***Hazel eyes***
People with hazel eyes are GORGEOUS. They have the most unusual relationships. They're awesome at diversity and trying new things and very rarely will say no to ANY challenge. They are also the best in bed. You are easily bored and mentally agile.
wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance
Your drinking song is: Family Tradition by Hank Williams Jr.
What one word best descibes you?
This is the word that best describes you! The dictionary meaning of the adjective phlegmatic' is unemotional, stoic and calm. As a phlegmatic person you are reliable, reasonable, contented and observant. You possibly get stuck in ruts because of your dependence on routine and lack of enthusiasm. Although often seen as shy and reserved; you have many friends because you are dependable, rational and kind.

∷ 31 years old∷ Bisexual ∷
emotion_ghost emotion_kiss emotion_skull