.< I like her Henjinx: biggrin ((-Mrs.Sage-)): have fun ... Henjinx: <.< Yumi Kishimoto: x.x Henjinx: Oh god Henjinx: xDD Yumi Kishimoto: PERVERT! Henjinx: w.e... Henjinx: im sick of everyone now =.=... Yumi Kishimoto: your such a pervert! Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i hate swrods Yumi Kishimoto: I can't believe u just did that Henjinx: NO IM JUST OPEN TO EXEPER or w.e... Yumi Kishimoto: whatever Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: im bored Yumi Kishimoto: then go screw him if your bored Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Henjinx: <.< Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i cant do that im not a male Henjinx: =.= Henjinx: bitches Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: DX Henjinx: okay Yumi Kishimoto: get a strap on Henjinx: w,e Henjinx: great now im stuck in a room full insults Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: what why Yumi Kishimoto: because u said he's not a guy Henjinx: =.= Yumi Kishimoto: so u can screw her if u have a strap on ((-Mrs.Sage-)): o_o;;; Yumi Kishimoto: it's a d***o basically strapped onto you Henjinx: xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i dont what a strap Yumi Kishimoto: you sure? Yumi Kishimoto: they come in pink Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: yeah im sure ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Yumi Kishimoto: some have bumps on them Henjinx: xDD ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: 0.0 Henjinx: its true Henjinx: porn reveals all razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: cupids have thoose dolls with pirte parts Yumi Kishimoto: cupid is a pervert Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *privte Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i now Henjinx: razz cupid is dead Yumi Kishimoto: he shoots people and watches them have sex Yumi Kishimoto: then films them Yumi Kishimoto: while he is jerking off ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I have the proof XD Henjinx: its true Henjinx: she has a photo of him dead Yumi Kishimoto: XD Yumi Kishimoto: I want to see Henjinx: =.= Yumi Kishimoto: ==_== Henjinx: <.< ((-Mrs.Sage-)): takes to much effort Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: any body whos nodybody needs to die Henjinx: Mrawr :3 Yumi Kishimoto: >>_>> ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xD Yumi Kishimoto: rawr ((-Mrs.Sage-)): brb =P Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: kk Henjinx: ^-^ Yumi Kishimoto: i'm a cat Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: brb 2 Henjinx: <.< Yumi Kishimoto: omg.. Yumi Kishimoto: they are going to masturbate Henjinx: xDD Henjinx: andits just you and me not? Yumi Kishimoto: pervert ((-Mrs.Sage-)): back Henjinx: =.= Henjinx: God Yumi Kishimoto: wow that was fast Yumi Kishimoto: so you had a quick on, huh? ((-Mrs.Sage-)): DD: ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I went to get a cookie Henjinx: lmao Henjinx: she thinks you ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD Yumi Kishimoto: suuuure you did Henjinx: =.=.... ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I know ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I read XD Henjinx: xDD I Didnt notice ((-Mrs.Sage-)): im goin "home" Henjinx: ok ((-Mrs.Sage-)): meet me there later? Yumi Kishimoto: she must be really going at it Henjinx: ok ((-Mrs.Sage-)): kay Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: what Henjinx: xD Yumi Kishimoto: *inserts sword* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: i used the restroom Yumi Kishimoto: MWAHAHA Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: ahhgh Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *dies* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: x.x Yumi Kishimoto: :O Henjinx: bloody :3 Yumi Kishimoto: use her as a sex object now Henjinx: xDDD Yumi Kishimoto: she can't fight back Henjinx: No Im just blood fetish Yumi Kishimoto: *films* Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: *body blows up* Henjinx: razz Henjinx: yay Yumi Kishimoto: omg how much did you put into her?! Henjinx: xDD Henjinx: Alot Henjinx: its that big razz Sakura Hidden Leaf Villag: -body blew up cuz of sword- Yumi Kishimoto: o.m.g u pervert Henjinx: Liar Henjinx: xDDD Henjinx: I take pills Henjinx: only 75% of is natural now xDD Yumi Kishimoto: *glues back together* Henjinx: percent* Yumi Kishimoto: screw her again Yumi Kishimoto: *films* Henjinx: nah Im goin to home Xison Xyros: Now now..leave Raine alone 606_killer_606: lol sagerini: MY NAME IS SAGE!!!!!!!!! satanistic_goth: do u want to traid for the g blaid Cornadious: im going for 50 Genosis Za A-chi-Mitsukai: lol Xison Xyros: Now shoo. satanistic_goth: i have 2000 gold Xison Xyros: Anyways.. satanistic_goth: wat els do u want ((-Mrs.Sage-)): come and join us jinx ^-^ Hikura Konoha ninja: I got it for more...... Henjinx: =.= ZacDavid: hi satanistic_goth: wat els Southernchick07: r u there ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -sighs- hang on Solardemon14: back Solardemon14: now i am [Pocky Priest]: :3 Southernchick07: ok Hikura Konoha ninja: I don't know........... Tristan321: wheres the turtle [Pocky Priest]: o.o Henjinx: =.