Akira's story:
"A heir to the thrown must be chosen and we cant have two rulers. Only one of you can inherit my kingdom" said Akira's father Belzarius . "Then I will step down and let Aki-chan rule, she's alot better suited to rule then me anyway" Shin beamed over at Akira. She turned her face away and let out a huff, her face turning as red as her hair. "No there's only need for one of you so one of you there shall be..." Belzarius then issued a fight to the death between the two twins.
Akira held Shins dieing corpse in her arms eyes blurred with tears. "Why? Why did you let me win?" Shin weakly smiled up at his sister "I could never hurt you...your the only thing in this world...that...means anything to...me.." Shin slowly closed his eyes and breathed his last breath. Akira was dragged away screaming from her dead brother. "A new ruler has been chosen"
"A total of 10 million souls is the price for bringing back your twin brother" With that she set off to collect, not that she really needed a reason to go around killing 10 million people. She would have done it anyway.
Her older twin brother Shin, lingers behind and waits for her quest to finish.
After Belzarius's Defeat
Akira got here brother back and made emends with her father and restored what little family she had left. And then they all (except for Belzarius cause he's old) MADE BABIES
Thus spawning generation after generation of crazy brawlers fighting to protect the things and people they love.
All the characters that spawned in Comet Universe (featuring them in their prime not by actual age differences)

"A heir to the thrown must be chosen and we cant have two rulers. Only one of you can inherit my kingdom" said Akira's father Belzarius . "Then I will step down and let Aki-chan rule, she's alot better suited to rule then me anyway" Shin beamed over at Akira. She turned her face away and let out a huff, her face turning as red as her hair. "No there's only need for one of you so one of you there shall be..." Belzarius then issued a fight to the death between the two twins.
Akira held Shins dieing corpse in her arms eyes blurred with tears. "Why? Why did you let me win?" Shin weakly smiled up at his sister "I could never hurt you...your the only thing in this world...that...means anything to...me.." Shin slowly closed his eyes and breathed his last breath. Akira was dragged away screaming from her dead brother. "A new ruler has been chosen"
"A total of 10 million souls is the price for bringing back your twin brother" With that she set off to collect, not that she really needed a reason to go around killing 10 million people. She would have done it anyway.
Her older twin brother Shin, lingers behind and waits for her quest to finish.
After Belzarius's Defeat
Akira got here brother back and made emends with her father and restored what little family she had left. And then they all (except for Belzarius cause he's old) MADE BABIES
Thus spawning generation after generation of crazy brawlers fighting to protect the things and people they love.
All the characters that spawned in Comet Universe (featuring them in their prime not by actual age differences)