Name: Unknown
Alias: Archer
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190lbs

Background Story
Not much is known about this Mercenary Archer. No one knows where he was born, how old he is, nor his race. All that is known is his uncanny skill with a bow and his ability with his sword.
He has always been known to work alone. Archer has taken jobs that range from retrieving an item to assassinations. All he has been successful with.
T1 Unrealistic Melee (UM), Moderate Power (MP), and Powered Characters (PCs):
-Sense of smell: Can track a sent 3 miles away
-Reaction time: .5 seconds
-Regeneration abilities
-Camouflage ability - Archer has the ability to warp the light around him in a way that surfaces behind him are visible rendering him almost invisible if he were to stay perfectly still.

-Material: Hollow and forged from Moonstone
-Range: Accurate up to 180m (200yd)
- All of Archer's arrows are Moonstone tipped (tips are 4 inches long)
- 28 inches long

- Material: A combination of steel and moonstone. Moonstone was harvested from asteroids that fell to the earth. Moonstone was found to be almost as hard as diamond.
-Blade length - 3 feet
~Cloak: Highly fire resistance material
~Chest plate, gauntlets, greaves: All pieces of Archer's Armor are forged from a mineral called mithril. It is a metal that is as flexible as cloth but as hard a dragon scales (stronger than steel).
~Mystic Bracelet - this bracelet allows for Archer to channel spells in to the arrows he releases.
~Splitting Arrow
-With this technique, the arrow Archer releases splits in to two separate arrows.
~Flame Arrow
"Brisingr. Set fire to my arrow"
-With this technique, an arrow catches fire. When the arrow hits its mark, the fire spreads rapidly at 500 degrees F
~Lightning Arrow
"Lightning of the skies, shoot out and pierce the enemy"
-With this technique, lightning gathers in to the head of the arrow with an output of 200 million volts
~Shadow Arrow
"Shadows of the deep, empower my arrow"
-With this technique, Archer can manipulate the arrow to disappear and reappear where ever he chooses
~Paralyzing Arrow
-With this technique, any limb pierced by this arrow will be paralyzed for an extended amount of time.
~Exploding Arrow
"Bombarda Maxima. Arrows, destroy my target!"
-With this technique, the arrow fired using this enchantment will cause an explosion that can blow a whole in to four feet of solid steel.
~Toxic Arrow
"With a venomous bite, I release this arrow"
-With this technique, anyone pierced with this arrow with suffer from dizziness and blurred vision.
~Arrow Shockwave
"O Brilliant Light, gather thy energy in to my arrow and scatter it to defeat my enemies!"
-With this technique, all in the wave of this arrow (7ft) will disintegrate and whatever the target of this arrow is with suffer the power of a massive explosion.
~Tsubame Gaeshi
-A sword technique that allows Archer to perform three concurrent arching blades close on the enemy from all sides to create a prison. It starts with a slash from this world, followed by two absolutely simultaneous, over-lapping slashes that disregard the concept of time and space, producing a slash attack that arrives from three different directions by momentarily using the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon of Zelretch's Second Magic to transcend speed, dexterity, feints, and many other elements. The technique can only be fully performed on flat ground.
(Note: This technique cannot be used consecutively, for it uses a great deal of Archer's energy)