= Southernchick07: oh he was humping you Henjinx: Sorry magic kicked in iloveanimealot: he'l be bac [Pocky Priest]: =.o ZacDavid: hi Solardemon14: alright ZacDavid: hi Xison Xyros: Raine... Southernchick07: hi Solardemon14: ~stares at foxtail~ Solardemon14: surprised Tristan321: how old r u ((-Mrs.Sage-)): ^-^ sagerini: Ooooo.....since ur a devil slayer will u slay my little sister? iloveanimealot: you first Hikura Konoha ninja: *sigh* ((-Mrs.Sage-)): what was the look for? DD: Southernchick07: whats Tristan321: 12 Xison Xyros: Raine..you wouldn't have any gold..to spare..? [Pocky Priest]: I feel fluffy =^w^= iloveanimealot: me to Blackfromthewaistdown: u guys took my tree. damn. Tokyo Girl Momo: friend iloveanimealot: hey ZacDavid: ure pretty sagerini: damn u Dante the Devil Slayer: me satanistic_goth: hi... ((-Mrs.Sage-)): -.- ((-Mrs.Sage-)): umm Tokyo Girl Momo: friend ((-Mrs.Sage-)): I only have 155g x_X iloveanimealot: a littel space plz ~!dark_and_hallow!~: hmmm Southernchick07: dont u even think about that we aint together sagerini: SLAY MY SISTER!!!!!!!! Tokyo Girl Momo: hello Xison Xyros: ...Ouch... ZacDavid: yeah satanistic_goth: me ZacDavid: srry Tokyo Girl Momo: how r u ((-Mrs.Sage-)): yeah xD Dante the Devil Slayer: why iloveanimealot: no not you Dante the Devil Slayer: im good ((-Mrs.Sage-)): Jinx? whats the matter? Xison Xyros: Well I have about..5.8K..now Tokyo Girl Momo: good Southernchick07: hi satanistic_goth: oh dude can u give us some room Dante the Devil Slayer: yep Solardemon14: ohi again Henjinx: xDD just a little... you know... ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD lol sweet! Tokyo Girl Momo: :3 ((-Mrs.Sage-)): oh yeah xD iloveanimealot: ya plz i told you that Henjinx: xDDD Tokyo Girl Momo: ... Henjinx: yeah that sagerini: sake sake sake sake sake sake!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tokyo Girl Momo: :3 brb Solardemon14: ~suits~ Xison Xyros: Ooies..the Killers. Dante the Devil Slayer: okay Solardemon14: ;o [Pocky Priest]: biggrin wheeeeeee Southernchick07: do u wanna go up a level TheOneHamster: hey ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xDD iloveanimealot: so how old r you?? is it ok if i ask Solardemon14: what do you mean? Tristan321: hi TheOneHamster: you´re this drunken?! Xison Xyros: Panic!..at the bathroom. Southernchick07: ofollow me satanistic_goth: enlya 17 ((-Mrs.Sage-)): xD TheOneHamster: ... iloveanimealot: kool sagerini: HAMSTER!!!!! Tokyo Girl Momo: back Solardemon14: ah, sure TheOneHamster: lol Tristan321: hi satanistic_goth: u Eat more Skettios: Moshing razz [Pocky Priest]: panic! at the bomb site TheOneHamster: finally sagerini: yessssssssssss Henjinx: curse this burden upon meh ?/> Henjinx: >.<*** Dante the Devil Slayer: where u go iloveanimealot: ummmmm 12 but 13 soon TheOneHamster: hey guess whaT? Xison Xyros: Panic!..at Gaia... Henjinx: DARKYS ON Henjinx: OH I GOT A STORY FOR HIM ((-Mrs.Sage-)): oh no XD Tokyo Girl Momo: checking my mail satanistic_goth: kool kool
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 @ 05:41pm
Mrawr Ep.2
gh says: MRAWR .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: Merf! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XDD Ace has been added to the conversation. gh says: .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: hang on xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: let me sign into my other msn kay =P gh says: O.o gh says: I dont know .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* has left the conversation. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* has been added to the conversation. gh says: TWISTED TRANSISTOR .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: is that a hello? xD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: my kitty ran away gh says: ? gh says: No Im listening to darkys song Ace says: Lol. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lol gh says: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/11940 gh says: now im listening to that xDD Ace says: XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: what should I do now? gh says: O.o huH? gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: my cat did something bad in the house, so my mom threw her outside and didnt let her back in and over night she ran away gh says: Ace says: crying gh says: that suxorz Ace says: Bad Mom! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: No, but shes been doin that for some time now... gh says: if your cat dies make your mom eat all of the kitty litter Ace says: XP Ace says: Ewww, Ace says: That's a gross thought. XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD gh says: I used my cats litter box as a bathroom when I couldnt make it in time xDD Ace says: O-o; Ace says: Lmao. gh says: IT works quiet well o.o Ace says: O-o; .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: whats 2 x 116? .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: I just woke up XD gh says: erm gh says: 116+116? gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: yes XD gh says: 220 gh says: not that gh says: but something >.< .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XD gh says: 232 I think .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: yeah XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: thanks Ace says: YOu know there's a calculator on the comp.... gh says: yeah gh says: I was going to use it gh says: But >.< I wanted to see if I knew Ace says: Lmao. Ace says: I'm too lazy to try. gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: I know, stupid lazyness Ace says: XD gh says: *eats sunflower seeds* gh says: gh says: EPISODE FOUR gh says: *sounds the alarms* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XD gh says: Ok... So Now I think the person to start it off is Sage Ace says: Ack- Not again. gh says: xDD gh says: Go ahead sage Ace says: Brb. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: no! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: it was Ace! gh says: No HE STARTED LAST TIME .