ok what's up girl scouts hope you liked my old story (was kinda lame) so here's a new one.i saw this on South Park.one of the guys said"what's up with all these election people.yeah!i'd protest but i dont want to get shot.wow dude im sorry you feel that way.yeah well some times these elections get really really emotional.(crying) its ok man be strong.
rofl crying crying exclaim mrgreen scream gonk sweatdrop crying so who you voting for.well i dont know? i might vote for that big fat chinn guy whats his name again?um............ like idk man idk.(show picture of old smeelly fat chinn guy).or balcky chan man
ninja ninja .
well i guess i'll vote for who ever sings better. y? becuase amiercan idol's coming up and i have to remind my self to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the END!!!!!!!