Well, shadowing kind of...................sucked, really.
I got some preppy popular girl (I think her name was Ann, though I thought it was Caitlyn for half the stay for some reason) who didn't really pay any attention to me. I think I unnerved her with the staring and not talking.......
I can't believe how big the high school is. eek Humongus. Enormous. Wow. At least Ann was good for one thing: she knew her way about the school. If I had to go in their all alone........ *shudders* I probably would have had a break down right in the middle of the hallway. There was sooooooo much people. All of them freaked my crowdophobia out. I was really spastic.
So classes. First was homeroom, where someone yesterday had stuck on a sticker on the desk I was sitting at. It said ******** or something. I didn't bother looking. It would have been a waste fo my time. Kinda zoned out then......
Spanish. Some dude yelling at me, trying to harass me. I ignore, and take someone's seat so I can be near Ann. The girl had pink/blonde hair, and kinda scowled at me. Her new chair had 'poop' writted on the back with black marker. Really original, people. So I read all through that, though someway half through it the spanish teacher brought out some game thing. Matching? I suppose. It had Wednesday in there......... So she asked the dude earlier what icecream was in spanish, and he's all, 'El icecreamo.' Normally I would have ignored him, but the way he said it all cocky and confident. It was hilarious. So I allowed myself a smile.
After that was World Cultures or something 9th graders have to take. The desks were funny. All desk with the chair connected. It feels weird........... The teacher was kind of young, had a nose ring, and drank from some weird chrome colored container. Some kid kicked my chair and I tried to ignore. Just more harassment for the shadow. But I looked anyway. And there was Tim. His person kind of looked like a part-time stoner..... So we did a little chit-chat when we could. Which was when the teacher was talking too loud for anyone to hear. Mostly about how big the school was and stuff. At least I wasn't there alone. But I read more of my book. Then after that was English, where we headed off to the library for. Only one kid sat down at my circle table, so that was okay. Everyone was looking for some project.
Then lunch. Ann asked me if I wanted to sit with her, but I declined. Like I wanted so much attention and either questions or being ignored completely. So I just sort of wandered with my backpack and laptop (which I had to carry around all day). Then I found Courtney and her person. She showed us the lunch line, which was like totally hidden. How was I supposed to find that? So I got some hamburger and milk. Then Courtney had to leave because this actually wasn't her person's lunch period. So I wander slowly through the cafeteria and find an empty table. Kind of pitiful, but I could read my book after I ate and not look as pathetic. Then Robbie was suddenly there behind me. He started talking about how I was probably mad he was sitting with me and everything but I stop him and say, "It's really okay. I don't want to be alone. Where's Tim?" I need some katsup....
I find Tim higher up with a table including Evan Bellevue in there. "Robbie, go fetch." It's not like Tim would be having fun. We're both on the same bus as Evan, we know how he is. So he eventually goes and gets him and Tim says, "As I was leaving, someone said 'that b*****d. ditching us'." So a good laugh. I suggested he flip them off, but he declined. So then Erin shows up and sits down. Malcolm and Grace are with some cool people a level up from us. Sarah, Tommy, and Ryan across on the bottom level with Ben Grotten and Evilyn or whatever among them. So then I want someone to go get me some katsup, but I end up going with Tim because I wasn't going to do it alone. All those creepy people.............. *can't stop the shuddering*
After lunch was over, the three of them leave to get on the bus outside, but I wait for Ann. Only she left. Didn't even wait for me, eh? I see how it is. So I get on the bus, supposedly the last one, but then I noticed Courtney wasn't on. The busdriver lady said she wasn't going to wait much longer (only one minute has passed) so Grace and Erin go back in the school. Two more minutes. Come back in, saying that the councilors told them to leave her and someone would drive her over to MTA. So of course the busdriver leaves.......
Courtney later tells us after Mr. Baker came to pick her up that she saw the bus leaving and like, ran. But they only made the shadowing leaving announcement in the cafeteria and not anywhere else in the school. So yeah.
Woo-hoo. My horrible, cramped day at the high school. I sincerely hope that I don't suffer from any mental breakdowns there the first month. But so many people there really freaked me out. And almost all of them had an expression of I'm-gonna-bite-your-head-off-if-you-make-eye-contact-for-more-than-three-seconds. That's my expression, and I only use it when I want to ward people off. But it was like all of them were radiating bad vibes. Please, please no breakdowns...................
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