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: so <.< .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: >.> Ace says: Hey, I'm busy, so you go. XD gh says: Check my journal its in there xDD Ace says: Lmao. gh says: OK ILL START IT OFF .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: thank oyu .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: and whaa--? .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: you actually put it in your journal Ace says: WTH? Ace says: That thing freaks me out. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: im gonna check it XD gh says: Sage,Darky, and Jinx sat on the curb watching breakdancers getting run over in the street. A monkey pwnz3r3d them all by listening to Brass Monkey. Ace says: XD gh says: alright whos next? .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: ace .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: <.< .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: >.> Ace says: I'm busy! Ace says: Lol. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: I dunno what to say to that XD gh says: xDD gh says: Go ahead and do it sage >.< gh says: *thinks dirty thoughts* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: LMAO! Ace says: *thinks dirty thoughts?* Ace says: OOps .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: X .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: D .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: *XD Ace says: I didn't mean to put in the ? .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: fine i'll go! Ace says: XD gh says: Rofl gh says: DO IT Ace says: DO IT, JUST DO IT! Ace says: XD gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: -thinks dirty thouhghts- NUUU! gh says: xDDD Ace says: Lmao. gh says: DO IT ALREADY .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD gh says: and do it in front us Ace says: XDD gh says: I dont want you running away with out doing it .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: Darky, sage and jinx were throwing pickles at the break dances and eating dried up macaroni. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: <.< .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: >.> .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: I dunno .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: gh says: ROFL gh says: xDD Ace says: Lmao. gh says: YOUR TURN DARKY Ace says: Ok, wait a sec. Ace says: God dammit... Ace says: Brb. My sister's gonna get her a** kicked. gh says: w00tness gh says: *break dances to all your base* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: -eats dried up macarony and throws a picklt at jinx- gh says: xDD gh says: *eats pickles and runs away* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XDD gh says: *but gets run over* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lmao! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: -then she gives him dried up macaroni and hes alright again- XD gh says: xDD gh says: You Shouldve gave me CPR God.. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lmao! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: only if you drowned =P gh says: *dies* gh says: ohh gh says: *revives* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XDDDDDD gh says: *runs into the lake* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: omg...xD gh says: *pops all floaties so he goes under* gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: you have alot of floaties XD gh says: Yup gh says: *drowns* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: DARKY SAVE HIM! xd .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: *XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: Darky quick! give him CPR! XD gh says: xDDD gh says: *Washes ashore* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: Jebus! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: Wheres darky when i need him! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: -runs over to him- wake up!!! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: <.< .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: >.> .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: -does CPR- :: Hes probably not drowning either -.-:: gh says: *pulls your head closer and kisses* GOTCHYA gh says: xDDDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDDDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lmao! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: <.< .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: >.>
.:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: -pokes his arm and runs- gh says: *dies* great .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: Im trying to get to your Jornal! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: but I cant find it DD: gh says: http://www.gaiaonline.com/journal/? gh says: I think thats it gh says: not likely xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: nope XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: thats for me to create my own jornal xD gh says: x gh says: xDD gh says: Ill try again .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: kay gh says: http://www.gaiaonline.com/journal/?u=3342289 gh says: there xD Ace says: Ok, back. gh says: hola .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: thanks gh says: read back a bit xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: umm .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: u dont have to xD gh says: yersh do it darky! gh says: ROFL gh says: *thinks dirty thoughts* Ace says: Lmao. *thinks dirty thoughts* Ace says: Jinx, you lucky guy. