Come, now a roundel and a fairy song; Then, for the third part of a minute, hence; Some to kill cankers in the musk-rose buds, Some war with rere-mice for their leathern wings, To make my small elves coats,
Aislin Madeleine Rosier
My name is often shortened to simply "Lin" but only by family and people who I consider close to me. To everyone else I am Aislin or Rosier. There are no acceptation to this rule for me.
Age, Date, Place of Birth:
October 9, year depending upon whatever year it is in my head. I was born in a cell in Azkaban while they held my mother.
Blood Status:
I am a Pureblood from one of the sacred 28 families. Enough said, I think.
Hogwarts House and Year:
5th year Slytherin
My affiliations? Many automatically assume I would side with the Dark Lord and the Pureblood movement as the Daughter of a the Rosier and Lestrange bloodlines; two families that turned out some of the most lethal Followers of the cause. The truth? Should that madman ever come back to power I will not grovel at his feet in the hopes he grants me power. No, I am a Slytherin, I will not beg for my power. I will seek my own power, for power given is not really power. He is a cult leader, who has bigoted ideas about the muggleborns and has beyond sullied my family name ( could go on, but I will not waste more of your time than necessary). If and when he rises, I shall stand against him and bring him down.
Fir wood with a Dragon heartstring core, 12 ¾" and Supple flexibility.
I've been told I have my mother's hair; a deep, rusty red in color with thick, lazy waves running through. I, personally, don't remember what her hair color is, she's been grayer than a mule for so long. I assume the waves of my hair comes from my father, however, as mother's hair is straight and thin. I love to keep my hair long (I think it's about waist length, now), and I love shocking people when they see my hair out of the peacock twist I usually have it in. I guess that having your hair up equates to keeping short hair, judging by the comments I get.
I get a lot of people telling me my eyes are brown; poor souls must be colour blind. My eyes are green-hazel. See, they're colour blind; it's the only explanation as to how they got it so very wrong. The middle of my iris is a dark green while I have the tell-tale hazel brownish red around the pupil. My favorite part? The outer edge of my iris color is such a dark green it's nearly black, making my eyes kind of pop. I've been told it unnerves some.
Body Type:
I'd say I'm rather petite, standing at only 5 ft (though when asked I often stretch it to a more generous 5'1" wink Weight? You're not suppose to ask a lady how much she weights, but I suppose I'll oblige with a 119 lbs. Make of that what you will. My limbs are slender and long, considering my height, and have a delicate shape to them, rather than simple scrawniness. I have more than my fair share of breast, too (seriously, want some? I don't want this much!) A slender waist and a nice flare of hips and thigh. Hourglass, I believe they call it.
Unique Features:
I'd say my eyes are pretty startling, however, beyond that I have a rather bad burn mark that covers my right shoulder and I don't particularly go waving it about. Go ahead, ask about it. Doesn't mean you'll get a response other than a swift hex, but go ahead and ask. I.freaking.WELCOME.it.
Too much of a waste of time, as far as I'm concerned.
Extra Details:
I have the heavily lidded eyes of a Rosier and usually wear a thick, black eye liner on my upper eyelids, as well as the Rosiers' pale complexion. I like a more punk/steampunk look when I'm not forced into these abominable school robes (and even then, shirt untucked, tie loose, ect. ) and I will venture into more of a Victorian and traditional gloomy attire of what is considered more appropriate for a Pureblood. It's not about what I wear, but about what kind of corset I can get away with.
Why do I need a Patronus as a student? Could I even produce one? Who knows!
Tough call here, kids. I can't be sure until I actually get in front of a Dementor (which hopefully, won't be happening anytime soon!)... However, it seems we've come full circle here, and I do get to tell you more about my scar. My mother did it, wonderful woman that she is, with fire poker that had been left in the coals. She beat me with it then decided it wasn't good enough and rolled the damned thing about my skin.
Mirror of Erised:
To be a great witch that brought honor back to my family name as an Auror and that everyone would finally bow down and realize I should be made Minister for life.
I would like to think the Boggart would spare itself from taking the form(s) of the members of my family.
something I can't quite put a finger on, but it smells oily
Strengths: Strengths? Are you Familiar with my house, Slytherin? You've heard of it, yes? It means I get what I want, whatever it takes, be it through being nice, playing people against each other, or giving them a little extra motivation (otherwise known as Blackmail and/or intimidation).
I'm also a fair hand at dueling and seem to have a particular talent with fire and making things go boom.
Augh, I despise having to write this section out!
Next strength up, Magic Theory - I get it more than most of my peers seeing as I've been speaking Latin since I was about 6. My academics beyond that are Outstanding. Literally, that's my usual grade in classes, Outstanding. History gives me a bit of trouble with the dates, but I have more than enough motivation awaiting for me at home to keep even that dreadful class at Outstanding. So, intelligence and the wit to use it, is what I'm trying to say. That and studying is definitely a strength.
