Name: Isabel Rose Huntington
Position: Guard
Race: Angel
Battle: Good
Age: Actually about 185 years old, but appears 21 years old.
Power or Abilities:
• Flight - Angel wings
• Tactile Telepathy - Can read any thoughts through touch, but can communicate telepathically with Captain from a far distance.
• Pain Illusion - Can inflict physical pain on a subject with her mind. Usually does not cause any bodily harm, though if she wished it, a subject could potentially burst into atoms. (Rarely used).
• Precognition - Very short visions of the very near future, as in... a few minutes into the future, or less. Useful combat tool.
• Bow and Arrows
• Angelic beads - A long enchanted strand of golden beads that she usually wears as a bracelet on her left hand. When unraveled, the beads are 7 feet in length and glow a bright gold when they gain momentum. The glow is in fact heat that acts as a blade and is the equivalent of the strength and sharpness of a 5-body samurai sword.
Story: Isabel was loved in heaven. She was a role model for the younger girls, and everyone wanted to be like her, except one named Sila who hated her so that she set her up. Isabel's duty was to keep everyone in line, and to guide those who'd died and risen to heaven to their rightful place. Sila joined the line of newcomers, undetected by the guards. She murdered nearby newcomers and possessed them, and when it was their turn to be guided, Sila made the possessed scream and cry out in agony once Isabel touched them. Isabel's ability made it clear what was going on. The archangels did not hesitate, acting without a doubt that Isabel had not committed a wrongdoing, in casting Isabel down. The force of the impact created a burned patch just outside the Kingdom. Isabel regained conciousness and felt a wave of relief when she noticed she'd kept her wings. She soon moved towards the kingdom and built herself a new start. Once the treaty was broken she decided she might have a chance to gain back her loss from the heavens and became a guard. If her world did not want her, she would make herself useful in this one.

Pet/Guard: Captain, a Siberian Husky. He is loyal to her, once belonging to her father.
A canine of the heavens, Captain is immortal like the rest of the angels and Isabel. He has icey blue eyes and a white face, ears outlined in black fur, and a black nose. The rest of him is gray and black that fades out evenly towards his underside. Captain is obedient and very strong.
What I look like
Long, wavy, blonde hair. Stands 5 feet, 6 inches tall, wingspan of 7 feet, and grayish/hazel-colored eyes that seem to change with her mood. She has olive skin and dainty hands, and is much stronger than she seems.