School: Lourdes School of Quezon City, Philippines
Level: 2nd Year SY - 2010 - 2011
Age: 14 turning 15 this September
Section: II - Minority (Cream Class)
Our Class Saint: St. Joseph of Leonessa/Leonissa
Classes started: June 16, 2010
My 2nd Year Teachers
Christian Living - Ms. Cristina Autillo
English - Mr. Marcelo Crispino
Math/Advisor - Mrs. Rowena Requidan
Science and Technology - Mr. Juan Carlo Alnajes
Filipino - Ms. Mylene Regner
Technology and Livelihood Education - Ms. Vanessa Organista
Aralin Panlipunan - Ms. Reah Ann Cordero
Physical Education and Health - Mr. Jay-R Beterbo
Music - Mr. Anjo Castillo (Can't find or doesn't have a facebook account) ):
Our class schedule, it was given to us on the first day of our classes by our Advisor.

1st Week of Classes: FULL OF ORIENTATIONS
2nd Week of Classes:
June 21 (Monday)
Homeroom: Mrs. Requidan gave us our Club Activity Form
English: Copied our notes about the Vocabulary Session
Recess: My food is 2 sandwiches and the filling is liver spread and lots of tomatoes! Yummy!
TLE: Class nos. 1 - 10 had their Technology Sharing. On Wednesday will be my turn!
AP: We copied the meaning of HISTORY.
Lunch: I ate my last delicious sandwich! ):
Math: We had our diagnostic test! Wew, i thought it was so hard but when I faced the paper, I answered it fast. ( well not that fast XD)
CL: We copied the Content Outline for the First Term and checked our requirements and at the end of the class, class nos. 1 - 20 (including me) went to the HS library to have a physical check-up.
Science: When we returned, I passed my index card with my infos and the reply slip about the Science Dep't rules about the quizzes and stuff. After that, we copied the notes and had a short discussion about BIOLOGY.
Activity Period: Well supposedly, there's no activity period today but the club I chose had an orientation so I left the school at 4pm! I'm planning to join the Pax Et Bonum club and applying to be a cartoonist. Hope i'll be accepted! XD, there'll be a lot of tests before I'll become one of them.
~Homeworks for the day~
1. Bring 1 world map for AP (well its supposedly Asian Map)
2. Finish my Technology Sharing in TLE since i'm gonna report on Wednesday. (Hopefully so the burden will wore off. XD)
3. Going to make a script for our Filipino Group Activity. We will perform it tomorrow! c: (My script is for the Community Service part!)
June 22 (Tuesday)
Math: We checked our diagnostic test. XD For now I got 22 points, the solution part is not yet included in that score.
AP - Filipino: We didn't have these subjects today because we had our confession for 4 hours straight! o.o And It was raining at that time so its not that hot and it made me feel sleepy. XD And we went at the back part of the church. (I only went there 2 times)
Recess: We had our recess at like 11AM? My food is still my favorite sandwich! (Liver Spread + Lotsa tomatoes) for 20 minutes.
CL: We talked about; God created us human beings and etc. Lucifer the fallen angel and etc.
Lunch: Still, my lunch is my favorite sandwich!
Science: We missed this period because of the Guidance thing test.
English: Haha! I'm the 30th student who'll present my Vocabulary Session. :> We had a brain test thing. My total score was 10 and the right hemisphere of my brain is overpowering the left side. (Well that's how I understood Sir Crispino's chat thing).
~Homeworks for the day~
1. Read and print the biography of St. Joseph of Leonessa.
June 23 (Wednesday)
English: We discussed something about courtesy around the world and we had a short skit or a performance about that courtesy thing.
Math: We had a personality test.
Recess: I didn't eat anything because I went to the library to get my TLE techonology sharing acetated.
Filipino: We performed our skit! We got 19/25. Acting:6 About the topic:8 Discipline:5. We got the 3rd place, highest was 21. 2 groups got a score of 21.
CL: We discussed the biography of St. Joseph of Leonessa.
Lunch: Ate my lunch, Afritada.
TLE: Only 1 student shared their report because of the picture taking which lasted for 1 and a half hours.
PE: only 30 minutes left. We had a graded recitation. I didn't understand what the teacher said that's why I didn't answer anything. -_- (Answer is POWER)
AP: We discussed about the election, we also had a mock speech. (Boring)
~Homeworks for the day~
1. We only have one so it should be homework only.
AP, we will illustrate the longitude, latitude, prime meridian and international date line and the equator. XD
June 24 (Thursday)
TLE: I shared my report and I succeeded!