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: DD: Ace says: I want CPR.... Ace says: XD gh says: xDDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: he, he was drowning XD gh says: go drown yourself Ace says: LmO. Ace says: *lMAO Ace says: WTF .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD Ace says: *lmao Ace says: *Lmao gh says: xDD Ace says: There! Ace says: God dammit! gh says: oh yeah its your turn still gh says: The ppl want to hear your part fool! Ace says: ...WTH am I suppose to do with pickels and macarony? gh says: xDD gh says: Someone chokes gh says: and you go to the hospital Ace says: ...I KNOW! gh says: Go on from there Ace says: Darky starts to choke and then falls over while Jinx keeps throwing pickels at the dancers. Sage does CPR on Darky for an hour. XD gh says: xDD gh says: whos turn now xD?? .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: DD: .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XD Ace says: Lmao. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: yurs o_O;;; gh says: Ohyeah!! Ace says: Lol. gh says: They had to check up on darky so they went to the hospital. While jinx got laid by three different nurses. Sage posed nude for some doctors xDD one of them was darkys robot which he was controlling in his room. While watching porn. Ace says: Lmao. gh says: yer! gh says: ultimate .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: wtf? gh says: *rapes and runs* Ace says: XD gh says: SHUT UP gh says: xDD gh says: its the perfect plan gh says: ever Ace says: Lmao. Yah. Ace says: Awwww, damn. I gotta go. gh says: AWWWW gh says: WHY?! gh says: >.< .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: god darky .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO GO! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD gh says: what are you doing ?! gh says: Like do you have a scheduled masturbation or something!? gh says: GOD! gh says: >.< Ace says: ...Maybe....XD jk Mom's bringing me and my sister to somewhere for our b-day. gh says: Pfft gh says: Screw that idea Ace says: Lmao. Ace says: But, PRESENTS! gh says: Come to my place and we'll watch porn for your b-day gh says: xDD gh says: Im buying Ace says: XD Ace says: w00t! gh says: x gh says: xDD I totally wood Ace says: That'd be awsome, lmao. gh says: would* gh says: damnit >.< Ace says: wood......*thinks dirty thoughts* gh says: ROFL .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD gh says: XDDDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: again Ace says: XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lol gh says: yeah we have our inside jokes gh says: were a club now Ace says: Yah. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: spend yur b-day here! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XD Ace says: Lo. Ace says: *Lol. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: it would be more fun! gh says: were cool cats gh says: even though were not cats Ace says: Lmao. Ace says: Says who? Ace says: O-o; gh says: I dunner gh says: =.= gh says: says jebus Ace says: Well, Jebus can kiss my a**. .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD lol gh says: xDD Ace says: XD gh says: rofl .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lmaoXD gh says: Thatd be nasty gh says: Just imagine some weird glowing light behind you .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: eww! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: It would! gh says: And then theres this hairy man gh says: xDD gh says: AND THE SMOOCH gh says: Augh gh says: I just imagineit like sand paper Ace says: O-o .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XDDDDDDDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: LMAO! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: RUN DARKY RUN! XD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lol =P gh says: *watches from afar trying to snipe jebus* Ace says: O_O *stares* Ok...nevermind then...... .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD gh says: As reg would say " I got you now *****!" Ace says: XD I gotta go now, c ya! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: I hate her -.- gh says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: BYE DARKY! gh says: I think shes funny .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: shes in towns now gh says: WE'LL MISS YOU DARKY gh says: Shes always looking for fred .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: I know gh says: Like she wants to bone him or something .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: LMAO! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XD gh says: xDD Ace has left the conversation. gh says: *sniffle* gh says: Hes already 15 gh says: THATS MY BOY .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xDDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lmao! gh says: *nails his picture on the wall* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: PICTURE DOWN FOR NOW! .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: my moms home .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: xD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: shes just on her luch break gh says: whoa gh says: I thought it was like 4 gh says: Its really like 12:00 gh says: aka Its 11:38 here gh says: *watches emos world* .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: XDD .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: lol .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: come in towns =D gh says: otay .:.ѕακυяα >:BB;* says: "home" gh says: TO BE CONTINUED