+This is my first ever attempt at CGing^_^ I've also submitted this same work in the art arena, please do vote for me whenever you have the chance 3nodding
Personally...I don't think it turned out that bad for a first attempt..but I definitely need to work on the hair. See, the problem was that I didn't have a good inking pen at hand. So, instead of being able to neatly ink the piece....I had to color it on Paint Shop... sweatdrop So the hair didn't turn out as neat as it good have..plus I wasn't able to add in the highlights sad
Well enough of me complaining lol I hope you enjoy this piece of work, any constructive comments are welcome^_^
Disclaimer: The above work is created and owned by the Gaia user, iRaiin, and iRaiin alone. The character and work is completely original, excluding the brushes that have been used(credit for brushes goes to Swim Chick Net). Copying, redistributing, stealing, etc. my work in any way or form, is illegal. This piece has been posted for viewing purposes only.

+A little chibi CG version of me whee

+My second CG of a gaia avi^_^ Well actually...it wasn't anyone's avi in particular. I just drew what came to mind sweatdrop
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