* If you like me, add me.
* If you hate me, disappear.
* If you want to sit or stand by me, you should talk something with me so we could make friends. If you already my friends, then just stand with me, but don't do something stupid. If you do it, then we're not friends.
* If you want to hang out or date with me, leave me a message.
* If you want to hug me, touch me, don't let me know that you want to hug.
* If you want to kiss me, whisper in my ear.
* If you want to touch me, you should have a reason why, or else I will shout at you.
* If you want to touch or holding my hands, you should be my boyfriend, if not then don't touch.
* If you see me pretty, tell me and I will say thanks and always smile at you, do not tell a lie, or else you will have a trouble from me.
* If you see I'm ugly, just telling the truth, I don't care about it. And we're still friend.
* If you love me, prove it.

Comment or Pm if you have something to talk about the list and this picture!