Hello! My number 1 friendly friend of friendly frendzlies
Welcome to my.... my... oh my god what is it!? someone tell me what it is that i'm welcoming!? oH NO I'M RUINED!!! RUINED!
I needed that, thanks camera man.
Welcome, Ladies and Gents, to my refurbished and newly developed journal entry, number 2018905750852790754837 and 1.
It is my formal duty to welcome you to a party that is being hosted right.. What? it isn't being hosted anymore because it's over?
I'm sue'ing those idiot scriptworkers I have on call,
*riiiiing riiiing*
Hey. Guess what. YOUR FIRED! *OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (vincent style)*
On with the show, apparently, the temperature outside is 51 celcius, pretty hot, isn't it, not as hot as this molten hot 2654 degree torture pole device though.
Yes, quite the torture device, as tested by my staff member tony here .. Oh. He's dead. what a shame.. so, my lovely viewers, let's get onto the prize section.
Oh, so, over here we have the beautiful amazing device called a .. spatula?.. Is this device a spin-off of dracula? Oh, it's used for cooking is it? looks pretty crappy, okay bids start at $800.00 apiece, to bid, just head onto this site for a tour of this lovely .. thing.
*wipes mouth*
Sorry, technical problems. anyway, you can whack things with this spatula, you can even use it as a kinky device, it works quite well if your chained up and your low on money for more popular workings, just head on down to your convenience store and pick one up!
UFufufufufufu. I don't think I shall be using this to turn my pancakes any longer.
Goodbye, this concludes another crappy episode of burnyourthighs quiz show/awesomeness show
Hey.. Is this really in the script? Ratings are so going to go.. exploding now!!!
Hey, where'd everyone go? it's the first time it's been put on air, we're meant to celebrate!
Oh, they all quit and apparently we ruined channel 3's new kids'airing and got sued for a hundred billion majillion zillion dollars.
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Comet's Journal
My journal that I will try to fill in occasionally when I feel like putting in memorable things.
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