[~S T A R S
Okay so, this thing hasn't really been in CONSTANT USE as y'all could probably tell from the dust-dust-dust levels over all the crappy TEXT. BUT!~..
I guess I could slam something down here for the entertainment of the masses.
Have any of you, young or old, ever taken the chance to clamber up on the highest thing available [in my case it happens to be the DECK, of which admittedly it is not tall at all but instead rather SHORT] just so you could lie back and LOOK at them? The stars, I mean, not the little milling lights all around a cityscape or sommat. And I mean look, not just glance up and then doze off. I actually do that sometimes, standing outside in the middle of the street with my head tilted back to stare, mouth agape, into the endless mass of dark and pinpricks. I suppose the time taken is one of the reasons that I always, always see a shooting star or three, and I always, always make wishes on them [and yes, even on the first star I see - the childhood tradition is not not lost even twelve years later] and so far they've been true to the flashes of light they were made on. It's a shame you can't reach up and burry your fingers in the extravagant, elegant tapastry that is the night sky so as to bring it down around your shoulders like a protective cloak, but Alas. One can not have everything.~]