Filipino (Science): Supposedly its Filipino period but Ms. Regner swapped with our Science teacher because she has a emergency meeting. We discussed and copied the notes about the branches of Biology.
Recess: I ate a piece of my lunch. Pork Steak.
PE: We had a short quiz about physical fitness after that, we went to the gym for a short time.
Science (Filipino): We had a fun activity. We sticked a construction paper at our backs and people will write something about you.
Lunch: Finished my lunch. Pork Steak.
Math: We had a game about basic Algebra. We only scored 13 points while the highest was I think 20 points. ):
CL: We had a discussion about God's Revelation.
English: We had a diagnostic test about nouns, pronouns and etc.
~Homeworks for the day~
1. We will write our reactions in a 1/2 yellow pad paper about the activity we did today.
2. Finish the index card in PE and get your BMI. (Body Mass Index)
June 25(Friday)
We had our CEM tests today. We only had 2 periods and those are Filipino and AP. BTW my lunch was pancit and the liempo thing.
Filipino: We passed our homeworks and discussed about the Lupang Hinirang and Panatang Makabayan.
AP: We talked about the election thing and the meaning of "kasaysayan".
~Homeworks for the day~
1. We will draw an illustration about your chosen lines at the Panatang Makabayan or Lupang Hinirang.
June 28(Monday)
We will have a seatwork about the branches of biology in Science.
Homeroom: We talked about the parents' orientation and some other things.
English: We performed a skit "like" thing just using letters not words with emotions.
Recess: Ate my lunch lol (Hard boiled egg and longdog)
TLE - AP: We had a seminar because of the Mission Statement week.
Lunch: I reviewed about the branches of biology but I found out that we will have the seatwork on Thursday.
Math: We talked about proportion and the independent/dependent/fixed or constant variables in a problem.
CL: 2 groups performed the skit about the life of St. Joseph of Leonessa. (Group 5 & 6)
Science: We talked about Biotechnology. Its advantages and cloning and stuffs.
We didn't have an activity period but I stayed late at school because of the test at the PEB club.
~Homeworks for the day~
1. Will answer the questions about the seminar in a 1/2 construction paper.
June 29(Tuesday)
We had our PEB interview. 8 Editors interviewed me. I got 1 green and then 7 blue signatures. As far as I know, i think green = failed, blue = passed. (I hope) 4laugh
Math: We had a lesson at the CAI lab about the variations and stuff.
AP: We had a discussion about the world map.
Recess: We had a meeting at the PEB room.
Filipino: We discussed about ways on how can we respect our country(Philippines) and we also passed our homeworks.
CL: Since its mission statement week, we went to the IMC and had a lecture or a seminar about LSQC's mission vision and stuff.
Lunch: I ate my baon 4laugh (4 Tomatoe & Liver Spread sandwiches.) Ate 2, i already ate the other half.
Science and Laboratory: We went to the Sci AVR. LOL, Its so hot in the avr, we'd rather stay at the grounds! We had an orientation about the rules and stuff of the lab things. Oriented by Ms. Veronica Bancayan. After that, we went to the biology lab and copied the uses of different lab apparatuses. We had 24 apparatuses all in all.
English: We discussed about Chinese Literature. We also had an activity by creating an own maxim.
~Homeworks for the day~
1. Read pages 9-11 in Filipino
2. Read pages 3-5 in English
3. Make an add for LSQC in CL
(A lot, I KNOW!)
June 30 is a no class day! Inauguration!
July 1(Thursday)
TLE: We had a short discussion about the internet.
Filipino: We discussed about the Cohesive Devices (Anapora & Katapora)
Recess: I didn't eat anything.
English(PE): Switched schedule. We discussed more about Chinese Literature.
Science: We had a seatwork about biology and discussed and copied notes about the Characteristics of Life.
Lunch: Ate binagoongan.
Math: We had a lesson, a very complex lesson, I hardly understand a thing.
CL: We went to the IMC because of the Mission Statement week.
PE(English): We went to the gym and had our physical fitness notedown thing. Push ups and Curl ups.
~Homeworks for the day~
1. Answer something at the Math Book.
BTW. I attached my Signature! So donate or visit my CHEAP art shop or else! D< 4laugh