This is Kaydee Yaleni, aka Sunshine
short version:
She is awesome and stuffs...
loooooong version:
There was once a girl from the land of the baguettes and frogs who was dragged kicking and screaming to a land of whinging and cold and whinging and being horrible at sports and whinging... oh and fish and chips.
When she finally stopped throwing a tantrum and looked around, she realised that it wasn't so bad, and it didn't take long for her to make a handful of very close lifelong friends.
One of those friends, one day, invited her to visit the virtual world of Gaia, a world where she could have fun meeting people from all over the planet, and create whatever persona she wished for herself using an avatar. The girl decided to call herself Kaydee, and went about exploring this new world.
After messing around for 18 months and changing form everyday, she finally used the tool known as Tektek to come up with what was to become her signature avatar, her most recognisable form. While in that form, she began to amass a group of online friends, who followed her as she migrated from place to place within Gaia, spreading laughter (and wreaking a little bit of havoc) along the way.
Kaydee became so fond of these friends that she one day decided to go on a quest to buy them some rather expensive presents for Christmas, and thus she chose a little corner of Gaia, called it her own, and settled down, hosting her own little virtual merry parteh, with well-wishers constantly coming and going.
One particular well-wisher, known back then as Jake Williams X, came in one day, after having visited Kaydee's sister's thread, and for whatever reason, he felt inclined to stick around, and helped out with all of Kaydee's quests, and invited her to join his guild, and promptly promoted her to the rank of Vice Captain, for reasons NO ONE CAN REMEMBER. @_@
...all within like a week.
...which back then was like.. a lot of time.
Jake and Kaydee became really good friends and talked a LOT both on Gaia and on MSN and on Skype and so on and so forth. Kaydee's signature avatar earned her the title of Sunshine.
Then came the darker years when Kaydee found that real life was becoming too busy for her to spend much time in the world of Gaia any more. In her time away, Jake began to turn into a cat and became Evil Kitteh Kitteh. They kept in touch and eventually, after a few years had passed, they both found themselves missing the good times they had once enjoyed on Gaia and agreed to return together.
And here we are.