The Saga of the Dirty Donkey
This was wrote back in Feb of 2010. xd I'm copying it from Facebook, to here.
If you're reading this, you may be wondering what a dirty donkey is. And if this is even safe for you to read. I assure you that it is.
So, February 1st is my cousin, Brandi's birthday. We were all going to a restaurant, Rancho Grande. She was trying to remember the name of the Restaurant to tell her Mother. So she told her "It's the one with the Dirty Donkey."
The Dirty Donkey is a burrito.
Marcos who will be 3 in April came up and asked her. "Well, can we ride the donkey?"
She told us about it in the expedition and I said something (I don't really remember what) and he said "Well, maybe it a horse instead?".
We laughed, but he didn't get why. We tried telling him that it wasn't a horse but he still didn't get it.
So I told him that it was very, very dirty, and Mommy would be dressing him in nice clothes, and that if they rode a dirty donkey, or dirty horse, it would wind up making their clothes dirty. And that this would make Mommy very unhappy.
He accepted this. We also told the kids the story about how when I was 2, on a trip to South Carolina, I saw a donkey. So of course, I wanted to pet it. It was just Papa, Mama, and I.
We got out, I held out some grass for it to eat and it decided to bite my whole hand. So, Papa punched it in the nose to make it let go.
That night we got to the restaurant, everything was great, and at the end, before we left Marcos asked me
"Where is the donkey? I wanted to pet it." "Well, there is no donkey here. They can't keep animals in a place where they serve food baby." "Where is it then?" "Donkeys live on farms." "How will I see it then?" "You'll see it when Mommy or Daddy drives by a farm."
He seemed to accept this at the time.
So we got back to Brandi's house, and a little while later, little Jose carried a huge plush horse into the room and said "Maybe this is a dirty horse!"
I told the kids that if they wanted to, they could imagine it was a dirty donkey. This made them REALLY happy. So they began to play with the horse, and lead to them pretending to kill it.
Then little Jose asks us if Aunt BamBam likes goats. We said yes, as they had a couple...
"Good because I want to kill one and feed it to her!" "Err..I'm sure she'd just LOVE that..."
When Marcos wanted to rock in the recliner, he took the Dirty Donkey with him. Then Mom and he sang a lullabye to it. "Go to sleep, Dirty Donkey, Go to sleep. Don't be a creep dirty Donkey, go to sleep."
This fun continued on the Second of February, and, the Third being my doctor appointment with my neurosurgeon was even more fun.
As we got ready to go, and were packing the expedition up, Marcos informed us that the Dirty Donkey wanted to go with us. So we told him to ask Mommy if it could come. She said yes. So it rode with us.
We also took pictures before I left, of the Dirty Donkey.