I just had a thought, while sitting here staring at the puter: I put up the profiles, but why don't I give them interviews to let them talk about themselves, from THEIR point of view? This came to me in a comical lightbulb above my head dramallama so I shall follow through with it. Anything to fill this wretched journal with stuff.
This interview is for all 5 of CBAMC at once. Enjoy!
First off, name and age?
Crescent, 13
What time period do you live in?
All: Modern
Describe your usual attire.
Crescent:Well, I wear black gloves with red bands, and black and red sneakers with gold straps on them. *points to his shoes* Flashy, huh? *grins* Oh, and I sometimes wear these gold airplane goggles on my head, as a cool accessory. Ya gotta look cool while you’re on adventures!
Backlash: I wear a black leather vest and this brown hat *tips it and smiles* and these black leather gloves and boots. That’s all.
Airi: I have this ADORABLE orange dress *curtsies* and I wear black shorts under it. I also have this matching orange headband and I wear white gloves. Oh, do you like my black-and-orange slip-ons, by the way? They are kinda made for ballet…
Malan: Nothing but these white gloves and red-white-and-blue sneakers. And I don’t wear them as a tribute to any country, it’s just a coincidence that they’re red, white, and blue. *rolls eyes in frustration*
Carnage: Don’t you have eyes? You can see what I’m wearing for yourself. *Malan and Backlash glare, Crescent folds his arms and stares at her with a frown, Airi shakes her head with embarassment. Carnage sighs and pouts* This black T with a white skull image on it. Black leather pants. Black and white sneakers. Spiked choker, spiked wristbands, white gloves. That good enough of a description? *mutters ‘god I hate interviews’*
Can you play a musical instrument?
Crescent: Not really, I always manage to break some part of any instrument I play. *sulks a bit*
Backlash: I have played an acoustic guitar before, but I’m not too good at it.
Airi: At home, I have a grand piano, a violin, and a flute. I’m fairly well at playing them. *Crescent laughs and says ‘Don’t lie, you are the best pianist EVER!’* *smiles* Thank you, Crescent.
Malan: Nope. I don’t have the patience to sit there and try to learn one.
Carnage: No.
Do you have any health problems or conditions?
Crescent: Does lifelong bad luck count? Because it might be the death of me one day… *laughs nervously*
Backlash: I guess I have a problem with obesity… *looks down*
Airi: None that I know of, as far as I know, I am healthy! *smiles*
Malan: Nope.
Carnage: I go to anger management classes, although I don’t think that is necessary…
Do you prefer morning or night?
Crescent: I like morning better. That feeling of having a fresh new day to suffer through just ROCKS! *thinks about his statement* Um…I mean, oh, forget it. Morning time is just better.
Backlash: I prefer night, it is quieter at that time.
Airi: Morning, of course. I wake up to the song of my friends(birds), they have beautiful voices!
Malan: Night, the time when I can perform my job(as a hitman) with ease.
Carnage: Night. The stars are…interesting.
How tall are you?
Crescent: I think I’m around 3 feet, 35 inches.
Backlash: I’m 3 feet and 44 inches.
Airi: 3 feet 12 inches…I’m the shortest…
Malan: 3 feet, 41 inches.
Carnage: 3 feet, 40 inches.
What languages can you speak?
All: English, only.
Do you make friends easily?
Crescent: I guess, if people give me the time of day, I can make my way into their hearts. *nods*
Backlash: Nope. I look too intimidating… *frowns and turns away*
Airi:Yes! I have many friends, they call me Ms. Social.
Malan: No, I’d rather not have friends…
Carnage: No.
What are some of your personality flaws?
Crescent: Well, everyone is always telling me to shut up, saying I talk too much…maybe I’m too outgoing?
Backlash: I don’t know, but- *Malan cuts him off, saying “He gets jealous easily, so he might just beat his fiance up.”* Malan! You take that back! *growls*
Airi: My parents call me naïve and too passive. I don’t think so…am I? *looks to the rest of gang, who all nod*
Malan: I- *Backlash interrupts, saying “He’s rude, stubborn, and bipolar!”* …Backlash? Wanna get hurt? *glares, then looks away and mumbles threats*
Carnage: They say I have a bad temper… *watches Malan and Backlash’s hostilities with interest*
What is something you are good at?
Crescent: I’m a great fortuneteller. My tarot cards are uber-accurate! *pulls out his deck and grins*
Backlash: Messing around with machines is my specialty. *smiles, but aims a quick glare at Malan when he isn’t looking*
Airi: I can sing, dance, and play instruments well. I’m also good when it comes to persuasion. *winks*
Malan: I’m good when it comes to hiding my feelings.
Carnage: I have good experience in fighting. *smirks*
Do you voice your thoughts and opinions or keep to themselves?
Crescent:I say what’s on my mind, and I like to keep the conversations long and sweet!
Backlash: I’d rather keep to myself…I usually just blend into the background.
Airi: I guess I’m in-between…I’ll stay quiet in certain situations, but then again, I do tend to have lots to say….
Malan: I’m more of the quieter type.
Carnage: I tell it like it see it, and that’s that.
Are you messy or neat?
Crescent: *visualizes how his room looks, with piles of knick-knacks everywhere* Umm…nah, I’m not gonna lie. My room is a junkyard!
Backlash: I manage to keep things tidy at my place, the girls(his sis and fiance) are always nagging me about every little dust bunny they see.
Airi: Neat, my parents don’t have to tell me a thing. If you don’t clean up, those icky insects will take over! *cringes at the thought*
Malan: Yes, I am neat. I have to be organized if I want to stay up to date with all of my job ‘transactions’. *Crescent: You sure sound like a mob person!* What do you expect? I’m a hitman.
Carnage: I live in Dust Hill, everything is messy there. *mutters “even me…”*
What is one activity you enjoy doing?
Crescent: Stalking humans, *laughs* I like watching how they live their lives. The planes they make are AWESOME!
Backlash: Building things. As of yet, I haven’t been able to make anything huge, like that Dr. Eggman or the child prodigy Tails, but I’m getting there.
Airi: I love singing! *begins to sing a song to show an example, but Malan covers her mouth*
Malan: Thank me later for stopping the torture. Now, I like to face obstacles, to get into some action! *grins, recieves a cold stare by Airi*
Carnage: Fighting.
How do you feel about loud noises?
Crescent: I live in the city, so I guess I’m used to it.
Backlash: It annoys me.
Airi: Just another thing to put up with, I mean, it’s just noise…
Malan: Makes me want to destroy something, preferably the source of the noise.
Carnage: I don’t really care about noises.
Describe your ideal community.
Crescent: I prefer the city life, where I’m around people-no matter if they don’t like me. *uneasy laugh*
Backlash: Quiet, solitary places are best for me.
Airi: I like places where I can connect with nature. I can’t get enough of flower scents! *giggles*
Malan: Areas where people have difficulty reaching, so that I’ll be alone and away from civilization. *Crescent coughs ‘angstball’ and recieves the bird from Malan*
Carnage: My ideal community…crime-filled areas, that way it won’t be unusual for me to hurt someone.
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C.B.A.M.C consists of 5 members: Crescent the Hedgehog, Backlash the Squirrel, Airi the Canary, Malan the Porcupine, and Carnage the Coyote. The group name is made up of each of the member's first initials. They are just people that hang out, and though each member has their own views on what they should do to 'hang' (i.e. stir up trouble, fight crime, GARDEN O_o), they always manage to find themselves in a predicament where they must work together.

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