Name: Jaquelyn (Jaque pronounced Jack) Weasly
Played by: Spiffai
Age: 11
Year: 1
Sexuality: Bi
Lineage: Half-Blood
Parents: Penelope(Clearwater) Weasly & Percy Weasly
House: Slytherin
Wand: Vinewood, Dragon Heartstring, 10 3/4, Reasonably Springy
Pet: Scops Owl named Molly (after her grandmother)
Best Class: Muggle Studies
Worst Class: Arithmacy
Talents: Very good aim & quick with wand, Inventing (especially enchanted machines), great chaser when it comes to quidditch
Personality: Sarcastic, Truthful, & Negative. Very good friend, but it takes a lot to earn her trust.
Likes: Practical Jokes, Quidditch, her family, the color blue, to invent things, to ride her motorcycle, Muggle-made objects (especially motorcycles), to help people out, and meet new people.
Dislikes: Liars, Thieves, Dark Wizards/Witches(including deatheaters/Voldemort), Rules and curfew.
Quidditch: chaser
Background/Bio: The youngest daughter of Penelope Clearwater and Percy Weasly out of four. She loves to ride her enchanted motorcycle which her grandfather had helped her make.
She spends most of her time tinkering with enchanted objects and inventing new ones. Jaque does very well in her classes (due to a very strict father), and Has 3 brothers (John, Davey, Oliver).
Other: Is an animagus - transforms into an falcon. Patronus is a falcon.
Hides her enchanted motorcycle near Hagrid's hut.