Oh, did I say I hated the previous section? I've come to realize that was merely a strong dislike compared to this. No one should ever enjoy revealing this part of themselves.
I have a temper, it's no secret. I'm easily baited into losing my cool and once you have pissed me off, I have eyes only for you, baby. I get severely obsessed about revenge and being vindictive, my vision narrows down to only the source of my loathing.
I am bullied and a known soft spot is my family or really pointing out in anyway how I'm a failure. I'm rather prone to bouts of melancholy; put all of this together and you get someone who keeps the world at bay by being either a cold, cynical b***h or being unpredictably insane in sometimes violent ways (see temper).
I'm not what you'd call an exciting person, really. I was raised to be "cultured", another term for being able to preform various things without so much as a hint of personality and to do only quite activities so as not to draw attention to myself. Do what you're told, not what you think sort of a thing.
Keeping that in mind I enjoy exciting things such as reading and studying! I do enjoy studying, as well. The only noisy "hobbies" I have would be playing instruments and Quidditch on occasion. I can play most of the basic classical strings, but I'd like to get my hands on a Guitar and drive my purist family up the wall.
I'm very peculiar about my dress, too. Hair up, not a strand out of place, goggles, usually.... andcorsetsandsteampunkandlaceandleather!!! AHHHH! I'm going to loose my mind just thinking about it!
Speaking of losing my mind, the healers say I will likely have to deal with.... mental issues all of my life due to being born in Azkaban, under the heavy watch of Dementors. I'm sure the genetic disposition for insanity doesn't help. The healers aren't really sure as to the effects being born in the presence of Dementors will be, exactly, as it doesn't exactly happen regularly. I'm counting it as a lovable quirk!
How does one describe the self? The essence of one's being? I can show you, but I cannot tell you beyond the simplest of explanations what my personality is. It is why I have written this out instead of letting some hack write something in the 3rd person for me. Volatile and calm. Fiery yet cold. Apathetic yet caring. How do you put such a contrary personality into words? I feel as though I am insane, being one person in one instance and yet be a whole different person in another.
I have ancestry from France, Ireland, and in north eastern Europe somewhere. I hail from England, personally, so that's all that really matters, I suppose.
Hometown/Current Residence:
Hogwarts is where my heart is so that is my true home, however during the summer when I'm forced out, I reside with my mother and Grandparents in Essex, England in their flat. It's kind of all they have left after all the Death Eaters got rooted out on both sides of the family. It's a pile of rubbish, rotten from the inside out. I suspect the cause to be it's usual inhabitants.
Financial Status: My family use to have everything; gold, lush and lavish estates all around Europe, social standing. Do you know what happened to all of it? A megalomaniac who put wind in all the Blood Puritan's bloomers and caused a war for his own wants is what befell my families former glory.
My infamous blood relations were found out to be Death Eaters, including my parents, and the ministry seized nearly all of it; something to do with funding and giving aid to wanted persons. What was left was meager scrapings of what the Rosier and LeStrange families once had. Now all we have is a flat that's falling in on our heads and my grandparents thought it a better investment to pay for tutors and private healers for me.
Family Relations
I am the only child of the Death Eater Evan Rosier and formerly accused Death Eater (she was actually a Death Eater) Renate Rosier nee LeStrange. The family doesn't stop there, as this makes me third Cousins with INFAMOUS Death Eaters Rabastan, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix (through marriage) LeStrange on my Mother's side of the family. Though, through my father's blood I am still second cousin of Bellatrix LeStrange (doubly related, isn't that amazing?), Andromeda Tonks, and Narcissa Malfoy. Lovely family, isn't it? And that's not to say anything of my Mother's parents, whom I am subjected to every summer when I can no longer use Hogwarts as a haven from them.
Relationship Status:
No. No. Sorry, but no. I am not looking and have no interest in pursuing such things at this time. Do not bother me with such silly things, even if you would be interested in getting involved with the daughter of a known Death Eater.
My grandparents actually bought me my cat when I got my acceptance letter. He's a Maine-coon (or an American Longhair, if you will) whose coloring is known as black smoke. He's gorgeous and mine and I'll murder the first person who touches him.
I would ask where to start, but the obvious answer would be at the beginning, correct? Correct.
The Aurors had caught up to my parents while they were hiding in an abandoned building after they had been outed as Death Eaters. My Father fought fiercely, taking several of the Aurors out, but they eventually saw no other choice than to use lethal force to deal with him and took my mother, heavily pregnant and now in shock at witnessing her husband's death, was easily detained.
