Alexandra Elizabeth [Shand] Arlet
Name and Age: Goes by Alex, and she is 23.
Race and Clan/Kingdom: Wood Elf of the Shand Clan, One of the Last of the Elemental Spirit Riders [Dragon Riders] of the Neihan Kingdom.
Family: Before and Now: (I'll get into these People more down the line.)
>Before: Aleshica Shand, mother; Judain Shand, father; Judias Shand, brother.
>Now: Mouse Arlet, husband; Sasha Shand, deceased daughter; Aundra Arlet, daughter; Icarus Arlet, son; Bhruis, family friend~joined in.
Current Location: Headmaster Jet's School for the Demonically Gifted.

From The Beginning..
Born of two rather well-spirited and young elemental beings, Alex was introduced into what seemed to be a functional family. Her mother, a wood elf of magnificent radiance and beauty, Aleshica held the key to any man's heart. Her bubbly personality and eccentric self seemed to just catch them all. If anyone were to know the daughter she gave birth to, they would see all of this repeated. Aleshica was born into a family of three girls. All of them lived with their father since their mother died at a defensive fault in one of the many pre-war attacks their kingdom suffered. Her father, Alex's grandfather, was leader of this kingdom and slipped under a state of depression at the loss of his love. Yet, he knew he had to be strong for the girls she had blessed him with. All three of the beautiful blond's were known to be the talk of the mostly peaceful kingdom. Neihan, before the later death of the king was a place of song and dance, of feast and drink, the civilians were all very proud of their home and served to keep it in it's state of perfection. This was the community that this beautiful elvin girl grew up in. Having a quite sheltered life though, wasn't the greatest idea, for when she reached her later teen years, Aleshica became rather mischievous, which is what lead her to find our next member of this family.
Not far off from the beautiful valley of Neihan, a man traveled on foot for many days. He was handsome and indeed was a fighter. This was the man who seemed to Alter the lives of many. But do not get it wrong, he was a charming fellow, his ways seemed great, and it was when he found the three sisters that Judain became intertwined in the family of music and dance. It was when the girls had taken their walk around the borders of the valley, the four of them all met at the lake of Shi'noni'tay- A lake created in one of the elves most blessed spirits. The girls had just been paying their dues and visiting, bringing gifts and offerings, hoping that this spirit would continue to bless the kingdom with happy spirits and their father with long life. Judain had approached them and introduced himself rather fondly. He was polite and was quickly offered to come back to town with the girls for a rest and good harvest eating. And that was when the two lover set eyes on one another. It was a spark in her blues and a flicker in his own.
Months passed that the elvin clan had let the off man stay. He entertained the magic making folks with his own charms. It was his specialty~ the element of ice. Dazzling and magnificent light shows of exploding frozen water every night. He would take on young elven soldiers in spars, impress the king with his strength and agility. And then impress the heart of another with his smooth voice and beautiful sculptures. Judain had fallen hard for Aleshica. Her sisters of course could spot her daze and interest in the man from miles away and they would constantly tease he for it. Nothing seemed to be more right to the beautiful elf though~ This man, he was the one...
Yet more nights passed and the kingdom had officially made this demon man a part of their community. He was one of them. Probably the worst decision ever made in the history of the Shands. But, he became one of them none the less. This gave him an even higher advantage though, the right to ask to marry. It wasn't long before Judain asked Aleshica's hand in marriage. Her father allowed it and she accepted it even quicker, how her life could get any better as beyond the little elf's head. A dazzling wedding of white happened in the main town of the kingdom, all attended to see the little Aleshica they once knew to flirt and giggle be married off with this prince charming. It was a day of laughter, a day of tears, a day of remembrance for the mother of the three girls and finally the day that Aleshica's father would never expect to happen. The day that Judain exposed his and Aleshica's plan to move away and start their own lives.
Now, the reason this shocked the king so much was because any married couple was born and died in the gated community of Neihan. They grew old together and would be buried beneath one of the thousands of willows by the lake. It was tradition, but it was to be broken now.
[I'll add more later. <3333]