Happy Easter, but if you ended up here by clicking on an egg, It's a fake! Ha!
If you're strong enough to post, go ahead!
You've been got.
Happy Easter
If you're strong enough to post, go ahead!
You've been got.
Happy Easter

If you want to pull a good joke, put this code in your signature or in random posts! The egg hunt ones in chatterbox get the most egg clicks. ^ ^
Dark Green
Light Green
Listen to no one. I thought of it first.
Just in case:
People have been saying stuff like: "Oh, yeah. This is a total waste of our time! This girl needs to be taught a lesson!"
And Someone even reported me!
It's not like I did something totally criminal, and it really not that horrible.
Just click "x" on the window, and continue your happy little egg-searching.
Some people are taking totally well!
I've gotten tons of "Awesome joke, late April fools!"
And I never thought in the world that this many people would end up here. I was surprized when it went over 50!
So... I kills me to say it, but... I'm sorry, guys.
But it's not like I can pm every person who ended up here and tell them to take the eggs off their posts. Most of them didn't even post.
So if you're all miffed: I'm a stupid, bored, pathetic 14 year old. redface
And if you laughed: I am pretty smart, aren't I? xd
People have been saying stuff like: "Oh, yeah. This is a total waste of our time! This girl needs to be taught a lesson!"
And Someone even reported me!
It's not like I did something totally criminal, and it really not that horrible.
Just click "x" on the window, and continue your happy little egg-searching.
Some people are taking totally well!
I've gotten tons of "Awesome joke, late April fools!"
And I never thought in the world that this many people would end up here. I was surprized when it went over 50!
So... I kills me to say it, but... I'm sorry, guys.
But it's not like I can pm every person who ended up here and tell them to take the eggs off their posts. Most of them didn't even post.
So if you're all miffed: I'm a stupid, bored, pathetic 14 year old. redface
And if you laughed: I am pretty smart, aren't I? xd