Whoa..I never use this journal thingy. o: So, i'mma just talk about my friends ova here. ;D
OMG, I remember when I first met Daniel...It was in the 5th grade, and I was like, "EWW, THE NEW KID HAS ARRIVED." lol. And I was soo mean to him. I glared at him for no reason. But then who would have thought that me and him would become best friends?! I'm so sad that he went to a different school, but we're still tight like ever. I call him everyday and we have the most gayest conversations in the world. xD we love making each other laugh. &3 We talk for a long without even realizing it, and then our phones just die on us and then we're like NOOO.Then we call each other back right away. =] Sometimes I call him right before I go to school, lol and when he comes back home from school. And then I call him before goes to sleep too. lol.
We both like each other a LOT. But, he thinks that if he goes out with me, Kelly will get mad. D: And he said he can NEVER do that to a best friend. So, yeah... emo
lolol. I don't like his first name, so I call him by his last name. =] Ok...This guy...He's just as close to me, as Daniel is. I went out with him. Like what? 3 times lol. LOOONG STORY. And you might get really confused if I tell you about it. So, just forget it. lol. He still likes me a lot, but he's just a really close friend to me. It kinda bothers him that I like Daniel. But he tries not to show it. We're still cool. I talked to him last night from 11 p.m. - 6 a.m. (January 3rd to January 4th lol).
yeah, we're coool like that. =]
Aghh, Chris. Me and him go waaay back since pre-first. He used to be mean to me when we were little 'cause i was the new kid. lol. xD and plus, I looked like a guy because of my "boy-haircut". so he made fun of me. lol. good times. me and him are so retarded nowadays. lolol we have the most stupidest fights but they're never serious. They're more like,
Then when we chat on gmail, he's like,
"you mad at me?"
"For what?" lolol. I call him my BFF JILL. Remember, from that commercial? Eh, guess not. xD

lol yeah that's us. =]
that's cake on our faces! D:
hey..if you can't figure out which one is me...then,let's just say that Christine has been called CHING CHONG, CHINESE f**, and um...CHOP STICK and has been made fun of for her slanted eyes. xD
so..did you figure me out yet? ;D

lol yeah that's us. =]
that's cake on our faces! D:
hey..if you can't figure out which one is me...then,let's just say that Christine has been called CHING CHONG, CHINESE f**, and um...CHOP STICK and has been made fun of for her slanted eyes. xD
so..did you figure me out yet? ;D
This weirdo, Christine...lolol. She's the most moodiest girl I have ever met! One moment she's pissed, the next she's happy as a hell! And we're like, ?????. But, we're starting to get used to it. xD She's the youngest of our friends. So, we call her our baby. =] Well, I do. lol. She's a verry pretty girl, so she gets a lot of attention from the guys. Usually she doesn't like it because some of the weird guys hit on her, like Bryce. (lol sorry Bryce) But, she knows how to handle stuff like that now. She's growin' up soo fast. :'( but i still keep an eye on her!! I knew her in Kindergarten, and then i skipped to Pre first. So basically, i left her and then she left to some other school and then we re-united in the 2nd grade. lol. and we've been together since. =]
Candice and Gaby
lmao. Candice and me just recovered from this BIG fight. but we're okay now. Her and Gaby are like peanut butter and jelly. yeah, they're really really close. gaby is candice's best friend.
i really don't do the whole OH YOU'RE MY 1ST, AND YOU'RE MY 2ND, AND YOU'RE MY 3RD. I'm not like that. I just say everybody's from best friend. ;D
But since she does, I'm her 2nd. i've known her since pre-first. we started to get really close in middle school. and then she got really close with gaby, so since i was close with candice, i got close with gaby too. lol does that make sense?
gaby's in seattle right now. so we haven't really seen her in a long time. and she feels like everyone's starting to forget about her. which isn't exactly true. but i guess if I was here, I'd feel the same way too. She asked the principal if she could come back, but he said "No, because we're too far in the school year." and so she's pissed. especially Candice.. At least she's coming to visit in February. =]
When her and Candice are together, it's the most hilarious thing. Their videos on Candice's mac computer are EPIC. When I go over to candice's house, that's the first thing i ask to watch. lol.
Love you Gaby, we miss you a lot. heart
- Ashlyn
- Gracie
- Kara
- Robin
- Sammy
- Shia
- Bryan <3
- Leena
- Peace
- Jennipherr
- Santiago
- Bryan
- DJ [I call him Peeee Jaaaaaaay lmao]
- Ashlyn
- Gracie
- Kara
- Robin
- Sammy
- Shia
- Bryan <3
- Leena
- Peace
- Jennipherr
- Santiago
- Bryan
- DJ [I call him Peeee Jaaaaaaay lmao]