Home sweet home.

Behind every great scientist ,there is a great team an behind every team there is an awesome old castle mansion in which they live in!
I inherited it from my great great great Grandfather Osiris Iver.
Don't know much about him except that he liked big creepy castles, an was collector of various strange artifacts , weaponry an oh hes berried in the backyard....
Well I can go on an on about all the strange musty statues an the paintings of Iver's past that seem to be looking at you while you're in the room.
Ill just cut to the chase an talk about little area of the castle.
My rooms are quite large . I have a large study room filled with huge dark wood book shelves ,stuffed with books about almost every thing . I do enjoy my reading . There is nifty little knickknacks that I have picked up from all my travels placed all around the room. Oh an I have one of those giant globes you can't have a study without one of those globes. Pictures of me an all the people I have met ,class photo's an such are hung on the wall along with my diploma's an awards I collected while I was in school. There is a large window behind my desk which has a lovely view of Winter's garden. The man has quite the green thumb ,I often see one of Fantasma's pets in there.
Ah last but not least a nice big ole fire place.Castle's can get quite drafty y'know.
The lab after going threw a few secret passage ways an tons of security checks an passwords lots an lots of passwords. You will enter our lab,which only my assistant's an I have access to of course. Can't really tell you that much about the lab y'know . Lets just say its full of shiny tech gadgets lots an lots of pretty buttons.
Also my Giant computer which holds all of our research an projects an such an it also know's how to make one heck of a cup of coffee!
We do are research in here an conduct are experiments in here .
That is all nothing else to see here . Don't want to set of the lazier gun defense system now do you?
Well that about sums up my little chunk of this old place. Now to let my assistant's tell you about there part of the castle