Donators! <3
Thank you so much to the Gaians who have helped me out during questing, you're all absolute sweethearts! If you have donated to me, and I've somehow forgotten to put you here, just comment here and let me know. 3nodding
Donators/Gifters: heart Karina Yabera (Silver Revolver!) heart BuffySlays (Water Meat Set!) heart Backseat Betty (5k!) heart Sweet Genocide (10k!) heart XxNekoGirl92xX (1.2k!) heart ManateeMan (1.5k!) heart kingwerewolf (10k!) heart iA w e s u mM i o k i (bugs + inks!) heart lost_asiangirl (bugs!) heart teacupsue (bugs + inks!) heart Sanri (bugs + inks!) heart Jaqueta (bugs + inks!) heart Kitirena (bugs!) heart Kiriwar (bugs!) heart MCHii_ (bugs!) heart BluesBrother[HxC_PKK] (bugs!) heart Seduced Fool (bugs!) heart WolfsRainXII (bugs + inks!) heart The_Crazy_90-s_Kid (bugs + inks!) heart ForgottenLovee (inks!) heart SexyFaggotsz (inks!) heart Pythias Red (inks!) heart Albern Puppy (inks!) heart freefalling with fate (bugs + inks!) heart ROMVLVS (bugs + inks!) heart GCD Fairy (Silent Night & Sweet Porridge![!!!]) heart GCD Elf 888 (Moonstone Borealis!) heart Kimiko no Tenshi (inks!)