Well it's been a while since I wrote a journal.. This is kind of crazy, because your writing in a entry that anyone can read. It is as if you are allowing them into your personal life, into the deepest and mot vulnerable parts of you. Being able to write about things that you wouldn't want your friends, or boyfriend/girlfriend or your family knowing about you. I'm able to tell strangers things I wouldn't want any of them knowing. Hoping that what i reveal on here, will not be judged nor be brought about as something that can be used against me. Well let's begin, I'm trying really hard not to be afraid of the future, moving on and going away to college. Having to go out into this big world and find a job in my major, trying to travel but not be in worse debt after college.... These are things u worry about in my everyday life, I'm not rich.... But I'm not poor, I'm more of in the middle. Jut a young girl trying too make it in this world, like everyone else I am working and going to school. But in today's day an age working and doing something you love isn't that easy, you have to work to have money, but you need to go to college to get a good education, to get a better paying job. Just so you can pay of your loans from school. We go through some much!! It's a repeating circle and everything involves money money money. I sometimes wish we could go back to the days when money wasn't the most important thing, and where ever you look people are trying different ways to make money. Also to a time when it didn't matter what electronics you own. Which model of phone you have, how many Instagram followers you have, and you didn't feel like you have to constantly check your social media. But now a days that's all that really matters. alright well I'm done ranting for today, so I hope whoever reads this has a great a fantastic day!
![]() lohoe1 Community Member ![]() |