It's just me, here..!(:
Hello~! Ellie here(: I'ma be posting good moments with my friends here..!! Pictures or stories..~!! Thank you(:

Me&&Yenni at her house..!!(: Fantastic night..!

I forgot the date for this; but we were young && my dad invited Yenni to come over..! It was hilarious..! We were dancing like maniacs and my dad came in about in the middle when Yenni was dancing, I was just frozen..!! Ever since then, Yenni doesn't dance like a creepo when my dad is at home unless I shout her name aloud when my dad is coming in..!! XD

Me and my (cousin) friend, Stephanie had the greatest sleep over ever in '08..!! It was super hilarious! We kept giggling in our sleep even though it was, like, 3 or 4 in the morning before we actually went to sleep..! Boy were we tired later on, 'cause we woke up around 8..! Shoot, my mom kept yelling at us xDD!!!

03.13.10: Spent the WHOLE day with Yenni..!!&33 L O L; Her sister kept scaring the mess outta mee..!! We ran around the whole house; did I mention we were left alone.? WHEE..!! We watched movies, played Uno, went to rally, and lots more..!! So much fun, I was super exhausted.!! We chased Yenni's rabbit around, holding it, and DANG: Cleaning it's stinky cage.!! It peed on Yenni's blanket, too o_o Then she started screaming & w & Lol!! We wrestled for a ball, screaming and running like hell. Did I also say we screamed like banshees? WOW.

Hehehe; 03.14.10: Me and Yenni played Uno; and read alot.!! Though we spent about 3-4 hours together; it was pretty lots of fun.!!! Heh; Yenni lost poorly..!(:
[: I was effinn pissed., but damn it.!; it was effinn funny. I had a fight during my field trip.[; That btch can't do nothing but spread rumors., and it don't affect me.!<3