Birthplace: Fort Dix, New Jersey
Birthdate: 09/23/1994
Gender: Female
Blood Type: A+
Age: 15
Race: Human (American)
Horoscope: Libra
Biography: Taryn is an only child, and her dad's American and in the Army and her mom's British. She likes a lot of things, including travelling, baseball, and animals; she dislikes bees, spiders, wearing skirts, and listening to authority. Because her father's in the military, Taryn and her parents move around from place to place occasionally.
Last seen: Wreaking havoc everywhere while visiting relatives in Europe blaugh
Dead or Alive? Alive
Level of Authority: High school student
IQ: Average
Weight: 125 lbs.
Other Info: In addition to having two dogs, Taryn also has a ferret named Jeter, and her favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees. And, although Taryn is a nice person, when she gets out!And here's a picture of what Taryn looks like:
