Your a child lost in a forest screaming for help "SOMEONE PLEASE, HELP ME!" While your screaming a stranger walks up "Are you lost little boy?" Yes I am please help me *crying* Please "Ok young one follow me" Unknowing of the horrors awaiting your following this man. he takes you to a house outside a lake. Its stained in red and smells of rotting flesh. "Why does it smell bad?" Its just the water.
He says to keep you unknowing. You start getting scared seeing jars and jars of eyes and ears. Livers and hearts. "Wh...what is this place?" You ask scared and shakeing "Its where your going to be from now on!" He grabs you and throws you down into the basement. "NO HELP ME! SOMEONE NO STOP!" Struggleing kicking screaming fighting against him with all your might. But its no use. He throws you down
the stairs knocking you out for hours. when you awake you strapped to a wall CHained. Your arm starts to burn and you look at your new wounds, You have a needle drawing your blood slowly and your left hand is cut open showing you bones inside. "Ah your finally awake" He bellows a misserable laugh. "Time to have fun little one" He says as he reachs down to grab a knife that looks jagged and rough
He slams it into your stomach "AHHHH" You scream from the pain horrible "Stop PLEASE I BEG STOP!" As if your cries where nothing he laughs twisting the knife lisening to your screams get louder.
"Scream all you want kid! mommy will never find you andno one will ever hear you!" Crying as he removed the knife from your stomach begging for the pain to stop. He begins to take a wire and run it through your stomach pulling at the sides as if hes sewing the hole. "Wha-what are you doing to me!?" Oh, What am I doing? im just fixing this hole. Haha. Were going to have fun. Aren't we? Lots of fun.
'"Please PLEASE NO PLEASE! I BEG NOO...!"' Cut short on your words as he shoves a dagger half way into your side and slowly drags it up. Chokeing on your own blood you manage a scream no human has ever heard "'Aaaaaagh'" He seems so innocent in his work as he whispers like its nothing '"Don't worry, We will have so much fun, Your screams will be my ectacy and your blood my food, Your flesh my love. Your just another life to waste away in my basement, Would you like to meet the rest?' He picks you up and half drags you to a closet, opening it to see 10 or 11 corpses some of children no bigger than infants. pointing to one and smileing he laughs 'That, that was my wife. and that, -points down to one of the smaller ones- That was my son' Gagging on blood and shock you fall limp at his side. 'You'll eventually be one of them. Another worseless bag of bones.' You manage a smile and spit 'I'll never be like that, your the only worthless one around here. I hope you DIE' He laughs and kcis you twice in the ribs ' DON'T DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT. YOUR THE ONE IN THE BAD POSITION. NO ROOM TO TALK' Coughing and wheezeing you passout. Only to awaken in the same place. You hear someone elses cries. 'Who...*cough* Whos there?' You see a girl no older than 5 next to you crying. 'Go, Run kid just run please.' You hear his laughing as he comes downstairs. 'What're you doing here ya lil s**t?' He points a gun at the child 'Don't you hurt her' Says a woman as she grabs her child 'We've had enough trouble with you're bodies but as I promise I said nothin. You leave my daught alone' He smirked 'Just beware woman,When that kid is old enough to leave you're mine.'
'Your not to ******** touch me or my child' She screamed 'That was the deal!, I kept quiet and you left us alone!' You look up using all your strength to do so you see the little girl hiding behind her mother and a smileing criminal, 'Get out of my house yer nuthin more than some rich b***h, just go before i change my mind and do kill the both of yuh' You manage to whisper 'Help me....please....' Before they leave and you hear distant sobs from mother and child as they leave you bleeding to death in that cellar. 'Yew actually think anyone gunna come look for you?' He laugh. 'Don't no one care about you kid, Give it up, Your just gonna die down here like everyone else' Your tears pick up 'Your such an a*****e *cough*' He laughs harder 'Thank you kid, Aint heard nuthin that good in awhile' He walks over to your side and picks up a piece of glass he found, He jabs it into your side and pulls upwards. You scream 'God damn iiit' The blood gushes more and more down your sides, you feel its warmth as it spills in a steady flow. 'Haha see what you get? I told you. your gonna die kid'
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