well you wanted to here my back story to Eleanora here it is :3
Dear Dairy,
I guess i should talk about it sooner or later so why not in a book i lived in a small town with about ten or fifteen people in it there were 6 kids not including me and it was about 3 minutes away from the next town over, -looks away- and i had only been six when everything burned.... i had lost my mother and my father that day, My mother was accused on being a witch they executed her a few days later the worst part was my father who apparently loved her was in charge of her murder i hated him i wanted revenge but didn't take it or at least not on purpose as i grew older my father grew farther away started calling me a monster, a witch he saw my mother in my eyes, i guess he felt guilt or he was scared because he could see things i couldn't.. even the children feared me because of the rumors of my mother , i was soon called the new witch of the town and was to be burned at the stake my so called father kept saying " mother like daughter" to the rest of the villagers they tied me up and lead me to the town square i was scared i can admit it but i felt sick to like i was to black out i felt warm inside heh its is hard to explain, it was looking threw a fogged window i could see and feel everything but had a feeling i had no control there was a lot of red and the air began to be clouded with smoke and smelt of rust, i ripped them apart i had murdered women, the children even the so called men of the village i am not proud of the things i have done but i regret nothing of it the last Victim maybe no he was no innocent, my father looking at me with fear i was only thirteen and he was afraid of his own blood, i felt that i was happy even with all the death and flames around me, i let him burn slowly to feel the pain he let on my mother he eventually died there calling me a monster not my name no that changed to monster, i guess i fell at that point i was able to see clearly looking at my dress and hands that had been stained with blood of my family friends and neighbors all murdered by me, i have killed before some times for self defense and some of them just for fun because i will not lye to my dairy i enjoyed every moment of killing another holding the life in my hands...but i stopped i made a promise but i can tell that later
Lunastella Kage Community Member |