Now, I do want to be an Auror, but I also want to see the Ministry change. It's corrupt, but I would rather side with the lesser of two evils. Do you know why I bring this up? Because of what they did to my mother, who was about ready to pop; They decided she was simply too dangerous to release to St. Mungo's until she gave birth. They sent my mother and by extension, myself, to Azkaban. They sent an 8 month pregnant woman to the tender care of Dementors. My mother was the first instance recorded of being sent to Azkban Prison pregnant. She anguished there and it drove her mad. She tells me constantly about how Dementors have a strange effect on Pregnant women and how I should blame the Ministry (who side with the "mugglefilth" to oppress the purebloods rights, according to some of her ravings) for letting the Dementors take all of her love of me. (What? Does that make sense? This woman is a loony.) I was taken out of Azkaban shortly after my birth while my mother had to stay, obviously, to await her trial.
I was never told the details of said trial, but I know somehow my grandparents were able to convince the right people that their daughter had been forced into everything in some way. Again, I've been given vague information about the whole affair. Suffice it to say that my mother is free and "under the care and custody" of my grandparents.
I remember no sort of bonding with my mother. We have no bond other than the one she forged of hate and loathing between us. The healers suspect that the Dementors may have in fact disrupted and completely closed down that bond that starts during pregnancy... for both of us. I remember very little of my early childhood; it seemed like a flurry of healers, abuse, and studying. You see, the circumstances of my birth make my mother and me a healers wet-dream as a subject to study. So I've had them telling me I'm not normal ever since I can remember.
I suppose I should give you a little history about the relationship between my Grandparents and myself. However, I must advise you that most of this has been told to me by my mother during her bouts of sanity (she does have them, though she is still terribly cruel). The woman is more volatile and moody than a dragon with a thorn caught under a scale, I swear... Anyways, They were very supportive of my father's efforts to rid our world of "the Muggle taint" and were very proud when he became their son-in-law and prouder still of their daughter when she took the Dark Mark. It was only when my parents had been discovered as Death Eaters did they start disavowing my father and any involvement in the cause. They blame him for the loss of everything. Well, since my father had the indecency to die fighting, I am the one they place the responsibility for the family honor and standing on. Get it, since my parents where the ones to destroy our family name and reputation, it's my fault because I'm my father's daughter, and so I must be the one to make things right for them once more.
My grandparents have plans for me, you see. They'll make me "cultured", well studied and everything a pureblood wife should be, according to them. They want me to marry well to restore them and what they feel they rightfully lost. I'm breeding stock to them. That's it. They hardly even raise an eyebrow when my mother smacks me or beats me bloody. They feel I deserve it, I suppose, for having the audacity of being born a Rosier. Bollocks to them, I say. They only get between my mother and I having some quality time together when she's about to take things too far and kill me. The woman has beaten to near death many times. You can't tell, but that's because my grandparents pay good money from what's left of their fortune for private healers who can put me right.
I digress, however... back to my grandparents. They have spent even more money on an early education, hiring tutors in various subjects; writing, arithmetic, Latin, magic theory, history of magic, music theory and the ability to play the instruments as well. I had a better education than most 7th years in those subjects by the time I actually received my letter. I was only five or so when I started studying and any slacking on my part was met with some quality time with my mother. I am to be the best, there is no exception to that and the consequences are grim if I am not. It's all part of their plan. If I am the best then well-off families will be falling over themselves to have me be in their family (they won't, who wants a girl who was born in Azkaban from a disgraced and broke family?). I feel like this is insanity, and though I did love my studies, I feel as it was a waste of money that could have been used elsewhere for the family.
I'm rather conflicted on education before Hogwarts; It provided me an escape from my usually terrible existence and it was a chance to prove myself, that I could be better than anyone, yet my grandparents always reminded me how much my education cost them and how badly I was hurting the family. Yet I would get rewards on occasion from them for doing well. They're really good at twisting minds. I just... can't. I won't talk about it in great detail. They want so badly for me to exude an air of being well raised and cultured they spend copious amounts of money to dress me like we still have endless supplies of money. I just... I don't see a point in this facade and it fuels my mothers hatred and abuse of my as well, as she has to go without, now, and she was raised when my family was actually wealthy: in other words, she's a spoiled b***h who sees someone she hates getting things she feels she deserves... not that I deserve them anymore than she does.
The day my Hogwarts letter came, they were beside themselves, and I got the best of robes and school supplies and they even got me my cat.
My years at Hogwarts have been a mixed blessing; I am free of my mother and grandparents, but I am an easy target for bullies (I get more trouble from the girls, oddly). Not many of the purebloods want to be seen with me and I would make things worse for myself if I sought out the friendship of muggleborns and "bloodtraitors" outside my house. This results in my having few friends and not being able to make the connections my grandparents dreamed of. I'm an outsider to everyone and I like it. I can be mean and snide to whomever I please with little consequence. What will they do? Call me more names? Brave an attack on me after what happened last time? They're welcome to it.
Little do they know that I have my own plans for my life and they're nothing like what they want. I'll redeem my family name my own way.