First of all, I guess love is kind of whatever you want it to be.
But there are a few things love is not. Love is not subjective.
It doesn't change or falter because of stupid insignificant reasons.
Falling out of love with someone is harder then most make it seem.
Love is an obsession. I'm young and I'm learning and
I'm not even close to being all knowing about anything,
especially love. But when someone claims to love me,
I take it seriously. And when that love turns out to be some ******** up
twisted version of something that might be called love, everyone is to blame.
Me for believing such a freakish lie.
And that someone, for doing everything in their power to coerce that belief in me.
To me being IN LOVE means knowing you'd willingly take a bullet and not regret it,
even as you lay bleeding, dying.
To me being IN LOVE means no matter what the circumstances, never, ever giving up on them.
To me it's like never needing or wanting because you have everything you need and want.
Love is thrown around like an old football nowadays.
Somehow over the years "love" lost it's meaning.
I think that's why 50% of Americans are divorced.
And RARELY do you see teenage relationships that work out in the end.
I believe it's the reason so many people are tricked into to believing such a lie.
Where is love on the scale of reality? Why the ******** does it matter so gah damn much?
Why do people put themselves through the misery? I'm not saying it's wrong to say "I love you." To your friends or to absolute strangers.
But to sit there and tell someone you're in love with them, when you're not? That's cruelty.
That random stranger hasn't given you a reason to not love them, why the hell not? You're friends mean the world to you, why the hell not? I love you.
I'm not sure that or any of this makes sense. DO NOT EVER LIE TO ME AGAIN. You'll regret every ******** word of it.
Especially "love".
-Jeanea is... sick of all the ******** lies.
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