Clothes and lack of cash
Gold on Gaia is so hard to earn, y'know? (By the way, I found a Chichiri hat!!! I want it i want it i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Neopets is SOOOOOOOOO easy to get cash. It gets kinda boring. But here, the gold is so hard to earn it gets boring. sweatdrop or do i just have a short attention span? (don't everyone correct me at once....) So anyway. What do I want? Well, it seems that I have SUPER expensive tastes. What I REALLY want are: **Angelic Sash (800,000 g on marketplace) **Mini Angel Wings (1,800,000 g on marketplace) **All teh angelic items (up in the thousand gs) **Teh kimonos (most expensive: 'bout 11,000) **Teh bunny ears and kitty ears (a few thousand)
So yeah. sweatdrop sweatdrop sweatdrop I have expensive tastes. BTW, I don't expect anyone to comment here, this is just mainly for my reference. ^_^