Nooo! Im in despair!
I had the greatest dream ever last night.
Everything was anime! It was awsome!
Even the characters off of real anime series were there!
I wish Japanese scientists would come up with a machine that can turn the whole world into an anime. I would be leaping with joy.
If I was an anime girl, I would want to look like Shana from Shakugan No Shana.
Dont ask why though...
I also finished a great book called "Life As We Knew It."
Its about a girl named Miranda, and her family going through a big crisis.
The moon got hit by a meteor and the moon got closer to Earth and it was like hell.
Volcanoes erupted, tides hit and flooded cities, and big storms accured.
Food ran out, Gas prices rose to $12.
Many peopled died. The world was coming to an end.
Of course there was no way to stop it, so they just had to live through it, but not in a good way. You have to read it, its awsome. It also shows a possible future. Well, the world coming to an end part, im not so sure about the moon part. Many people say the Earth is going to die in the year 2012. But I dont know...
I guess we'll just have to find out.
Peace to you all.