Aki-chan's Kick a** Gaian Journal |
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- A k i -
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Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 @ 08:06pm
Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 @ 05:49pm
- A k i -
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- A k i -
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Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 07:03am
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 01:45am
Appropriate Title. Well, there isn't one.
Ah. I finally update this. I'm normally used to Live Journal, but this entry pertains to my lovely Gaia friends.
Anyway. I guess life is tough sometimes. I came up with a new motto for this school year. Something I have been trying to live by and it seems to be working. "Live everyday to the best of your ability. To make it fun and to help reach you goals. Do what you want to do and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise (unless it's a really stupid idea like trying to kill the president or something, then listen to your friends)." A long motto, I know. Taken from bits and pieces of what other people have said over many years. But I guess they were right. School has started and I've never been happier. This year I'm paying attention in class and getting good grades, I'm more focused and time flys by fatser. My boyfriend and I are getting along fine and dandy. We have our rough times where I over react a little, but we work it out. It all comes with the territory of being in a relationship.
I think judging people is a bad move. Get to know them before you go off and accuse them of being an a** hole or a stuck up snob. Some people can really suprise you. I learned that again this year and it helps alot when it comes to making new friends. I'm not in a clique. Not all of my friends like anime. Some of them don't know what anime is, or some of them think it's stupid. But who cares. It's what you like and what you think. Not the decision of your "clique".
Lately I've been having some problems with a few friends of mine. Some of them are going through rough times right now. And I understand that they don't want to talk about it. They can work it out on their own. Some of my friends tell me all of their problems and act like their problem is the biggest problem ever. Then they tell me about it and I think it's basically a load of crap. But. I listen. I give a suggestion, and it's up to them whether to take my advice.
So, I guess this really isn't an entry where I'm talking to you about my life and all the small details. I guess I'm just trying to give you a little insight into the depths of my heart and mind. Get to know the real cuddly and loveable Aki-chan. What she thinks and how she feels.
If you want detailed updates about my life and what not. Ask. I don't mind. But I guess this entry is just to show myself, and my friends, how much I've matured over the past two years I've been on Gaia. I guess this shows all of you how much not only my friends at school, but my friends here... my true friends here... have changed my life.
There is no such things as a "In Real Life" unless you're roleplaying. Right now. We're in real life. The relationships you have online. Those are real life relationships. You have real life friends on Gaia. Not just online friends. You're friends at school talk to you online too sometimes too, don't they? So this is for anyone who thinks the way I do, or who feels like everyone is leaving them. You have friends here. They may not live close. But they're real. They live, breathe, think. They can come visit you. They're not Original Characters. But they are Original.
So just think like I do for a moment. And realize how wonderful everything truely is. Just think.
I bid you farewell.
- A k i -
Community Member
- A k i -
Community Member
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 @ 04:00am
Egh. Time to update this thinga-ma-bob.
Well, right now I feel... bleh. The only person I consider close to me now is David, and I even sometimes get paranoid about that (which I shouldn't cause he loves me very much) but eh, the thought passes through my mind every now and then.
We've decided not to go to his Junior prom, I'm just going to sleep over at his house instead. And uh... what else... eh. Iono. Spring break is comming up soon and all that I have planned is just going to see David... I want to DO something. I'm bored of East Greenbush and the shitload of nothing that it has to offer. I want to go somewhere new. I want to do something I haven't done in a while, or that I haven't done before. I want to do something exciting. *sighs* I need money, I need a car, I need to be 16. ... Sadly, wishing gets you no where in life, and I can't change things like my age.
Online, the only people I really talk to anymore are Leiko, Kaze, and Mali. x.x Where the hell have all my other friends gone?
Ni- I know, I bug ya sometimes alot, but I care about you so much. And I apologize, I just wish we could talk like when we first met, about the whewas, and whatnot. xP But then again, you were a gay man, not a bi girl, so... nyeh. Iono. I just wish we could talk like before.
Kdin- Nyeh. 'Ello. I know. You dislike meh still but theres nothing I can do. I've done all I can to be friends with you again, and it's been 4 months. If you haven't decided to be my friend again by now, Iono... I guess I won't bother anymore. Love ya lots <3 (You'll get your lineart as soon as I get my USB prot fixed, which should be soon)
Waffles- OMG! You're pancake assasin is like... so totally bored. Gimme an assignment, I want to smite a pancake. I want to talk to meh waffles <3
B.P.H- Aki misses j00000000!!! <3
Kyra- ._. Aki misses talking to her sempai. *glomp*<3
BunnyBaby- xP Where do you keep running off to? gonk
Soap- You and I need to work out some kind of an art trade. I'm getting my laptop fixed soon and I'll be able to get my scanner and tablet working again. heart
Kitten, Wishes, & Starreh- Argh, we haven't talked in like, forever. ._. I miss you guys. You all roxorz my soxorz. <3
Ehhhhhh... Well, anyway. I hope everyone is doing well. No one reads my journal anyway xP Cest' la vie (I spelled that wrong...)
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 @ 10:43am
- A k i -
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- A k i -
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Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 @ 04:35am
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 @ 08:32pm
- A k i -
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- A k i -
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Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 @ 05:27am